diff --git a/src/renderer/components/data-settings/data-settings.js b/src/renderer/components/data-settings/data-settings.js
index 63bd50f49ce8f..bb69d8e0a4cf6 100644
--- a/src/renderer/components/data-settings/data-settings.js
+++ b/src/renderer/components/data-settings/data-settings.js
@@ -57,18 +57,6 @@ export default Vue.extend({
allPlaylists: function () {
return this.$store.getters.getAllPlaylists
- importSubscriptionsPromptNames: function () {
- const importFreeTube = this.$t('Settings.Data Settings.Import FreeTube')
- const importYouTube = this.$t('Settings.Data Settings.Import YouTube')
- const importNewPipe = this.$t('Settings.Data Settings.Import NewPipe')
- return [
- `${importFreeTube} (.db)`,
- `${importYouTube} (.csv)`,
- `${importYouTube} (.json)`,
- `${importYouTube} (.opml)`,
- `${importNewPipe} (.json)`
- ]
- },
exportSubscriptionsPromptNames: function () {
const exportFreeTube = this.$t('Settings.Data Settings.Export FreeTube')
const exportYouTube = this.$t('Settings.Data Settings.Export YouTube')
@@ -83,6 +71,9 @@ export default Vue.extend({
usingElectron: function () {
return process.env.IS_ELECTRON
+ },
+ primaryProfile: function () {
+ return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.profileList[0]))
methods: {
@@ -92,33 +83,21 @@ export default Vue.extend({
- importSubscriptions: function (option) {
- this.showImportSubscriptionsPrompt = false
- if (option === null) {
- return
+ importSubscriptions: async function () {
+ const options = {
+ properties: ['openFile'],
+ filters: [
+ {
+ name: this.$t('Settings.Data Settings.Subscription File'),
+ extensions: ['db', 'csv', 'json', 'opml', 'xml']
+ }
+ ]
- switch (option) {
- case 'freetube':
- this.importFreeTubeSubscriptions()
- break
- case 'youtubenew':
- this.importCsvYouTubeSubscriptions()
- break
- case 'youtube':
- this.importYouTubeSubscriptions()
- break
- case 'youtubeold':
- this.importOpmlYouTubeSubscriptions()
- break
- case 'newpipe':
- this.importNewPipeSubscriptions()
- break
+ const response = await this.showOpenDialog(options)
+ if (response.canceled || response.filePaths?.length === 0) {
+ return
- },
- handleFreetubeImportFile: async function (response) {
let textDecode
try {
textDecode = await this.readFileFromDialog({ response })
@@ -129,6 +108,25 @@ export default Vue.extend({
+ response.filePaths.forEach(filePath => {
+ if (filePath.endsWith('.csv')) {
+ this.importCsvYouTubeSubscriptions(textDecode)
+ } else if (filePath.endsWith('.db')) {
+ this.importFreeTubeSubscriptions(textDecode)
+ } else if (filePath.endsWith('.opml') || filePath.endsWith('.xml')) {
+ this.importOpmlYouTubeSubscriptions(textDecode)
+ } else if (filePath.endsWith('.json')) {
+ textDecode = JSON.parse(textDecode)
+ if (textDecode.subscriptions) {
+ this.importNewPipeSubscriptions(textDecode)
+ } else {
+ this.importYouTubeSubscriptions(textDecode)
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ importFreeTubeSubscriptions: async function (textDecode) {
textDecode = textDecode.split('\n')
textDecode = textDecode.map(data => JSON.parse(data))
@@ -139,8 +137,6 @@ export default Vue.extend({
textDecode = await this.convertOldFreeTubeFormatToNew(textDecode)
- const primaryProfile = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.profileList[0]))
textDecode.forEach((profileData) => {
// We would technically already be done by the time the data is parsed,
// however we want to limit the possibility of malicious data being sent
@@ -173,15 +169,15 @@ export default Vue.extend({
} else {
if (profileObject.name === 'All Channels' || profileObject._id === MAIN_PROFILE_ID) {
- primaryProfile.subscriptions = primaryProfile.subscriptions.concat(profileObject.subscriptions)
- primaryProfile.subscriptions = primaryProfile.subscriptions.filter((sub, index) => {
- const profileIndex = primaryProfile.subscriptions.findIndex((x) => {
