Students Performance System to help students to improve their academic performance by predict their grades and gives them recommendations to fix their weaknesses
Note: The site will take some time in the first run after that it will work normally just be patient...
The application can be used by 3 different types of users and each one of them has a different interface/privileges etc.
And here is a the login info for each type:
username: admin, password: a1$$m2IN12
username: student, password: 1#lklsaK313
username: educator, password: 3$81jkjjSA
- Python v3 and it's pip
- Database: PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite all of them tested and can work with the project just remember to modify the project/ database connection info
- Installing the above requiremnts
- Clone the project and make the necessary database configration
- Install the requirements.text (pip install -r requirements.txt)
- Apply the database migrations (python migrate)
- Run the application (python runserver)