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ELENA in a nutshell

Aleksey Rakov edited this page Sep 28, 2020 · 32 revisions

ELENA is a general-purpose language with late binding. It is multi-paradigm, combining features of functional and object-oriented programming. It supports both strong and weak types, run-time conversions, boxing and unboxing primitive types, direct usage of external libraries. Rich set of tools are provided to deal with message dispatching : multi-methods, message qualifying, generic message handlers. Multiple-inheritance can be simulated using mixins and type interfaces. Built-in script engine allows to incorporate custom defined scripts into your applications. Both stand-alone applications and Virtual machine clients are supported.

Here we will learn ELENA in details. Let's start!

Simple program

To create a simple program in ELENA we have to create a source file (with an extension .l) and write the following code:

public program()
    console.writeLine("Here my first program in ELENA!")

We may compile it without creating a project file (where elc is a command-line compiler):

elc program1.l

The output is:

ELENA Command-line compiler 5.2.404 (C)2005-2020 by Alex Rakov

Project : program1, Platform: STA Win32 Console
Cleaning up...
Parsing unnamed
Compiling unnamed

Successfully compiled

Successfully linked

It will create program1.exe file which we can execute:


with the following result:

Here my first program in ELENA!

Beside the executable file a module was created. Let's look what inside. We could use Bycode Viewer:


The output will be:

ELENA command line ByteCode Viewer 5.2.81 (C)2011-2020 by Alexei Rakov module loaded


Now let's look at the generated classes:

class program


As you can see the program entry was compiled as a class. Let's look inside:

@parent system'Object
@flag elSealed
@flag elStateless
@flag elRole
@method @function program.#invoke


Our function was compiled as a singleton with a single anonymous method #invoke. Let's dive more deep:

@method program.#invoke
    open       1h
    pushr      0
    pushr      0
    callr      system'console
    storesi    0
    movr       const : "Here my first program in ELENA!"
    storesi    1
    peeksi     0
    movm       mssgconst : "writeLine<system'String>[2]"
    callrm     system'$private'Console mssgconst : "writeLine<system'String>[2]"
    peekfi     1


What do we see? ELENA byte-codes are quite simple. Let's review some of them

opcode Description
pusha puts the object accumulator on the top of the function stack
pushr r puts a constant on the top of the function stack
callr r invokes a symbol
storesi i saves an object accumulator in the function stack at specified relative position
movr r assigns a constant to the object accumulator
peeksi i loads an object from the function stack at specified relative position to the object accumulator
movm m assigns a message constant to the data accumulator
callrm r m invokes a method m in r class

Once again let's look at our code. Now it is quite clear. We put console symbol and a string literal constant into the function stack and directly invokes console.writeLine<system'String>[2] method.