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API Specs for DIDroom Solution Components


This document outlines the API specifications for the DIDroom solution components. It covers the Authorization Server, Credential Issuer, DIDroom Backend, and W3C-DID Federated Service. Each component has specific functionalities, endpoints, and parameters.

🪪 Credential Issuer

The Credential Issuer component handles the analysis, verification, and issuance of verifiable credentials. It also manages offers for credentials. Below are the details:


  • Description: Issues a single verifiable credential or transaction ID, preparing the corresponding credential response.
  • Endpoint: /credential
  • HTTP Method: POST
  • Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
format string REQUIRED when the credential_identifier was not returned from the Token Response. It MUST NOT be used otherwise. String that determines the format of the Credential to be issued. Credential Format Profiles consist of the Credential format specific parameters.
proof object OPTIONAL. Object containing the proof of possession of the cryptographic key material the issued Credential would be bound to.
- proof_type string REQUIRED. String denoting the key proof type. Determines other parameters in the key proof object and its respective processing rules. Key proof types defined in this specification can be found in Section 7.2.1.
credential_identifier string REQUIRED when credential_identifier was returned from the Token Response. It MUST NOT be used otherwise. Identifies a Credential that is being requested to be issued.
credential_response_encryption object OPTIONAL. Object containing information for encrypting the Credential Response. If this request element is not present, the corresponding credential response returned is not encrypted.
- jwk object REQUIRED. Object containing a single public key as a JWK used for encrypting the Credential Response.
-- alg string REQUIRED. JWE [RFC7516] alg algorithm [RFC7518] for encrypting Credential Responses.
-- enc string REQUIRED. JWE [RFC7516] enc algorithm [RFC7518] for encrypting Credential Responses.

The proof_type parameter is an extension point that enables the use of different types of proofs for different cryptographic schemes.

The proof element MUST incorporate the Credential Issuer Identifier (audience), and a c_nonce value generated by the Authorization Server or the Credential Issuer to allow the Credential Issuer to detect replay. The way that data is incorporated depends on the key proof type.

The initial c_nonce value can be returned in a successful Token Response, in a Credential Error Response or in a Batch Credential Error Response.

The Credential Issuer indicates support for encrypted responses by including the credential_response_encryption parameter in the Credential Issuer Metadata.


  • Description: Provides information about an offer for a verifiable credential or transaction ID, including terms and associated details.
  • Endpoint: /credential_offer
  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
credential_issuer string REQUIRED. The URL of the Credential Issuer, as defined in Section 11.2.1, from which the Wallet is requested to obtain one or more Credentials. The Wallet uses it to obtain the Credential Issuer's Metadata.
credential_configuration_ids array REQUIRED. Array of unique strings that each identify one of the keys in the name/value pairs stored in the credential_configurations_supported Credential Issuer metadata. The Wallet uses these string values to obtain information about the Credential being offered.
grants object OPTIONAL. Object indicating to the Wallet the Grant Types the Credential Issuer's Authorization Server is prepared to process for this Credential Offer.
- authorization_code object Grant Type authorization_code. OPTIONAL. Object representing parameters for the Authorization Code grant type.
-- issuer_state string OPTIONAL. String value created by the Credential Issuer and opaque to the Wallet. Used to bind the subsequent Authorization Request with the Credential Issuer.
-- authorization_server string OPTIONAL. String that the Wallet can use to identify the Authorization Server when authorization_servers parameter in the Credential Issuer metadata has multiple entries.
  • Response Format:
    • JSON with information about the Credential Offer. The Wallet does not create a response; UX control stays with the Wallet after completion of the process.

