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304 lines (239 loc) · 13.3 KB

Thank you for your interest in contributing to ExecuTorch! We want to make it easy to contribute to this project.


Dev Install

Set up your environment by following the instructions at to clone the repo and install the necessary requirements.


Contributing workflow

We actively welcome your pull requests (PRs).

  1. Claim an issue, if present, before starting work. If an issue doesn't cover the work you plan to do, consider creating one to provide context about it, and to build consensus about the scope and solution.
  2. Create your new branch from main in your forked repo, with a name describing the work you're completing; e.g., add-feature-x.
  3. If you've added code that should be tested, add tests. Ensure all tests pass. See the testing section for more information.
  4. If you've changed APIs or added a new tool or feature, update the documentation.
  5. If you added an experimental API or deprecated an existing API, follow the API Life Cycle and Deprecation Policy.
  6. Make sure your code follows the style guides and passes the lint checks.
  7. If you haven't already, complete the Contributor License Agreement ("CLA").
  8. Create a pull request in the pytorch/executorch Github repo using the instructions below.



Creating Issues

We use GitHub issues to track public bugs and feature requests. Ensure that the issue title is clear and descriptive, and that the description has sufficient instructions to be able to reproduce the issue.

Meta has a bounty program for the safe disclosure of security bugs. In those cases, please go through the process outlined on that page and do not file a public issue.

Claiming Issues

We'd love your help closing out open issues in the Github repo.

  1. Find an issue with the actionable or good first issue label that is not currently assigned to anyone.
    • If you'd like to work on an issue that is assigned but hasn't been updated in a while, discuss a hand-off with the current assignee in the issue comments.
    • If you'd like to work on an issue that isn't marked actionable, please comment on the issue to ask about its status and wait for a response.
  2. Set yourself as the assignee of the issue.
  3. If you decide not to finish the issue, update the issue with information to help the next person, then remove yourself from the assignee list.
  4. When creating pull requests (PRs), mention the issue number like #1234 in the PR description details (the first comment in the PR conversation thread).
  5. When the final PR has merged and resolves the issue, close the issue with the button at the bottom of the issue's page.


Coding Style

Goal: Encourage standards that make it easier to read, edit, maintain, and debug the ExecuTorch code.


We use lintrunner to help make sure the code follows our standards. Set it up with:

pip install lintrunner==0.11.0
pip install lintrunner-adapters==0.11.0
lintrunner init

Then run lintrunner from the root of the repo to see its suggestions, or run lintrunner -a to automatically apply the suggestions.

Python Style

ExecuTorch Python code follows the style used by the PyTorch core project.

C++ Style

ExecuTorch code uses the Google C++ Style, with modifications.

Rationale: Google style is close to the C++ style used by PyTorch core, although PyTorch core does not explicitly document its C++ style. Google style is well documented, and has exceptional tooling support.

Modifications to the Google C++ style, to make it closer to the code in PyTorch core:

  • Function and method names should use lower_snake_case(). This follows the convention that PyTorch core inherited from its namesake Python, and is the biggest modification to the Google C++ style.
  • File names should use lower_snake_case.cpp (not .cc, and not PascalCase.cpp). This follows the most common pattern in PyTorch core.
  • Headers should use #pragma once instead of manual include guards. This follows the most common pattern in PyTorch core.
  • All includes should use <angle brackets>, not "double quotes". This ensures that headers are included using the compiler's include path, and not relative to the local file.
  • Documentation comments should follow Doxygen syntax, either //** ... */ (multi-line) or /// ... (single line), with @-style parameters like @param, @retval. Public APIs must be documented in the .h files that declare them.
  • TODOs should prefer to reference a task or issue number like TODO(#123): <description>, rather than a username. A task can manage much-more-nuanced information, and can change ownership as people leave and join the project.

See the rest of this file for other portability- and efficiency-related modifications to the Google C++ style guide.

C++ Portability Guidelines

See also Portable C++ Programming for detailed advice.

C++ language version


Rationale: This is a compromise between being compatible with older, proprietary toolchains, and having access to relatively modern C++ features.

C/C++ standard library usage

Restricted usage of the C++ standard library.

Rationale: ExecuTorch is intended to be portable to bare-metal systems that lack certain features, like dynamic memory, threading, and locking, required by parts of the standard library. It is also intended to be as small as possible, and some convenient stdlib features may grow the binary size unacceptably.

Generally, do not instantiate types that allocate memory under the hood, like std::vector or std::string. Do not call new, malloc() or mmap(); do not use iostreams; do not operate on files.

However, it is convenient and portable (and sometimes necessary) to use static standard library concepts like std::move, or metaprogramming helpers like std::is_floating_point<>. Pure code like <cmath> and <cstring> is fine, as long as you stay away from functions that allocate memory (like strdup()).

