oe-connector, model name evaluation expression, replace msg('prop') as msg.prop
User task expressions, replace
$variable as $ {pv.variable} -
/api/Tasks will NOT filter the records. Use separate API GET /api/Tasks/filtered/
For task filtering, user group is now taken from options.ctx.group (as opposed to older options.ctx.department)
Pools and Lanes, now you can use expressions in names to specify dynamic user, group, role. e.g. "User:${...}", "Group:${...}", "Role:${...}"
Sequential Multi-Instance now populates _iteration and elementVariable in inVariables. It can be used in pv(...) expressions.
Message passed to next node msg.msg should be replaced as msg 2018-01-03, Version 1.2.0 =========================
Implementation of Maker Checker Version 2
Rework functionality for Maker Checker
Additional attributes Due Date, Followup Date and Priority for User Task
Input-Output variable mapping for Call Activity and Subprocess
- Process definition relation fix
- Uninitailzed variables bug fix maker-checker
- Workflow versioning enabled
- form support on user task
- duplicate bpmn template fix
- recovery fix for user task creation
- /workflow & /task api stability fix
- Initial Commit