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a project to learn the usage of AWS Lambda and AWS API Gateway

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Flask App Interaction with AWS Lambda using AWS API Gateway REST API

Project Overview

This project demonstrates a CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery) pipeline using GitHub Actions, Docker, and the integration of a Flask App with AWS Lambda and AWS API Gateway.


This project uses a Flask web application that communicates with AWS Lambda functions via HTTP requests to a REST API on AWS API Gateway, using Gunicorn as a WSGI server.

Workflow Overview

There are two workflows:

  1. To handle the CI/CD cycle of the web_app.
  2. To handle the CI/CD cycle of the Lambda functions.

1. CI/CD for Flask App

This workflow builds and deploys a Flask application that communicates with AWS Lambda functions. It includes:

  • Build and Tag Docker Image: Builds a Docker image and tags it with the current version and latest.
  • Login to Docker Hub: Logs into Docker Hub using provided credentials.
  • Push Docker Images: Pushes the tagged Docker images to Docker Hub.


This workflow is triggered on a push event to the master branch in the following paths:

      - 'master'
      - 'web_app/**'
      - '.github/workflows/web_app_on_push_workflow.yaml'
      - '!**/'

It is also integrated with a git post-commit hook to automatically bump the version of the app on each commit.

2. CI/CD for Lambda Functions

This workflow zips and uploads Lambda functions to S3 and updates them. It includes:

  • List and Filter Changed Python Files: Identifies and lists changed Python files.
  • Run Tests on Changed Files: Runs tests on the identified changed files.
  • Zip and Upload Lambda Function: Zips the changed files, uploads them to S3, and updates the corresponding Lambda functions.


This workflow is triggered on a push event to the master branch in the following paths:

      - 'master'
      - '**/'
      - '.github/workflows/lambdas_on_push_workflow.yaml'
      - '!**/'

Reproducing the Project

Lambda Functions:


  • lambda-Backup
    • Runs on an EventBridge cron job to back up the S3 bucket containing the Lambda functions daily, weekly, and monthly.
Required Environment Variables Description
SOURCE_BUCKET Name of Lambda functions' S3 Bucket
BACKUP_BUCKET Name of backup S3 Bucket
Required Trigger Type
EventBridge Daily
EventBridge Weekly
EventBridge Monthly
  • csv_to_excel

    • Converts CSV files to Excel format.
  • lambda_discord_msg

    • Sends messages to a Discord channel via a webhook URL.
Required Environment Variables Description
DISCORD_URL Discord Webhook URL
  • gitlab_create_user
    • Uses a Google Sheet to obtain user credentials, creates a new user, group, and project in GitLab, and adds the user to the new group as a reporter, using the GitLab API.
Required Environment Variables Description
GITLAB_TOKEN GitLab PAT to manage users, groups, and projects
GITLAB_INSTANCE_ID Your AWS instance ID, used to retrieve public IP
Required Google Sheets fields
  • gitlab_new_project
    • Creates a Python script from a template, uploads it to S3, and provides the user with the download link. The script then creates a new directory with a blank file of the user's choosing, a new project in GitLab using the GitLab API, and pushes the file to the newly created project.
Required Environment Variables Description
BUCKET_NAME AWS S3 bucket that stores executable script
REGION AWS region where your S3 bucket is located
GITLAB_TOKEN GitLab PAT to create a project
GITLAB_INSTANCE_ID Your AWS instance ID, used to retrieve public IP
GITLAB_USER Username that will own the project
  • wikipedia_func
    • Fetches the selected subject's top Wikipedia pages and stores the information in an S3 file for history.
Required Environment Variables Description
BUCKET_NAME AWS S3 bucket that stores wiki search history
FILE_KEY Key to history file

Setting Up AWS Lambda Function

  1. Create a Lambda Function:
    • Navigate to Lambda in the AWS Management Console.
    • Click "Create Function" and choose "Author from scratch".
    • Enter the function name and select the default runtime (e.g., Python 3.12).
  2. Set Environment Variables:
    • In the Configuration tab, select "Environment variables".
    • Add the required key-value pairs.
  3. Set Permissions:
    • In the Configuration tab, select "Permissions".
    • Ensure the Lambda function has the necessary IAM role with permissions to execute and log to CloudWatch. Remember to grant least privileged permissions.
  4. Set Timeout:
    • In the Configuration tab, select "General configuration".
    • Set the timeout so the Lambda function has enough time to execute.

Setting Up AWS API Gateway

  1. Create an API:
    • Navigate to API Gateway in the AWS Management Console.
    • Click "Create API" and select "REST API".
  2. Create a Resource:
    • Define the paths for your resources.
  3. Create a Method:
    • Choose an HTTP method (e.g., GET, POST) and set it up with the appropriate integration request/response configurations.
  4. Integrate with Lambda:
    • In the Integration section, select "Lambda Function" and choose your Lambda function.
  5. Set up Binary Types:
    • Configure the API Settings > Binary media types as needed.
  6. Deploy API:
    • Deploy the API to the stage of your choosing and get the URLs you need for the .env file.

Flask Application


  • A simple Flask web application demonstrating AWS Lambda integration using AWS API Gateway REST API.

Web_App Dockerfile

  • Base Image: Uses python:alpine3.19 for a lightweight Python environment.
  • Work Directory: Sets the working directory to /home/lambda_app_user.
  • Install Dependencies: Copies requirements.txt and installs Python dependencies without cache.
  • Copy Source Code: Copies the source code to the working directory.
  • Run Application: Uses Gunicorn to run the Flask application with 4 workers, binding to port 8000.


  1. Clone the Repository:
    git clone
    cd project_aws_lambda_app
  2. Setup the .env file:
    touch web_app/.env

Environment Variables Example (.env-example)

The .env file in your web_app directory should have the following example values:

  1. Trigger the workflow to build the app:

    • Push changes to the master branch.
    • See triggers here.
  2. Deploy the app to the environment of your choosing:

    • To run the web app locally:
      docker run ${DOCKERHUB_USERNAME}/github_app:latest

GitHub Actions Plugins Used

  • actions/checkout@v3: Checks out the repository to the runner.
  • docker/login-action@v3: Logs into Docker Hub.
  • docker/build-push-action@v3: Builds and pushes Docker images.
  • aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v2: Configures AWS credentials.
  • actions/upload-artifact@v2: Uploads artifacts to be shared between jobs.
  • actions/download-artifact@v2: Downloads artifacts generated by other jobs.

To-Do List

  • Create manifest files.
  • Set up deployment stage to deploy to Kubernetes (Helm/ArgoCD or both).
  • Integrate HTTPS support for the web app via Let's Encrypt.