It is also allowed (and sometimes necessary) to use "placement new", but be careful to also manually destroy objects initialized in this way.

C++ language features

Exceptions: Do not use.

  • Rationale: Exceptions are not widely supported on some classes of microcontrollers and DSPs, and they can significantly increase binary size.

Threads, thread_local, locking: Do not use, except in optional libraries that must work with threading

  • Rationale: The core runtime must work on systems that do not have threading support.

RTTI, dynamic_cast, and <typeid>: Do not use.

  • Rationale: RTTI adds extra data to every virtual class. ExecuTorch doesn't have a strong need for dynamic_cast and friends, so it's better to reduce the binary size.

Templates and template metaprogramming: Be careful and avoid if possible.

  • Rationale: Most templating results in code generation, and is one of the most common sources of binary bloat. Some use of templates is fine (e.g. an ArrayRef<T>, or code that handles multiple ScalarType types), but for the most part avoid them if possible.



Writing Tests

To help keep code quality high, ExecuTorch uses a combination of unit tests and end-to-end (e2e) tests. If you add a new feature or fix a bug, please add tests to ensure that the feature/fix works properly and continues to work properly.

Most directories in the repo already contain test files. In many cases, you can add a test to an existing file, and the existing CI jobs will run it will run automatically. If you do this, please take a look at the CI job logs to ensure that it did actually run.

If it's not clear how to add a test for your PR, take a look at the blame for the code you're modifying and find an author who has more context. Ask them for their help in the PR comments.

TODO: Explain how to run tests locally without needing to push and wait for CI.

Continuous Integration

See for the current state of the CI (continuous integration) jobs. If main is broken, consider rebasing your PR onto the viable/strict branch, which points to the most recent all-green commit.


Updating Documentation


ExecuTorch documents its APIs using inline code comments: doc strings for Python, and Doxygen comments for C++. When modifying or adding an API, be sure to modify or add documentation to the interfaces that you change. If the API doesn't have inline documentation yet, please help improve the code by adding documentation and describing the rest of the piece you modified.

Also search for references to the API you modified under docs/source to see if any docs need to be modified to reflect your changes; these are the files that are published on If you are adding a new API, look for places in the docs that would benefit from talking about that API, or even create a new document for it. A job on the PR will give you a link to a website preview based on your changes.


Pull Requests

This repo uses Github pull requests (PRs) to stage and review code before merging it into the main branch. See the Github docs for basics.

  1. Push your branch to your fork of pytorch/executorch. Most people do not have permission to push a branch directoy to the upstream repo.
  2. Create your PR
    • Use the main branch as the base.
    • Give the PR a clear and descriptive title. It will become the title of the merged commit, so it needs to be useful in the output of git log.
      • Bad title: "Fix a bug"
      • Good title: "Add XYZ method to ABC"
    • Give the PR a clear and thorough description. Don't just describe what the PR does: the diff will do that. Explain why you are making this change, in a way that will make sense to someone years from now.
    • Add the line Test Plan: (with that spelling, capitalization, and trailing colon character), followed by lines containing repeatable instructions for testing the PR.
      • If you added tests, this can be as simple as the command you used to run the tests.
      • If you tested the PR manually, include the steps and the outputs. Help a future editor understand how to test the code that you're modifying today.
    • See pytorch#3612 for an example PR that follows this advice.
  3. Before asking for a review, ensure that all CI (continuous integration) jobs on your pull request succeed.
    • If the jobs on your PR are broken but you're not sure why, add a comment and proceed to finding a reviewer.
    • Not all users can trigger the CI jobs. If the jobs don't run on your PR, proceed to finding a reviewer.
  4. Find reviewers
    • If you have been working with a member of the ExecuTorch repo, add them as a reviewer (not an "assignee").
    • If not, look at the blame for the files that the PR modifies, and try picking one or two ExecuTorch repo members as reviewers (not "assignees").
    • If you are unsure, leave a comment on the PR and keep it unassigned with no reviewers. A member of the ExecuTorch repo will find someone to review it.
  5. Address and discuss comments left by reviewers
    • If the reviewers have requests or questions, follow up with them.
    • The goal of the reviewer is to ensure that the code in the main branch of the repo is consistent, maintainable, and of high quality.
  6. Once approved, your reviewer will import the PR into Meta's internal system and merge it from there.
    • If the PR is approved and not merged within a few business days, please comment on the PR to ask about its status.
    • Note that if the main CI jobs are broken, we will only merge PRs that fix the broken jobs until all critical jobs are fixed.


For Backend Delegate Authors

  • Use this guide when integrating your delegate with ExecuTorch.
  • Refer to this set of guidelines when including a third-party depenency for your delegate.



By contributing to ExecuTorch, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.


Contributor License Agreement ("CLA")

In order to accept your pull request, we need you to submit a CLA. You only need to do this once to work on any of Meta's open source projects.

Complete your CLA here: