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Find document and guide about GCP services efficiently | Start Chat

How to find document and guide about GCP services efficiently


Find document and guide about  GCP services efficiently

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You can find documentation and guides about Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services on the official GCP Documentation website, which can be accessed at

The documentation is organized by product category, making it easy to find information about specific GCP services. There are also various tutorials, quickstarts, and sample code available for each service.

In addition, you may want to check out the GCP YouTube channel, which provides video tutorials and presentations on various GCP services and features.

Finally, you may also consider taking advantage of GCP's free training resources, including online courses and instructor-led training sessions, to learn how to use GCP services efficiently. These resources can be found at


ASSISTANT: You can find documentation and guides about Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services on the official GCP Documentation website, which can be accessed at

The documentation is organized by product category, making it easy to find information about specific GCP services. There are also various tutorials, quickstarts, and sample code available for each service.

In addition, you may want to check out the GCP YouTube channel, which provides video tutorials and presentations on various GCP services and features.

Finally, you may also consider taking advantage of GCP's free training resources, including online courses and instructor-led training sessions, to learn how to use GCP services efficiently. These resources can be found at USER: How to find document and guide about GCP specific services by google search efficiently ASSISTANT: To find documentation and guides about specific GCP services efficiently using a Google search, you can follow these steps:

  1. Start by identifying the name of the GCP service you want to learn about. For example, if you want to learn about Google Cloud Storage, make sure to include that in your search query.

  2. Use specific keywords related to the GCP service you are searching for. For example, if you're looking for information on how to configure Google Cloud Storage buckets, use keywords such as "Google Cloud Storage Bucket Configuration."

  3. Use quotation marks around your search terms to narrow down results. This will ensure that your search results only include pages with exact matches to your search term. For example, "Google Cloud Storage Bucket Configuration" will return more relevant results than simply typing in Google Cloud Storage Bucket Configuration.

  4. Use advanced search operators to refine your search results further. For example, you can use the "site:" operator to limit your search to results from a specific website, such as the official GCP documentation at

  5. Finally, look for results from trusted sources such as the official GCP documentation website, Stack Overflow or blog posts from reputable technology bloggers to get reliable and accurate information about the GCP service you are interested in. USER: Document about GCP GKE & GCS ASSISTANT: Here are the official Google Cloud Platform (GCP) documentation links for GKE and GCS:

  6. Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE):

  7. Google Cloud Storage (GCS):

These links provide a comprehensive guide to using and managing GKE and GCS services on GCP, including getting started guides, best practices, pricing information, and API reference documentation. USER: How to use gcloud to create a GKE cluster in shared VPC mode ASSISTANT: To create a GKE cluster in shared VPC mode using gcloud, you can follow these steps:

  1. Set up your environment by installing the Google Cloud SDK and configuring it with your credentials. You can find detailed instructions on how to do this in the official documentation:

  2. Create a VPC network that you want to use for your GKE cluster. This is typically done by an administrator of the shared VPC network.

  3. Grant the necessary IAM roles to your project or organization to create and manage resources within the shared VPC network. For more information on IAM roles required for this, refer to the official documentation:

  4. Use the gcloud command-line tool to create a new shared VPC-hosted GKE cluster by specifying the name of the cluster, the zone, and the VPC network you created earlier. Here's the basic syntax:

gcloud container clusters create CLUSTER_NAME \

    --network NETWORK_NAME \

    --subnetwork SUBNETWORK_NAME \

    --zone ZONE \

    --enable-ip-alias \

    --enable-private-nodes \

    --master-ipv4-cidr MASTER_CIDR_BLOCK \

    --services-ipv4-cidr SERVICES_CIDR_BLOCK \

    --enable-master-authorized-networks \


Replace the following variables with your own values:

  • CLUSTER_NAME: The name of the new GKE cluster.

  • NETWORK_NAME: The name of the shared VPC network.

  • SUBNETWORK_NAME: The name of the subnet in the shared VPC network where you want to deploy your cluster.

  • ZONE: The GCP zone where you want to host your cluster.

  • MASTER_CIDR_BLOCK: The IP range for the master node.

  • SERVICES_CIDR_BLOCK: The IP range for the Kubernetes services.

  • AUTHORIZED_NETWORKS: The CIDR block of the authorized networks that can access the GKE cluster master.

  1. Wait for the cluster creation process to complete. You can check the status of your new cluster using the following command:

gcloud container clusters list

Once the cluster is created, you can interact with it using the gcloud command-line tool or by using the Kubernetes API.