+ this.primaryProfile.subscriptions = this.primaryProfile.subscriptions.concat(profileObject.subscriptions)
+ this.primaryProfile.subscriptions = this.primaryProfile.subscriptions.filter((sub, index) => {
+ const profileIndex = this.primaryProfile.subscriptions.findIndex((x) => {
return x.name === sub.name
return profileIndex === index
- this.updateProfile(primaryProfile)
+ this.updateProfile(this.primaryProfile)
} else {
const existingProfileIndex = this.profileList.findIndex((profile) => {
return profile.name.includes(profileObject.name)
@@ -202,15 +198,15 @@ export default Vue.extend({
- primaryProfile.subscriptions = primaryProfile.subscriptions.concat(profileObject.subscriptions)
- primaryProfile.subscriptions = primaryProfile.subscriptions.filter((sub, index) => {
- const profileIndex = primaryProfile.subscriptions.findIndex((x) => {
+ this.primaryProfile.subscriptions = this.primaryProfile.subscriptions.concat(profileObject.subscriptions)
+ this.primaryProfile.subscriptions = this.primaryProfile.subscriptions.filter((sub, index) => {
+ const profileIndex = this.primaryProfile.subscriptions.findIndex((x) => {
return x.name === sub.name
return profileIndex === index
- this.updateProfile(primaryProfile)
+ this.updateProfile(this.primaryProfile)
@@ -220,41 +216,12 @@ export default Vue.extend({
- importFreeTubeSubscriptions: async function () {
- const options = {
- properties: ['openFile'],
- filters: [
- {
- name: 'Database File',
- extensions: ['db']
- }
- ]
- }
- const response = await this.showOpenDialog(options)
- if (response.canceled || response.filePaths?.length === 0) {
- return
- }
- this.handleFreetubeImportFile(response)
- },
- handleYoutubeCsvImportFile: async function(response) { // first row = header, last row = empty
- let textDecode
- try {
- textDecode = await this.readFileFromDialog({ response })
- } catch (err) {
- const message = this.$t('Settings.Data Settings.Unable to read file')
- this.showToast({
- message: `${message}: ${err}`
- })
- return
- }
+ importCsvYouTubeSubscriptions: async function(textDecode) { // first row = header, last row = empty
const youtubeSubscriptions = textDecode.split('\n').filter(sub => {
return sub !== ''
- const primaryProfile = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.profileList[0]))
const subscriptions = []
+ const errorList = []
message: this.$t('Settings.Data Settings.This might take a while, please wait')
@@ -263,67 +230,62 @@ export default Vue.extend({
let count = 0
- for (let i = 1; i < (youtubeSubscriptions.length - 1); i++) {
- const channelId = youtubeSubscriptions[i].split(',')[0]
- const subExists = primaryProfile.subscriptions.findIndex((sub) => {
- return sub.id === channelId
- })
- if (subExists === -1) {
- let channelInfo
- if (this.backendPreference === 'invidious') { // only needed for thumbnail
- channelInfo = await this.getChannelInfoInvidious(channelId)
- } else {
- channelInfo = await this.getChannelInfoLocal(channelId)
- }
- if (typeof channelInfo.author !== 'undefined') {
- const subscription = {
- id: channelId,
- name: channelInfo.author,
- thumbnail: channelInfo.authorThumbnails[1].url
- }
+ const ytsubs = youtubeSubscriptions.slice(1).map(yt => {
+ const splitCSVRegex = /(?:,|\n|^)("(?:(?:"")*[^"]*)*"|[^",\n]*|(?:\n|$))/g
+ return [...yt.matchAll(splitCSVRegex)].map(s => {
+ let newVal = s[1]
+ if (newVal.startsWith('"')) {
+ newVal = newVal.substring(1, newVal.length - 2).replace('""', '"')
+ }
+ return newVal
+ })
+ }).filter(channel => {
+ return channel.length > 0
+ })
+ new Promise((resolve) => {
+ let finishCount = 0
+ ytsubs.forEach(async (yt) => {
+ const { subscription, result } = await this.subscribeToChannel({
+ channelId: yt[0],
+ subscriptions: subscriptions,
+ channelName: yt[2],
+ count: count++,
+ total: ytsubs.length
+ })
+ if (result === 1) {
+ } else if (result === -1) {
+ errorList.push(yt)
- }
- count++
