All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Better sanitization of the data
- More endpoints for viewing the departures and arrivals in a station
- Improved the scraper such that it makes use of the __VIEWSTATE variables passed down by the server.
- Ported all the code to Python for a more portable solution
- Improved performance relative to 1.x
- Changed the license.
- Multi-page train support
- Support for the average speed field
- Support for cancelled trains
- Station list endpoint
- Removed all legacy JavaScript code.
- The JSON format for the station information, for consistency. This format is not compatible with version 1.0.0.
- Better error management
- Train information
- This CHANGELOG file.
- Fixed a bug which was preventing the use of the node server from another directory
- The server searches for PhantomJS and throws an error if it doesn't find it
- Compatibility with the version 1.0.0 standard.