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EIDA Federator webservice

Asynchronous implementation of a federating gateway webservice as part of EIDA NG. Federation is performed for

  • eidaws-wfcatalog
  • fdsnws-availability
  • fdsnws-dataselect
  • fdsnws-station

webservices across all EIDA datacenters (DCs). This means a client can request data from an eidaws-federator resource without having to know where the data is actually hosted. In order to discover the information location the eidaws-stationlite webservice is used.

The implementation is based on Python's aiohttp framework.


  • Requests are resolved to stream level
  • Streamed responses
  • Budget for endpoint requests i.e. endpoints are temporarily excluded from federation in case of erroneous behaviour
  • Optional frontend cache powered by Redis
  • HTTP connection pooling to increase both performance and to limit the number of concurrent endpoint requests configurable on federated resource granularity
  • Support for both HTTP POST and GET endpoint request method
  • Full support for virtual networks
  • fdsnws-availability and fdsnws-station requests run entirely in-memory
  • fdsnws-dataselect and eidaws-wfcatalog request are buffered in-memory for small chunks of data; larger chunks of data are dynamically moved to disk
  • fdsnws-dataselect and eidaws-wfcatalog response data is returned merged and fully aligned when splitting large requests
  • Independent configuration of federated resources



For a containerized deployment please refer to the eidaws-federator-deployment repository.



Make sure the following software is installed:

Regarding the version to be used visit

To install the required development packages of these dependencies on Linux systems, use your distribution specific installation tool, e.g. apt-get on Debian/Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt-dev python3-dev


Clone the repository:

git clone && cd eidaws


In order to install eidaws.federator services, invoke

pip install eidaws.utils
pip install eidaws.federator

Note, that encapsulating the installation by means of a virtual environment is strongly recommended.


Federated resources are implemented as standalone applications with respect to the resources' pathes. Thus, implementations of the following services are provided:

  • eidaws-wfcatalog-json (/fedws/wfcatalog/json/1)
  • fdsnws-availability-geocsv (/fedws/availability/geocsv/1)
  • fdsnws-availability-json (/fedws/availability/json/1)
  • fdsnws-availability-request (/fedws/availability/request/1)
  • fdsnws-availability-text (/fedws/availability/text/1)
  • fdsnws-dataselect-miniseed (/fedws/dataselect/miniseed/1)
  • fdsnws-station-xml (/fedws/station/xml/1)
  • fdsnws-station-text (/fedws/station/text/1)


In favor of a simplified versioning scheme, both resource pathes and allowed values for the format query filter parameter are application specific and not compliant with FDSN webservice standards. In order to provide a fully FDSN webservice conform API consider the deployment behind a reverse proxy.

After installing the eidaws.federator distribution the corresponding standalone applications are available:

  • eida-federator-wfcatalog-json
  • eida-federator-availability-geocsv
  • eida-federator-availability-json
  • eida-federator-availability-request
  • eida-federator-availability-text
  • eida-federator-dataselect-miniseed
  • eida-federator-station-xml
  • eida-federator-station-text

Running one of those application is as simple as e.g.

eida-federator-wfcatalog-json --serve-static

Now the service should be up and running at localhost:8080. Let's perform an exemplary request. E.g. in a second terminal window invoke

$ curl -v -o - "http://localhost:8080/fedws/wfcatalog/json/1/version"
*   Trying ::1:8080...
* Connected to localhost (::1) port 8080 (#0)
> GET /fedws/wfcatalog/json/1/version HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:8080
> User-Agent: curl/7.74.0
> Accept: */*
* Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-Type: plain/text; charset=utf-8
< Last-Modified: Wed, 01 Jul 2020 15:40:53 GMT
< Content-Length: 5
< Accept-Ranges: bytes
< Date: Thu, 08 Apr 2021 13:32:19 GMT
< Server: Python/3.8 aiohttp/3.7.4.post0
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact

Also, check out the Configuration section if you'd like to run the service on a different hostname:port destination.

Additional information and help is provided when invoking the application with the -h|--help flag. E.g.

eida-federator-wfcatalog-json -h

Note, that for production it has several advantages running the services behind a reverse proxy server such as e.g. NGINX. In particular, if providing a fully compliant FDSN webservice API is desired.


Federated resource service applications can be configured by means of a YAML configuration file. Exemplary fully documented configuration files are provided under eidaws.federator/config/eidaws_federator_*_config.yml.example. In order to change the default configuration make a copy of the corresponding example configuration with e.g.

cp -v \
  eidaws.federator/config/eidaws_federator_wfcatalog_json_config.yml.example \

and adopt the file according to your needs. Then invoke the corresponding service application with the -c|--config flag e.g.

eida-federator-wfcatalog-json \
  -c eidaws.federator/config/eidaws_federator_wfcatalog_json_config.yml


The eidaws.federator distribution uses standard logging for tracking the application activity.

Depending on the federated resource service the following loggers enumerated by name are provided:

  • eidaws.federator.eidaws.wfcatalog.json
  • eidaws.federator.fdsnws.availability.geocsv
  • eidaws.federator.fdsnws.availability.json
  • eidaws.federator.fdsnws.availability.request
  • eidaws.federator.fdsnws.availability.text
  • eidaws.federator.fdsnws.dataselect.miniseed
  • eidaws.federator.fdsnws.station.text
  • eidaws.federator.fdsnws.station.xml

When configuring logging by means of a logging configuration file (see also the Configuration section), you may subscribe to one of these loggers for getting log messages.


Keep caches hot - eida-crawl-fdsnws-station

eida-crawl-fdsnws-station is a crawler based on eidaws-stationlite which systematically crawls fdsnws-station metadata. It's main purpose is keeping caches hot 🔥 such that federated fdsnws-station metadata requests can be served efficiently from caches. It's full power comes into play when eida-federator-station-text|xml services are deployed together with a HTTP reverse caching proxy (see also e.g. eidaws-federator-deployment).

Usage and Configuration:

Additional information and help is provided when invoking eida-crawl-fdsnws-station with the -h|--help flag:

eida-crawl-fdsnws-station -h

Besides of specifying configuration options at the application's CLI, the application also may be configuration by means of a configuration file. An exemplary fully documented configuration file is provided under eidaws.federator/config/eidaws_crawl_station_config.yml.example.


Make sure that an Redis server instance is up and running at redis://localhost:6379. If using a container engine such as Docker something like e.g.

docker run -d --name redis-test-server -p 6379:6379 --rm redis

should do it.

Also, make sure that you're executing the following commands from the repository's root directory.

Required test dependencies can be installed with

(cd eidaws.federator && pip install -r requirements/test.txt)

In order to run the tests, invoke

pytest eidaws.utils eidaws.federator


  • AAI of both fdsnws-dataselect and fdsnws-availability resources is not implemented yet
  • If caches are cold fdsnws-station-xml&level=channel|response metadata requests including only a single datacenter might be quite imperformant compared to a direct request to the corresponding datacenter. However, this limitation can be circumented if metadata is served from caches. For further information on how to keep caches hot, please refer to eida-crawl-fdsnws-station.
  • In certain cases, HTTP response codes might be misleading due to limitations of the FDSN webservice specification not fully prepared to operate in a distributed environment.