This is Raspberry PI under-power warning - it means that your power supply is not delivering 5V. Try a supply with a higher power rating. See here for recommendations:
When the replay is supposed to show nothing appears on screen and the score counters don't go back to their original position
This is most likely because you don't have enough RAM assigned to your GPU. See next question.
This is most likely because you don't have enoguh RAM assigned to your GPU. We recommend 256MB. Use raspi-config to change it.
This could be related to issues with dispmanx compositing: Check if you have enabled drawing the background as a dispmanx layer in the config:
draw_bg_with_dispmanx = True
You can disable it in config (it is False by default) - if you still want to do it as a dispmanx layer there are several options to fixing this problem. A solution to this problem is reducing the dispmanx layers - you have several options for that:
You can turn off the framebuffer doing the following before launching This is done automatically when starting it from the console, but if you've started if through ssh you need root permissions to do this:
sudo sh -c "setterm -term linux -blank force >/dev/tty0 </dev/tty0"
Or you can use tvservice to disable and reenable HDMI output:
tvservice -o; tvservice -p
To get the console back you can run:
sudo sh -c "setterm -term linux -blank poke >/dev/tty0 </dev/tty0"
Another option is to disable the camera preview in
If none of these work you can try enabling offline compositing in dispmanx in /boot/config.txt (reboot required!):
Probably your screen doesn't have a 16/9 aspect ratio. You can configure the recording size in This is the config I use for a 16/10 monitor:
video_size=(1152, 720)
camera_preview="-p 0,0,115,72"