- const progressPercentage = (count / (youtubeSubscriptions.length - 1)) * 100
- this.setProgressBarPercentage(progressPercentage)
- if (count + 1 === (youtubeSubscriptions.length - 1)) {
- primaryProfile.subscriptions = primaryProfile.subscriptions.concat(subscriptions)
- this.updateProfile(primaryProfile)
- if (subscriptions.length < count + 2) {
- this.showToast({
- message: this.$t('Settings.Data Settings.One or more subscriptions were unable to be imported')
- })
- } else {
- this.showToast({
- message: this.$t('Settings.Data Settings.All subscriptions have been successfully imported')
- })
+ finishCount++
+ if (finishCount === ytsubs.length) {
+ resolve(true)
- this.updateShowProgressBar(false)
+ })
+ }).then(_ => {
+ this.primaryProfile.subscriptions = this.primaryProfile.subscriptions.concat(subscriptions)
+ this.updateProfile(this.primaryProfile)
+ if (errorList.length !== 0) {
+ errorList.forEach(e => { // log it to console for now, dedicated tab for 'error' channels needed
+ console.error(`failed to import ${e[2]}. Url to channel: ${e[1]}.`)
+ })
+ this.showToast({
+ message: this.$t('Settings.Data Settings.One or more subscriptions were unable to be imported')
+ })
+ } else {
+ this.showToast({
+ message: this.$t('Settings.Data Settings.All subscriptions have been successfully imported')
+ })
- }
+ }).finally(_ => {
+ this.updateShowProgressBar(false)
+ })
- handleYoutubeImportFile: async function (response) {
- let textDecode
- try {
- textDecode = await this.readFileFromDialog({ response })
- } catch (err) {
- const message = this.$t('Settings.Data Settings.Unable to read file')
- this.showToast({
- message: `${message}: ${err}`
- })
- return
- }
- textDecode = JSON.parse(textDecode)
- const primaryProfile = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.profileList[0]))
+ importYouTubeSubscriptions: async function (textDecode) {
const subscriptions = []
+ const errorList = []
message: this.$t('Settings.Data Settings.This might take a while, please wait')
@@ -333,125 +295,56 @@ export default Vue.extend({
let count = 0
- textDecode.forEach((channel) => {
- const snippet = channel.snippet
- if (typeof snippet === 'undefined') {
- const message = this.$t('Settings.Data Settings.Invalid subscriptions file')
- this.showToast({
- message: message
- })
- throw new Error('Unable to find channel data')
- }
- const subscription = {
- id: snippet.resourceId.channelId,
- name: snippet.title,
- thumbnail: snippet.thumbnails.default.url
- }
- const subExists = primaryProfile.subscriptions.findIndex((sub) => {
- return sub.id === subscription.id || sub.name === subscription.name
- })
- const subDuplicateExists = subscriptions.findIndex((sub) => {
- return sub.id === subscription.id || sub.name === subscription.name
- })
- if (subExists === -1 && subDuplicateExists === -1) {
- subscriptions.push(subscription)
- }
- count++
- const progressPercentage = (count / textDecode.length) * 100
- this.setProgressBarPercentage(progressPercentage)
- if (count === textDecode.length) {
- primaryProfile.subscriptions = primaryProfile.subscriptions.concat(subscriptions)
- this.updateProfile(primaryProfile)
- if (subscriptions.length < count) {
- this.showToast({
- message: this.$t('Settings.Data Settings.One or more subscriptions were unable to be imported')
- })
- } else {
+ new Promise((resolve) => {
+ let finishCount = 0
+ textDecode.forEach(async (channel) => {
+ const snippet = channel.snippet
+ if (typeof snippet === 'undefined') {
+ const message = this.$t('Settings.Data Settings.Invalid subscriptions file')
- message: this.$t('Settings.Data Settings.All subscriptions have been successfully imported')
+ message: message
+ throw new Error('Unable to find channel data')
- this.updateShowProgressBar(false)
- }
- })
- },
- importCsvYouTubeSubscriptions: async function () {
- const options = {
- properties: ['openFile'],