Sending Credential Offer by Value:

GET /credential_offer?credential_offer=%7B%22credential_issuer%22:%22,%22credential_configuration_ids%22:%5B%22UniversityDegreeCredential%22,%22org.iso.18013.5.1.mDL%22%5D,%22grants%22:%7B%22urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:pre-authorized_code%22:%7B%22pre-authorized_code%22:%22oaKazRN8I0IbtZ0C7JuMn5%22,%22tx_code%22:%7B%22input_mode%22:%22numeric%22,%22length%22:4,%22description%22:%22Please%20provide%20the%20one-time%20code%20that%20was%20sent%20via%20e-mail%22,%22interval%22:5%7D%7D%7D%7D%7D

Sending Credential Offer by Reference:

GET /credential_offer_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fserver%2Eexample%2Ecom%2Fcredential-offer.json HTTP/1.1

Credential Offer Response Example:

    "credential_issuer": "",
    "credential_configuration_ids": ["UniversityDegreeCredential"],
    "grants": {
        "authorization_code": {
            "issuer_state": "eyJhbGciOiJSU0Et...FYUaBy"

Credential Offer Object Example:

   "credential_issuer": "",
   "credential_configuration_ids": [
   "grants": {
      "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:pre-authorized_code": {
         "pre-authorized_code": "oaKazRN8I0IbtZ0C7JuMn5",
         "tx_code": {
            "length": 4,
            "input_mode": "numeric",
            "description": "Please provide the one-time code that was sent via e-mail"


  • Description: Initiates the authorization process for obtaining a verifiable credential.
  • Endpoint: /authorize
  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Parameters:
Parameter Description Example
response_type REQUIRED. Specifies the desired response type. Should be set to code. code
client_id REQUIRED. The client identifier. s6BhdRkqt3
code_challenge REQUIRED. Code challenge generated by the client for PKCE [RFC7636]. E9Melhoa2OwvFrEMTJguCHaoeK1t8URWbuGJSstw-cM
code_challenge_method REQUIRED. Method used for code challenge. Should be set to S256 for PKCE. S256
authorization_details OPTIONAL. Authorization details for specifying the Credential to be obtained. It is an array of objects, e.g., [{"type": "openid_credential", "credential_configuration_id": "UniversityDegreeCredential"}]. See example in the documentation for line breaks.
scope OPTIONAL. Requested scope for Credential issuance using OAuth 2.0 scope parameter. UniversityDegreeCredential
resource OPTIONAL. Value is the Credential Issuer's identifier for differentiating Credential Issuers when authorization_servers parameter is present in Credential Issuer metadata.
redirect_uri REQUIRED. The redirection URI to which the response will be sent.
wallet_issuer OPTIONAL. Wallet's identifier. RECOMMENDED in Dynamic Credential Requests. wallet-issuer-id
user_hint OPTIONAL. Opaque End-User hint for optimizing the End-User's experience. RECOMMENDED in Dynamic Credential Requests. user-hint
issuer_state OPTIONAL. Identifies a certain processing context at the Credential Issuer. Typically passed in a Credential Offer from the Issuer. issuer-state-value


  • Description: Issues multiple verifiable credentials or transaction IDs in a batch, preparing the corresponding credential responses.
  • Endpoint: /batch_credential
  • HTTP Method: POST
  • Parameters:
Parameter Description
credential_requests REQUIRED. Array containing Credential Request objects, as defined in Section 7.2.

Batch Credential Request Example

POST /batch_credential HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: BEARER czZCaGRSa3F0MzpnWDFmQmF0M2JW

         "credential_definition": {

👮 Authorization server

The Authorization server is an OAuth 2.0 Server component facilitates the issuance of access tokens and validation of provided access tokens according to the OAuth 2.0 protocol the grant type should be of the type of Authorization Code flow and support PKCE. Below are the details:


  • Description: Allows clients to obtain an access token using the Authorization Code grant type with Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) for enhanced security.
  • Endpoint: /authz_server/token
  • HTTP Method: POST
  • Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
grant_type string Authorization Code (required for this grant type)
client_id string The client identifier (Required)
code string The authorization code received from the authorization server (Required)
redirect_uri string The redirect URI used in the initial authorization request (Required)
code_verifier string The PKCE code verifier used to generate the initial code challenge (Required)
  • Response Format:
    • JSON with an access token and additional details.


  • Description: Validates the provided access token and retrieves details associated with the access token.
  • Endpoint: /authz_server/check_token
  • HTTP Method: POST
  • Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
token string The access token to be validated (Required)
  • Response Format:
    • JSON with token details and additional information.

