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9 Quick ChatGPT commands every UX designer should know | Start Chat

Using these quick commands can spark new ideas and offer fresh perspectives, stimulating your creativity and helping you think outside the box.


Suggest color palette: Propose a calming color scheme for a meditation app that promotes relaxation and mindfulness.

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A calming color palette for a meditation app could include muted shades of blue, green, and purple. These colors are associated with tranquility, nature, and spirituality. Here is an example color scheme:

  • #7FB3D5 (soft blue)

  • #B4D7B9 (pale green)

  • #D6C0E4 (lavender)

  • #F1DAC4 (light peach)

  • #E0E0E0 (light gray)


ASSISTANT: A calming color palette for a meditation app could include muted shades of blue, green, and purple. These colors are associated with tranquility, nature, and spirituality. Here is an example color scheme:

  • #7FB3D5 (soft blue)

  • #B4D7B9 (pale green)

  • #D6C0E4 (lavender)

  • #F1DAC4 (light peach)

  • #E0E0E0 (light gray) USER: Recommend typography: Choose legible and visually appealing font pairings for an e-commerce website selling tech gadgets. ASSISTANT: For an e-commerce website selling tech gadgets, it's important to choose a typography that is both legible and visually appealing. Here are some font pairings that can work well:

  1. Roboto and Open Sans: Both of these fonts are clean and modern, making them a great choice for a tech-focused website.

  2. Lato and PT Sans: Lato is a humanist sans-serif font that is easy to read, while PT Sans has a more technical feel. Together, they create a good balance between readability and sophistication.

  3. Montserrat and Merriweather: Montserrat is a geometric sans-serif font that looks great in headings and titles, while Merriweather is a serif font that is perfect for body copy. This pairing creates a nice contrast between the two fonts.

  4. Poppins and Source Sans Pro: Poppins is a rounded sans-serif font that is playful and friendly, while Source Sans Pro has a more serious tone. Together, they create an interesting contrast that can make your website stand out.

Remember to also consider font size and spacing to ensure that the typography is easy to read on all devices. USER: Describe user flow: Outline the steps a user follows to book a flight using a travel app, from selecting the departure city to finalizing the payment. ASSISTANT: Here is a sample user flow for booking a flight using a travel app:

  1. Select the departure city: The user opens the travel app and selects their desired departure city from a drop-down menu or search bar.

  2. Choose the destination city: The user selects their desired destination city from a drop-down menu or search bar.

  3. Select the departure date: The user enters the desired departure date in a calendar view or selects it from a list of available dates.

  4. Choose the return date (if applicable): If the user is booking a round-trip ticket, they select the desired return date using the same process as the departure date.

  5. Choose the number of passengers: The user selects the number of adults, children, and/or infants who will be traveling.

  6. View available flights: The app displays a list of available flights based on the user's selections, including airline, departure and arrival times, and prices.

  7. Select a flight: The user selects a flight that meets their needs and preferences.

  8. Review the itinerary: The user reviews the details of their itinerary, including flight dates and times, departure and arrival airports, and total cost.

  9. Add extras (if desired): The user has the option to add extras such as seat selection, checked baggage, or travel insurance for an additional fee.

  10. Enter passenger information: The user enters the required information for each passenger, including name, date of birth, and passport/ID details.

  11. Finalize payment: The user enters their payment information and completes the booking process.

  12. Receive confirmation: The user receives a confirmation email or notification with their itinerary and booking details. USER: Identify pain points: Pinpoint areas of frustration for users trying to manage multiple email accounts in a single email client. ASSISTANT: Managing multiple email accounts in a single email client can be challenging and frustrating for users. Here are some pain points that users may experience:

  13. Confusing interface: The interface of the email client may not be intuitive, making it difficult for users to navigate between their different email accounts.

  14. Difficulty setting up accounts: Users may encounter difficulty setting up their various email accounts within the email client, particularly if they have different email service providers.

  15. Unreliable syncing: Syncing between different email accounts within the email client may not be reliable, causing missed or delayed messages.

  16. Inconsistent notifications: Notifications for new emails may not be consistent across different email accounts, leading to missed messages.

  17. Limited organization options: Users may have limited options for organizing their emails across multiple accounts, such as grouping messages by sender or subject.

  18. Security concerns: Users may worry about the security of their email accounts if they are all accessed through a single email client, particularly if they have different levels of sensitivity.

  19. Performance issues: Managing multiple email accounts can put a strain on the performance of the email client, leading to slow load times or crashes. USER: Create persona: Develop a profile for a target user of a language learning app, detailing their demographic, motivations, and learning goals. ASSISTANT: Name: Maria Rodriguez


  • Age: 25

  • Gender: Female

  • Nationality: Mexican

  • Education: Bachelor's degree in Business Administration

  • Occupation: Marketing Consultant

  • Income: Middle class


  • Maria is interested in learning a new language to advance her career opportunities and expand her business network. As a marketing consultant, she works with clients from different countries and wants to improve her communication skills to better understand their needs and cultural differences.

  • She is also motivated by personal growth and wants to challenge herself by learning a new skill.

Learning Goals:

  • Maria's primary goal is to become conversational in English within 6 months, as this is the most commonly used language in her industry.

  • She also wants to develop her listening skills and pronunciation, as she often struggles to understand native English speakers and feels self-conscious about her accent.


  • Maria has a busy schedule and limited free time outside of work, so she needs a language learning app that can fit into her daily routine.

  • She may struggle with staying motivated and consistent in her language learning, especially if she does not see progress quickly enough.

  • As an adult learner, she may find it difficult to absorb new grammar rules and vocabulary compared to younger learners.