- filters: [
- {
- name: 'Database File',
- extensions: ['csv']
- }
- ]
- }
- const response = await this.showOpenDialog(options)
- if (response.canceled || response.filePaths?.length === 0) {
- return
- }
- this.handleYoutubeCsvImportFile(response)
- },
- importYouTubeSubscriptions: async function () {
- const options = {
- properties: ['openFile'],
- filters: [
- {
- name: 'Database File',
- extensions: ['json']
+ const { subscription, result } = await this.subscribeToChannel({
+ channelId: snippet.resourceId.channelId,
+ subscriptions: subscriptions,
+ channelName: snippet.title,
+ thumbnail: snippet.thumbnails.default.url,
+ count: count++,
+ total: textDecode.length
+ })
+ if (result === 1) {
+ subscriptions.push(subscription)
+ } else if (result === -1) {
+ errorList.push([snippet.resourceId.channelId, `https://www.youtube.com/channel/${snippet.resourceId.channelId}`, snippet.title])
- ]
- }
- const response = await this.showOpenDialog(options)
- if (response.canceled || response.filePaths?.length === 0) {
- return
- }
- this.handleYoutubeImportFile(response)
- },
- importOpmlYouTubeSubscriptions: async function () {
- const options = {
- properties: ['openFile'],
- filters: [
- {
- name: 'Database File',
- extensions: ['opml', 'xml']
+ finishCount++
+ if (finishCount === textDecode.length) {
+ resolve(true)
- ]
- }
- const response = await this.showOpenDialog(options)
- if (response.canceled || response.filePaths?.length === 0) {
- return
- }
- let data
- try {
- data = await this.readFileFromDialog({ response })
- } catch (err) {
- const message = this.$t('Settings.Data Settings.Unable to read file')
- this.showToast({
- message: `${message}: ${err}`
- return
- }
+ }).then(_ => {
+ this.primaryProfile.subscriptions = this.primaryProfile.subscriptions.concat(subscriptions)
+ this.updateProfile(this.primaryProfile)
+ if (errorList.length !== 0) {
+ errorList.forEach(e => { // log it to console for now, dedicated tab for 'error' channels needed
+ console.error(`failed to import ${e[2]}. Url to channel: ${e[1]}.`)
+ })
+ this.showToast({
+ message: this.$t('Settings.Data Settings.One or more subscriptions were unable to be imported')
+ })
+ } else {
+ this.showToast({
+ message: this.$t('Settings.Data Settings.All subscriptions have been successfully imported')
+ })
+ }
+ }).finally(_ => {
+ this.updateShowProgressBar(false)
+ })
+ },
+ importOpmlYouTubeSubscriptions: async function (data) {
let json
try {
json = await opmlToJSON(data)
@@ -474,12 +367,10 @@ export default Vue.extend({
message: message
- const primaryProfile = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.profileList[0]))
const subscriptions = []
@@ -493,7 +384,7 @@ export default Vue.extend({
feedData.forEach(async (channel, index) => {
const channelId = channel.xmlurl.replace('https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=', '')
- const subExists = primaryProfile.subscriptions.findIndex((sub) => {
+ const subExists = this.primaryProfile.subscriptions.findIndex((sub) => {
return sub.id === channelId
if (subExists === -1) {
@@ -520,8 +411,8 @@ export default Vue.extend({
if (count === feedData.length) {
- primaryProfile.subscriptions = primaryProfile.subscriptions.concat(subscriptions)
- this.updateProfile(primaryProfile)
+ this.primaryProfile.subscriptions = this.primaryProfile.subscriptions.concat(subscriptions)
+ this.updateProfile(this.primaryProfile)
if (subscriptions.length < count) {
@@ -539,35 +430,7 @@ export default Vue.extend({
- importNewPipeSubscriptions: async function () {
- const options = {
- properties: ['openFile'],
- filters: [
- {
- name: 'Database File',
- extensions: ['json']
- }
- ]
- }
- const response = await this.showOpenDialog(options)
- if (response.canceled || response.filePaths?.length === 0) {
- return
- }
- let data
- try {
- data = await this.readFileFromDialog({ response })
- } catch (err) {
