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Tom M edited this page Jan 27, 2018 · 7 revisions

FluidSynth 2.0

This page is dedicated to ideas for inclusion in the FluidSynth 2.0 development branch. Its a work in progress and some of these may not be included during the development cycle.

Feel free to edit this page, add any new ideas or opinions.

Proposed Features

  • Sample streaming support
  • Real synchronous stereo and multi-channel audio (voices guaranteed to start at the same time)
  • Improve voice stealing algorithm
  • Synthesis verification and test suites. There needs to be an easy way to verify the output and analyze at a sample by sample basis
  • Add LV2 support
  • Research bad out of tune sounding audio when using Chorus and/or Reverb and fix it.
  • OSC support for control of the features in the telnet interface, from scripts or from language environments such as ChucK, SC, PD, CSound, etc.
  • RTAudio Output Support
  • Add libInstPatch as a dependency, which would add the following features (some of these are still in development):
    • Support for other instrument formats (limited DLS and GigaSampler support)
    • Virtual bank support (XML files which reference instruments in one or more other instrument files)
    • SFZ File and Bank Support
    • On demand loading of instruments
  • Improve the quality of rendered midi by adding a feature similar to "human playback" of Finale, that adds small variations in the MIDI. Human Playback is trademark, so another name should be used here!


Design ideas, proposals and documentation.