This can probably dump the SDK for any Unreal Engine Game (Educational Purpose Only) Note: We released this early, for now it's working perfect for fortnite (lower than u4.25?), but we will add more support later!
Current Bugs: You can not compile the files due to issues with including, very rare errors when calculating the padding, very few offsets are still hardcoded
Output path: D:\5.41-CL-4363240\FortniteGame\Binaries\Win64\SDK\
Dumped 99158 objects in 636.12 ms
Memory base: 00007FF77AA20000
ProcessEvent: 00007FF77C24D530
StaticFindObject: 00007FF77C274780
GObjects: 00007FF77FE45940
- Inject the dll into your game
- If all offsets are found automatically you will need to do nothing, otherwise you will need to get them manually
- Go to the game path and copy your SDK
- To use it in a project check out the examples, not all packages are included, just add the ones you need to Core.hpp
✔️ Dump all Object names
✔️ Create a SDK
✔️ Getting the real UPROPERTY Specifiers
✔️ Automatically find most (often all) offsets
Check all functions if they contain the offset for a property Add support for newer ue4 versions
More coming soon