  • Maria is ambitious, driven, and determined to achieve her goals.

  • She is generally confident but may feel self-conscious about her language skills.

  • Maria values efficiency and wants to make the most of her time.

With these characteristics in mind, the language learning app should provide personalized lessons that cater to Maria's learning style and interests, as well as incorporate elements of gamification to keep her motivated and engaged. It should also offer flexible scheduling options for busy professionals like Maria, such as short daily practice sessions or on-the-go learning tools. USER: Draft user story: Write a narrative for a user discovering and downloading a new weather app to stay informed about local conditions. ASSISTANT: As a busy professional who commutes to work every day, Sarah needs to stay informed about the weather conditions in her local area. She has been relying on the built-in weather app on her phone, but she finds it to be unreliable and lacking in features.

One day, Sarah hears about a new weather app from a friend who recently downloaded it. The app is called "WeatherNow" and promises to provide accurate and up-to-date information about local weather conditions.

Excited about the prospect of a better weather app, Sarah decides to download WeatherNow from the app store. She opens the app and is immediately impressed by the sleek and modern design. She is prompted to enter her location information, and within seconds, the app displays the current temperature and weather conditions in her area.

Sarah is pleased to see that the app provides detailed hourly and daily forecasts, as well as alerts for severe weather events. She can customize the app to track multiple locations, which is useful for when she is traveling for work or planning weekend activities.

As Sarah explores the app further, she discovers additional features such as a radar map, a UV index tracker, and a widget for her home screen. She appreciates how much more comprehensive and user-friendly WeatherNow is compared to her previous weather app.

From now on, Sarah plans to rely on WeatherNow for all her weather-related needs. She feels confident that she will be able to stay informed and plan her day accordingly, no matter what weather conditions come her way. USER: Propose layout: Suggest an arrangement of elements for a news website that highlights top stories, includes a search bar, and features categorized articles. ASSISTANT: A layout for a news website that highlights top stories, includes a search bar, and features categorized articles could be structured as follows:


  • Logo at the top left corner

  • Navigation menu with categories such as "Politics", "Business", "Sports", "Culture", etc. on the right side

  • Search bar prominently placed in the center or to the right of the navigation menu

Hero section:

  • Large banner image or carousel featuring the top story of the day with a headline and brief summary

  • Buttons for sharing the story on social media or reading more

  • Smaller columns highlighting other top stories or breaking news

Category sections:

  • Beneath the hero section, have a series of blocks dedicated to each category of news (e.g., Politics, Business, Sports, Culture)

  • Each block should have a large image or video related to the news within the particular category, along with headlines of the most important articles and/or stories in that segment.


  • Include additional informational links such as "About Us", "Contact Us", "Advertise with us"

  • Social media icons for sharing and following the site's accounts on popular social media platforms

This layout provides a clear hierarchy of information, making it easy for users to find what they are looking for. The search bar is prominent and easily accessible, while the categorization of articles enables users to quickly navigate to topics of interest. Additionally, the hero area helps to highlight the most important news of the day, while the category sections provide a comprehensive view of different topic areas. USER: Offer visual hierarchy: Suggest ways to emphasize important elements on a fundraising website, such as donation buttons and campaign progress. ASSISTANT: To emphasize important elements on a fundraising website, such as donation buttons and campaign progress, you can use visual hierarchy techniques. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Size and Placement: Make the donation button visibly larger and place it prominently on the page, using contrasting colors to make it stand out. Consider placing it at the top of the page or in the header so that it is one of the first things that visitors see.

  2. Color: Use a bright or contrasting color for the donation button to make it pop against the rest of the page. You can also use a different color for the progress bar to draw attention to the donations raised so far.

  3. Typography: Use bold or larger fonts for important text, such as donation amounts or campaign titles, to make them more prominent.

  4. Imagery: Use images and graphics that support the campaign's message, and use larger and more eye-catching visuals to draw attention to important sections of the page.

  5. White Space: Use white space to create a clear separation between different sections of the page, making it easier for visitors to focus on specific elements.

  6. Animation: Incorporate animation or movement into the design to draw attention to important elements, such as the progress bar increasing as donations are made.

By utilizing these visual hierarchy techniques, you can help guide visitors to the most important elements of your fundraising website, ultimately helping to increase donations and engagement with your cause. USER: Optimize navigation: Improve the menu structure for a large online retailer, making it easier for users to find and browse products. ASSISTANT: To improve the menu structure for a large online retailer and make it easier for users to find and browse products, consider the following suggestions:

  1. Simplify the main navigation: Limit the main navigation menu to no more than 7 items to avoid overwhelming users. Consider grouping similar categories together, such as "Women's Clothing" and "Men's Clothing", or "Electronics" and "Home Appliances."

  2. Use clear and descriptive labels: Avoid using vague labels that could confuse users. Instead, use specific and descriptive labels that clearly indicate what kind of products can be found in each category.

  3. Implement a drop-down menu: Utilize a drop-down menu to provide sub-categories within each main category, which allows users to quickly access a specific group of products. Make sure the drop-down menus are easy to navigate by organizing subcategories in a logical manner, and limit the number of subcategories to avoid overload.

  4. Include a search function: Incorporate a prominent search bar at the top of the page, allowing users to easily search for specific products by keywords or product names.

  5. Add filters: On category pages, include filters to help users narrow down their search results based on attributes such as price range, brand, size, color, etc.

  6. Include links to popular categories: Add links to popular categories, such as "featured products" or "new arrivals," on the home page or in the main navigation menu to highlight new or popular products.

By implementing these changes, you can make it easier for users to navigate your site and find the products they are looking for, ultimately helping to increase engagement and sales on your online retail store.