- We made a Project called EMISHA BOT, which takes input from user and show the corressponding output.
- We can Access this by using GOOGLE ASSISTANT, or DIALOGFLOW SIMULATOR.
- First of all ask GOOGLE ASSISTANT to Test EMISHA,which is our Project Name, then Ask for help, and it suggest you all the commands which it can perform.
- Then, Speak or Type your commands, what you want to access, and it shows the corressponding output.
- For example, we can ask EMISHA BOT: "what is Emisha?" and then It will reply the output.
- We also Made an another Project, which is a prototype of the Hotel Management System.
- We Developed it on FIGMA, it provides the enviroment for developing an interface for designing an app.
- This design helps to make a Book Hotel Interface.
- You can view our Project by clicking this link.