- const message = this.$t('Settings.Data Settings.Unable to read file')
- this.showToast({
- message: `${message}: ${err}`
- })
- return
- }
- const newPipeData = JSON.parse(data)
+ importNewPipeSubscriptions: async function (newPipeData) {
if (typeof newPipeData.subscriptions === 'undefined') {
message: this.$t('Settings.Data Settings.Invalid subscriptions file')
@@ -580,8 +443,8 @@ export default Vue.extend({
return channel.service_id === 0
- const primaryProfile = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.profileList[0]))
const subscriptions = []
+ const errorList = []
message: this.$t('Settings.Data Settings.This might take a while, please wait')
@@ -592,51 +455,45 @@ export default Vue.extend({
let count = 0
- newPipeSubscriptions.forEach(async (channel, index) => {
- const channelId = channel.url.replace(/https:\/\/(www\.)?youtube\.com\/channel\//, '')
- const subExists = primaryProfile.subscriptions.findIndex((sub) => {
- return sub.id === channelId
- })
- if (subExists === -1) {
- let channelInfo
- if (this.backendPreference === 'invidious') {
- channelInfo = await this.getChannelInfoInvidious(channelId)
- } else {
- channelInfo = await this.getChannelInfoLocal(channelId)
- }
- if (typeof channelInfo.author !== 'undefined') {
- const subscription = {
- id: channelId,
- name: channelInfo.author,
- thumbnail: channelInfo.authorThumbnails[1].url
- }
+ new Promise((resolve) => {
+ let finishCount = 0
+ newPipeSubscriptions.forEach(async (channel, index) => {
+ const channelId = channel.url.replace(/https:\/\/(www\.)?youtube\.com\/channel\//, '')
+ const { subscription, result } = await this.subscribeToChannel({
+ channelId: channelId,
+ subscriptions: subscriptions,
+ channelName: channel.name,
+ count: count++,
+ total: newPipeSubscriptions.length
+ })
+ if (result === 1) {
- }
- count++
- const progressPercentage = (count / newPipeSubscriptions.length) * 100
- this.setProgressBarPercentage(progressPercentage)
- if (count === newPipeSubscriptions.length) {
- primaryProfile.subscriptions = primaryProfile.subscriptions.concat(subscriptions)
- this.updateProfile(primaryProfile)
- if (subscriptions.length < count) {
- this.showToast({
- message: this.$t('Settings.Data Settings.One or more subscriptions were unable to be imported')
- })
- } else {
- this.showToast({
- message: this.$t('Settings.Data Settings.All subscriptions have been successfully imported')
- })
+ if (result === -1) {
+ errorList.push([channelId, channel.url, channel.name])
- this.updateShowProgressBar(false)
+ finishCount++
+ if (finishCount === newPipeSubscriptions.length) {
+ resolve(true)
+ }
+ })
+ }).then(_ => {
+ this.primaryProfile.subscriptions = this.primaryProfile.subscriptions.concat(subscriptions)
+ this.updateProfile(this.primaryProfile)
+ if (errorList.count > 0) {
+ errorList.forEach(e => { // log it to console for now, dedicated tab for 'error' channels needed
+ console.error(`failed to import ${e[2]}. Url to channel: ${e[1]}.`)
+ })
+ this.showToast({
+ message: this.$t('Settings.Data Settings.One or more subscriptions were unable to be imported')
+ })
+ } else {
+ this.showToast({
+ message: this.$t('Settings.Data Settings.All subscriptions have been successfully imported')
+ })
+ }).finally(_ => {
+ this.updateShowProgressBar(false)
@@ -677,7 +534,7 @@ export default Vue.extend({
defaultPath: exportFileName,
filters: [
- name: 'Database File',
+ name: this.$t('Settings.Data Settings.Subscription File'),
extensions: ['db']
@@ -724,7 +581,7 @@ export default Vue.extend({
defaultPath: exportFileName,
filters: [
- name: 'Database File',
+ name: this.$t('Settings.Data Settings.Subscription File'),
extensions: ['json']
@@ -797,7 +654,7 @@ export default Vue.extend({
defaultPath: exportFileName,
filters: [
- name: 'Database File',
+ name: this.$t('Settings.Data Settings.Subscription File'),
extensions: ['opml']
