diff --git a/.appveyor.yml b/.appveyor.yml index 66958b75e7..2aebf1cd54 100644 --- a/.appveyor.yml +++ b/.appveyor.yml @@ -3,28 +3,21 @@ skip_tags: true image: Visual Studio 2017 configuration: Release platform: x64 +clone_depth: 5 environment: APPVEYOR_SAVE_CACHE_ON_ERROR: true CLCACHE_SERVER: 1 PACKAGES: boost-filesystem boost-signals2 boost-test libevent openssl zeromq berkeleydb secp256k1 leveldb - PYTHONIOENCODING: utf-8 + PATH: 'C:\Python37-x64;C:\Python37-x64\Scripts;%PATH%' + PYTHONUTF8: 1 cache: - C:\tools\vcpkg\installed - C:\Users\appveyor\clcache -init: -- cmd: set PATH=C:\Python36-x64;C:\Python36-x64\Scripts;%PATH% install: -- cmd: pip install git+https://github.com/frerich/clcache.git +- cmd: pip install --quiet git+https://github.com/frerich/clcache.git@v4.2.0 # Disable zmq test for now since python zmq library on Windows would cause Access violation sometimes. # - cmd: pip install zmq -- ps: $packages = $env:PACKAGES -Split ' ' -- ps: for ($i=0; $i -lt $packages.length; $i++) { - $env:ALL_PACKAGES += $packages[$i] + ":" + $env:PLATFORM + "-windows-static " - } -- cmd: git -C C:\Tools\vcpkg pull # This is a temporary fix, can be removed after appveyor update its image to include Microsoft/vcpkg#4046 -- cmd: C:\Tools\vcpkg\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat -- cmd: vcpkg remove --recurse --outdated -- cmd: vcpkg install %ALL_PACKAGES% +- cmd: vcpkg install --triplet %PLATFORM%-windows-static %PACKAGES% > NUL - cmd: del /s /q C:\Tools\vcpkg\installed\%PLATFORM%-windows-static\debug # Remove unused debug library before_build: - ps: clcache -M 536870912 @@ -42,7 +35,7 @@ before_build: build_script: - cmd: msbuild /p:TrackFileAccess=false /p:CLToolExe=clcache.exe build_msvc\bitcoin.sln /m /v:q /nowarn:C4244;C4267;C4715 /nologo after_build: -- ps: fsutil behavior set disablelastaccess 0 # Disable Access time feature on Windows (better performance) +- ps: fsutil behavior set disablelastaccess 1 # Disable Access time feature on Windows (better performance) - ps: clcache -z before_test: - ps: ${conf_ini} = (Get-Content([IO.Path]::Combine(${env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER}, "test", "config.ini.in"))) @@ -57,9 +50,9 @@ before_test: - ps: '[IO.File]::WriteAllLines([IO.Path]::Combine(${env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER}, "test", "config.ini"), ${conf_ini}, ${utf8})' - ps: move "build_msvc\${env:PLATFORM}\${env:CONFIGURATION}\*.exe" src test_script: -- cmd: src\test_bitcoin.exe -- ps: src\bench_bitcoin.exe -evals=1 -scaling=0 +- cmd: src\test_bitcoin.exe -k stdout -e stdout 2> NUL +- cmd: src\bench_bitcoin.exe -evals=1 -scaling=0 > NUL - ps: python test\util\bitcoin-util-test.py - cmd: python test\util\rpcauth-test.py -- cmd: python test\functional\test_runner.py --ci --force --quiet --combinedlogslen=4000 +- cmd: python test\functional\test_runner.py --ci --force --quiet --combinedlogslen=4000 --failfast deploy: off