🥌 DIDroom Backend

Ask to join an organization

  • Endpoint: POST /api/collections/orgAuthorizations/records
  • Functionality:
    • Allows a user to request to join an organization.
  • Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
organization string Organization ID (Required)
user string User ID (Required)
status string 'pending' (Required)

List of the organizations I'm part of

  • Endpoint: GET /api/collections/orgAuthorizations/records?filter=(user='{userId}')&&expand=organization&&
  • Functionality:
    • Lists the organizations a user is part of.
  • Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
userId string User ID (Required)

List of services of my organization

  • Endpoint: GET /api/collections/services/records?filters=(organization='{orgId}')
  • Functionality:
    • Lists services of a specified organization.
  • Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
orgId string Organization ID (Required)

List of WebAuthn sessions/devices

  • Endpoints:
    • GET /api/collections/webauthnCredentials/records?filter=(user='{userId}')
    • POST /api/collections/sessionDataWebauthn/records?filter=(user='{userId}')
  • Functionality:
    • Lists WebAuthn sessions/devices for a user.
    • Initiates a new WebAuthn device registration.
  • Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
userId string User ID (Required)

My profile info

  • Endpoint: GET /api/collections/users/records/:{userId}
  • Functionality:
    • Retrieves the profile information of a user.
  • Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
userId string User ID (Required)

Register WebAuthn a new method (device) init

  • Endpoint: GET /api/webauthn/register/begin/{username}
  • Functionality:
    • Initiates the registration of a new WebAuthn method (device).
  • Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
username string User's username (Required)

Register WebAuthn a new method (device) finish

  • Endpoint: GET /api/webauthn/register/finish/{username}
  • Functionality:
    • Completes the registration of a new WebAuthn method (device).
  • Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
username string User's username (Required)

Update profile

  • Endpoint: POST /api/collections/users/records/:{userId}
  • Functionality:
    • Updates the profile information of a user.
  • Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
userId string User ID (Required)

💫 W3C-DID Federated Service

The W3C-DID Federated Services exposes RESTful APIs documented in detail with openAPI standards available on Below are the useful calls used in the Didroom components and architecture.

Create DID

  • HTTP Method: POST
  • API Endpoint: /api/v1/{domain}/pubkeys-accept.chain
  • Request Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
did_document JSON The new DID document in JSON format.
ecdh_signature string ECDH signature of the DID document.
timestamp string Timestamp to prevent replay attacks.
eddsa_signature string EdDSA signature of the DID document.
id string DID of the signer.
  • Response Format:
    • JSON with success/failure status and additional details.

Read DID

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • API Endpoint: /dids/{DID}
  • Request Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
DID string The Decentralized Identifier to be resolved


  • Response Format:
    • JSON containing the resolved DID document or an error.

Update DID

  • HTTP Method: POST
  • API Endpoint: /api/v1/{domain}/pubkeys-update.chain
  • Request Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
did_document JSON The updated DID document in JSON format.
ecdh_signature string ECDH signature of the updated DID document.
timestamp string Timestamp to prevent replay attacks.
eddsa_signature string EdDSA signature of the updated DID document.
id string DID of the signer.
  • Response Format:
    • JSON with success/failure status and additional details.

Deactivate DID

  • HTTP Method: POST
  • API Endpoint: /api/v1/{domain}/pubkeys-deactivate.chain
  • Request Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
deactivate_id string The DID to be deactivated.
ecdh_signature string ECDH signature using admin ECDH key.
id string DID of the signer.
  • Response Format:
    • JSON with success/failure status and additional details.

Broadcast to Ganache Blockchain

  • HTTP Method: POST
  • API Endpoint: /api/v1/{domain}/pubkeys-broadcast-ganache.chain
  • Request Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
broadcast_id string The ID corresponding to the DID document.
timestamp string Unix timestamp in milliseconds.
eddsa_signature string EdDSA signature of the broadcast data.
id string DID of the signer.
  • Response Format:
    • JSON with success/failure status and additional details.

Broadcast to Polygon Blockchain

  • HTTP Method: POST
  • API Endpoint: /api/v1/{domain}/pubkeys-broadcast-polygon.chain
  • Request Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
broadcast_id string The ID corresponding to the DID document.
timestamp string Unix timestamp in milliseconds.
eddsa_signature string EdDSA signature of the broadcast data.
id string DID of the signer.
  • Response Format:
    • JSON with success/failure status and additional details.