diff --git a/packages/liveview/examples/axum.rs b/packages/liveview/examples/axum.rs
index 2e7f10ee70..6584d5e9b7 100644
--- a/packages/liveview/examples/axum.rs
+++ b/packages/liveview/examples/axum.rs
@@ -19,32 +19,43 @@ async fn main() {
let addr: std::net::SocketAddr = ([127, 0, 0, 1], 3030).into();
let view = dioxus_liveview::LiveViewPool::new();
+ let index_page_with_glue = |glue: &str| {
+ Html(format!(
+ r#"
Dioxus LiveView with axum
+ {glue}
+ "#,
+ ))
+ };
- let app = Router::new()
- .route(
- "/",
- get(move || async move {
- Html(format!(
- r#"
- Dioxus LiveView with axum
- {glue}
- "#,
- glue = dioxus_liveview::interpreter_glue(&format!("ws://{addr}/ws"))
- ))
- }),
- )
- .route(
- "/ws",
- get(move |ws: WebSocketUpgrade| async move {
- ws.on_upgrade(move |socket| async move {
- _ = view.launch(dioxus_liveview::axum_socket(socket), app).await;
- })
- }),
- );
+ let app =
+ Router::new()
+ .route(
+ "/",
+ get(move || async move {
+ index_page_with_glue(&dioxus_liveview::interpreter_glue(&format!(
+ "ws://{addr}/ws"
+ )))
+ }),
+ )
+ .route(
+ "/as-path",
+ get(move || async move {
+ index_page_with_glue(&dioxus_liveview::interpreter_glue("/ws"))
+ }),
+ )
+ .route(
+ "/ws",
+ get(move |ws: WebSocketUpgrade| async move {
+ ws.on_upgrade(move |socket| async move {
+ _ = view.launch(dioxus_liveview::axum_socket(socket), app).await;
+ })
+ }),
+ );
println!("Listening on http://{addr}");
diff --git a/packages/liveview/src/lib.rs b/packages/liveview/src/lib.rs
index 92cce63e64..a7370e91cc 100644
--- a/packages/liveview/src/lib.rs
+++ b/packages/liveview/src/lib.rs
@@ -93,14 +93,49 @@ static MAIN_JS: &str = include_str!("./main.js");
/// This script that gets injected into your app connects this page to the websocket endpoint
/// Once the endpoint is connected, it will send the initial state of the app, and then start
-/// processing user events and returning edits to the liveview instance
-pub fn interpreter_glue(url: &str) -> String {
+/// processing user events and returning edits to the liveview instance.
+/// You can pass a relative path prefixed with "/", or enter a full URL including the protocol
+/// (`ws:` or `wss:`) as an argument.
+/// If you enter a relative path, the web client automatically prefixes the host address in
+/// `window.location` when creating a web socket to LiveView.
+/// ```
+/// // Creates websocket connection to same host as current page
+/// interpreter_glue("/api/liveview");
+/// // Creates websocket connection to specified url
+/// interpreter_glue("ws://localhost:8080/api/liveview");
+/// ```
+pub fn interpreter_glue(url_or_path: &str) -> String {
+ // If the url starts with a `/`, generate glue which reuses current host
+ let get_ws_url = if url_or_path.starts_with('/') {
+ r#"
+ let loc = window.location;
+ let new_url = "";
+ if (loc.protocol === "https:") {{
+ new_url = "wss:";
+ }} else {{
+ new_url = "ws:";
+ }}
+ new_url += "//" + loc.host + path;
+ return new_url;
+ "#
+ } else {
+ "return path;"
+ };
let js = &*INTERPRETER_JS;
let common = &*COMMON_JS;