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Commands & Permissions

Frank van der Heijden edited this page May 2, 2021 · 1 revision


ServerUtils features the following in-game commands (the "b"-prefix is for BungeeCord):

  • /(b)su|(b)serverutils
    • help [ ] - Shows the help page
    • reload [ serverutils.reload ] - Reloads the config.yml and messages.yml
    • reloadconfig | rc [ serverutils.reloadconfig ] - Reloads parts of server configurations, such as commands.yml, bukkit.yml, etc.
    • loadplugin | lp [ serverutils.loadplugin ] - Loads and enables the specified jar file as a plugin
    • unloadplugin | up [ serverutils.unloadplugin ] - Unloads and disables the specified plugin
    • enableplugin | ep [ serverutils.enableplugin ] - Enables the specified plugin, if it has been loaded
    • disableplugin | dp [ serverutils.disableplugin ] - Disables the specified plugin, if it has been enabled
    • reloadplugin | rp [ serverutils.reloadplugin ] - Reloads the specified plugin, if it has been loaded or enabled
    • watchplugin | wp [ serverutils.watchplugin ] - Watches the specified plugin for changes and reloads it if the file has changed.
    • unwatchplugin | uwp [ serverutils.watchplugin ] - Stops watching the specified plugin for changes.
    • plugininfo | pi [ serverutils.plugininfo ] - Shows information about the specified plugin
    • commandinfo | ci [ serverutils.commandinfo ] - Shows information about the specified command
  • /(b)pl [ serverutils.plugins ] - Shows the plugins of this server in a customisable format.
    • -v - Appends the plugin versions to the result
    • -m - (BungeeCord only) Shows the loaded BungeeCord modules as well


ServerUtils has the following extra permissions:

  • serverutils.notification.update - Allows the player to see updates from ServerUtils when logging in and it is enabled in the config.yml
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