@@ -849,7 +706,7 @@ export default Vue.extend({
defaultPath: exportFileName,
filters: [
- name: 'Database File',
+ name: this.$t('Settings.Data Settings.Subscription File'),
extensions: ['csv']
@@ -858,8 +715,8 @@ export default Vue.extend({
this.profileList[0].subscriptions.forEach((channel) => {
const channelUrl = `https://www.youtube.com/channel/${channel.id}`
let channelName = channel.name
- if (channelName.search(',') !== -1) { // add quotations if channel has comma in name
- channelName = `"${channelName}"`
+ if (channelName.search(',') !== -1) { // add quotations and escape existing quotations if channel has comma in name
+ channelName = `"${channelName.replaceAll('"', '""')}"`
exportText += `${channel.id},${channelUrl},${channelName}\n`
@@ -894,7 +751,7 @@ export default Vue.extend({
defaultPath: exportFileName,
filters: [
- name: 'Database File',
+ name: this.$t('Settings.Data Settings.Subscription File'),
extensions: ['json']
@@ -940,23 +797,12 @@ export default Vue.extend({
- checkForLegacySubscriptions: async function () {
- let dbLocation = await this.getUserDataPath()
- dbLocation = dbLocation + '/subscriptions.db'
- this.handleFreetubeImportFile({ canceled: false, filePaths: [dbLocation] })
- fs.unlink(dbLocation, (err) => {
- if (err) {
- console.error(err)
- }
- })
- },
importHistory: async function () {
const options = {
properties: ['openFile'],
filters: [
- name: 'Database File',
+ name: this.$t('Settings.Data Settings.History File'),
extensions: ['db']
@@ -1038,7 +884,7 @@ export default Vue.extend({
defaultPath: exportFileName,
filters: [
- name: 'Database File',
+ name: this.$t('Settings.Data Settings.Playlist File'),
extensions: ['db']
@@ -1082,7 +928,7 @@ export default Vue.extend({
properties: ['openFile'],
filters: [
- name: 'Database File',
+ name: this.$t('Settings.Data Settings.Playlist File'),
extensions: ['db']
@@ -1327,6 +1173,63 @@ export default Vue.extend({
+ /*
+ TODO: allow default thumbnail to be used to limit requests to YouTube
+ (thumbnail will get updated when user goes to their channel page)
+ Returns:
+ -1: an error occured
+ 0: already subscribed
+ 1: successfully subscribed
+ */
+ async subscribeToChannel({ channelId, subscriptions, channelName = null, thumbnail = null, count = 0, total = 0 }) {
+ let result = 1
+ if (this.isChannelSubscribed(channelId, subscriptions)) {
+ return { subscription: null, successMessage: 0 }
+ }
+ let channelInfo
+ let subscription = null
+ if (channelName === null || thumbnail === null) {
+ try {
+ if (this.backendPreference === 'invidious') {
+ channelInfo = await this.getChannelInfoInvidious(channelId)
+ } else {
+ channelInfo = await this.getChannelInfoLocal(channelId)
+ }
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.error(err)
+ result = -1
+ }
+ } else {
+ channelInfo = { author: channelName, authorThumbnails: [null, { url: thumbnail }] }
+ }
+ if (typeof channelInfo.author !== 'undefined') {
+ subscription = {
+ id: channelId,
+ name: channelInfo.author,
+ thumbnail: channelInfo.authorThumbnails[1].url
+ }
+ } else {
+ result = -1
+ }
+ const progressPercentage = (count / (total - 1)) * 100
+ this.setProgressBarPercentage(progressPercentage)
+ return { subscription, result }
+ },
+ isChannelSubscribed(channelId, subscriptions) {
+ if (channelId === null) { return true }
+ const subExists = this.primaryProfile.subscriptions.findIndex((sub) => {
+ return sub.id === channelId
+ }) !== -1
+ const subDuplicateExists = subscriptions.findIndex((sub) => {
+ return sub.id === channelId
+ }) !== -1
+ return subExists || subDuplicateExists
+ },
diff --git a/src/renderer/components/data-settings/data-settings.vue b/src/renderer/components/data-settings/data-settings.vue
index ae9fa730815e5..1d106738eaf3c 100644
--- a/src/renderer/components/data-settings/data-settings.vue
+++ b/src/renderer/components/data-settings/data-settings.vue
@@ -9,12 +9,7 @@