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User Guide

This document details the interface exposed by lm-eval and provides details on what flags are available to users.

Command-line Interface

A majority of users run the library by cloning it from Github, installing the package as editable, and running the python -m lm_eval script.

Equivalently, running the library can be done via the lm-eval entrypoint at the command line.

This mode supports a number of command-line arguments, the details of which can be also be seen via running with -h or --help:

  • --model : Selects which model type or provider is evaluated. Must be a string corresponding to the name of the model type/provider being used. See the main README for a full list of enabled model names and supported libraries or APIs.

  • --model_args : Controls parameters passed to the model constructor. Accepts a string containing comma-separated keyword arguments to the model class of the format "arg1=val1,arg2=val2,...", such as, for example --model_args pretrained=EleutherAI/pythia-160m,dtype=float32. For a full list of what keyword arguments, see the initialization of the lm_eval.api.model.LM subclass, e.g. HFLM

  • --tasks : Determines which tasks or task groups are evaluated. Accepts a comma-separated list of task names or task group names. Must be solely comprised of valid tasks/groups.

  • --num_fewshot : Sets the number of few-shot examples to place in context. Must be an integer.

  • --gen_kwargs : takes an arg string in same format as --model_args and creates a dictionary of keyword arguments. These will be passed to the models for all called generate_until (free-form or greedy generation task) tasks, to set options such as the sampling temperature or top_p / top_k. For a list of what args are supported for each model type, reference the respective library's documentation (for example, the documentation for transformers.AutoModelForCausalLM.generate().) These kwargs will be applied to all generate_until tasks called--we do not currently support unique gen_kwargs or batch_size values per task in a single run of the library. To control these on a per-task level, set them in that task's YAML file.

  • --batch_size : Sets the batch size used for evaluation. Can be a positive integer or "auto" to automatically select the largest batch size that will fit in memory, speeding up evaluation. One can pass --batch_size auto:N to re-select the maximum batch size N times during evaluation. This can help accelerate evaluation further, since lm-eval sorts documents in descending order of context length.

  • --max_batch_size : Sets the maximum batch size to try to fit in memory, if --batch_size auto is passed.

  • --device : Sets which device to place the model onto. Must be a string, for example, "cuda", "cuda:0", "cpu", "mps". Defaults to "cuda", and can be ignored if running multi-GPU or running a non-local model type.

  • --output_path : A string of the form dir/file.jsonl or dir/. Provides a path where high-level results will be saved, either into the file named or into the directory named. If --log_samples is passed as well, then per-document outputs and metrics will be saved into the directory as well.

  • --log_samples : If this flag is passed, then the model's outputs, and the text fed into the model, will be saved at per-document granularity. Must be used with --output_path.

  • --limit : Accepts an integer, or a float between 0.0 and 1.0 . If passed, will limit the number of documents to evaluate to the first X documents (if an integer) per task or first X% of documents per task. Useful for debugging, especially on costly API models.

  • --use_cache : Should be a path where a sqlite db file can be written to. Takes a string of format /path/to/sqlite_cache_ in order to create a cache db at /path/to/sqlite_cache_rank{i}.db for each process (0-NUM_GPUS). This allows results of prior runs to be cached, so that there is no need to re-run results in order to re-score or re-run a given (model, task) pair again.

  • --decontamination_ngrams_path : Deprecated, see (this commit)[] or older for a working decontamination-checker tool.

  • --check_integrity : If this flag is used, the library tests for each task selected are run to confirm task integrity.

  • --write_out : Used for diagnostic purposes to observe the format of task documents passed to a model. If this flag is used, then prints the prompt and gold target string for the first document of each task.

  • --show_config : If used, prints the full lm_eval.api.task.TaskConfig contents (non-default settings the task YAML file) for each task which was run, at the completion of an evaluation. Useful for when one is modifying a task's configuration YAML locally to transmit the exact configurations used for debugging or for reproducibility purposes.

  • --include_path : Accepts a path to a folder. If passed, then all YAML files containing lm-eval`` compatible task configurations will be added to the task registry as available tasks. Used for when one is writing config files for their own task in a folder other than lm_eval/tasks/`

External Library Usage

We also support using the library's external API for use within model training loops or other scripts.

lm_eval supplies two functions for external import and use: lm_eval.evaluate() and lm_eval.simple_evaluate().

simple_evaluate() can be used by simply creating an lm_eval.api.model.LM subclass that implements the methods described in the Model Guide, and wrapping your custom model in that class as follows:

import lm_eval

my_model = initialize_my_model() # create your model (could be running finetuning with some custom modeling code)
lm_obj = Your_LM(model=my_model, batch_size=16) # instantiate an LM subclass that takes your initialized model and can run `Your_LM.loglikelihood()`, `Your_LM.loglikelihood_rolling()`, `Your_LM.generate_until()`

lm_eval.tasks.initialize_tasks() # register all tasks from the `lm_eval/tasks` subdirectory. Alternatively, can call `lm_eval.tasks.include_path("path/to/my/custom/task/configs")` to only register a set of tasks in a separate directory.

results = lm_eval.simple_evaluate( # call simple_evaluate
    tasks=["taskname1", "taskname2"],


def simple_evaluate(
for a full description of all arguments available. All keyword arguments to simple_evaluate share the same role as the command-line flags described previously.

Additionally, the evaluate() function offers the core evaluation functionality provided by the library, but without some of the special handling and simplification + abstraction provided by simple_evaluate().


for more details.

As a brief example usage of evaluate():

import lm_eval

from my_tasks import MyTask1 # suppose you've defined a custom lm_eval.api.Task subclass in your own external codebase

my_model = initialize_my_model() # create your model (could be running finetuning with some custom modeling code)
lm_obj = Your_LM(model=my_model, batch_size=16) # instantiate an LM subclass that takes your initialized model and can run `Your_LM.loglikelihood()`, `Your_LM.loglikelihood_rolling()`, `Your_LM.generate_until()`

lm_eval.tasks.initialize_tasks() # register all tasks from the `lm_eval/tasks` subdirectory. Alternatively, can call `lm_eval.tasks.include_path("path/to/my/custom/task/configs")` to only register a set of tasks in a separate directory.

def evaluate(
    task_dict={"mytask1": MyTask1},