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C Headers

The C headers in this directory contain type information, including struct definitions, enum definitions, function signatures, and global variable declarations. They also contain documentation in the form of comments. They don't contain "code" in the sense of executable instructions (that would be in the realm of a decompilation project).

The top-level entrypoint for the headers is pmdsky.h. These headers are real, valid C that can be compiled with standard tools (gcc or clang). They also use a subset of C supported by Ghidra's C parser with no additional environment configuration (so no GCC extensions, etc.). This makes them versatile and compatible with the mature ecosystem of tools available for C programming.

Working with the C headers

This section is geared towards beginners, and aims to ensure a baseline level of knowledge so that the C headers can be used as documentation by experts and non-experts alike. It describes some of the basics about C types in relation to raw memory layouts, and is not totally related to Explorers of Sky itself. If you already have a good grasp on the fundamentals, this section can be skipped or skimmed.

What is a struct?

In C, a struct is just a way to group together related pieces of data. Structs can be used in various contexts, from runtime variables tracking the game's state to file formats containing static game data. A lot of documentation in the PMD community has traditionally described data structures in a format like this (this example is from the Project Pokémon docs):

Offset Length Type Name Description
0x00 2 uint16 Buy Price Price to pay for the item when purchased from a shop.
0x02 2 uint16 Sell Price Price a shop will offer for the item.
0x04 1 uint8 Category Used for sorting items, and possibly to determine the way the item works.

As a C struct, we could describe the same data like this:

struct item_data_entry {
    // 0x0: Price to pay for the item when purchased from a shop.
    uint16_t buy_price;
    // 0x2: Price a shop will offer for the item.
    uint16_t sell_price;
    // 0x4: Used for sorting items, and possibly to determine the way the item works.
    // (could also do, e.g., `enum category_id category` - more on that later)
    uint8_t category;

A big advantage of using C structs is that they're machine-readable. Not only does this mean that layout specifications are compilably precise, it also means that we can import them into tools such as Ghidra to improve the debugging experience.

One limitation of C structs is that variable-length data is difficult to represent. Variable-length fields used semi-frequently in the game's data files. Since data files are static, one easy workaround is to define an array of raw bytes for the part of the structure that has variable-length data. Fortunately, since EoS was almost certainly written in C, variable-length constructs are rarely used in the actual runtime code.

What is an enum?

An enum is a way to assign meaningful labels to a group of raw integer values. For example, every Pokémon species in EoS is identified by a "species code". Bulbasaur is 1, Ivysaur is 2, Venusaur is 3, etc. Expressed as an enum:

enum monster_id {

Enum definitions allow us to exhaustively list every possible value for a particular context (e.g., all species codes) alongside meaningful labels. Enums can also be used as types in struct fields and function parameters, which allows headers to convey more information than with plain integer types, and also allows tools like Ghidra to resolve raw values into enum labels for easier debugging.


EoS uses little-endian byte ordering for (almost) everything (like most other ARM architectures). This means that any integer type larger than a single byte is stored least-significant byte first (this might seem "backwards" to beginners, but it has some advantages). For example, let's say we have a struct like this:

struct little_endian {
    uint32_t four_bytes;
    uint16_t two_bytes;
    uint8_t one_byte;

And let's say we have a realization of the struct like this (in practice you'd probably be looking in a RAM viewer while the game is running):

// a particular instance of the struct
struct little_endian example = {
    .four_bytes = 0x12345678,
    .two_bytes = 0xABCD,
    .one_byte = 0xEF,

Then the actual layout in memory (in typical hexadecimal notation) would look like this:

78 56 34 12 CD AB EF
     ▲        ▲    ▲
     │        │    └── example.one_byte
     │        └─────── example.two_bytes
     └──────────────── example.four_bytes

Bitfield packing

Bitfields are packed least-significant bit first, similar to little-endian integers. For example, let's say we have a struct like this:

// A 1-byte bitfield
struct flags {
    uint8_t val : 4;
    bool f4 : 1;
    bool f5 : 1;
    bool f6 : 1;
    bool f7 : 1;

And let's say we have a realization of the struct like this (in practice you'd probably be reading code applying a mask to the aggregate bitfield, or looking in a RAM viewer while the game is running):

struct flags example = {
    .val = 13    // 0b1101
    .f4 = false, // 0b0
    .f5 = true,  // 0b1
    .f6 = false,
    .f7 = true,

Then the actual byte value would be 0b10101101 == 0xAD. Broken down in more detail:

{ 1   0   1   0   1101 } == 0xAD
  f7  f6  f5  f4  val

Struct packing

For technical reasons, C struct fields are normally aligned according to the natural alignment of their types, with extra bytes of padding implicitly inserted to fill any gaps created by alignment. In packed structs, fields are "packed together" exactly as defined, with no padding bytes inserted in between.

All structs in the C headers are naturally aligned by default. However, for clarity, implicit padding is not allowed. You must explicitly insert padding bytes if desired. The compiler will enforce this restriction. If a struct cannot be represented with natural alignment, you can pack it with a specified alignment by wrapping it with #pragma pack directives (use push and pop to confine the packing to just the struct of interest). For example:

// This struct is 8 bytes wide.
// {.one_byte = 0x11, .two_bytes = 0x2222, .four_bytes = 0x44444444} in memory:
//   11 __ 22 22 44 44 44 44
struct implicit_padding {
    uint8_t one_byte;
    // One byte of implicit padding here! This is not allowed!
    uint16_t two_bytes;
    uint32_t four_bytes;

// This struct is also 8 bytes wide, but explicitly padded.
// {.one_byte = 0x11, .two_bytes = 0x2222, .four_bytes = 0x44444444} in memory:
//   11 __ 22 22 44 44 44 44
struct explicit_padding {
    uint8_t one_byte;
    uint8_t _padding;
    uint16_t two_bytes;
    uint32_t four_bytes;

// This struct is 7 bytes wide, and has no padding.
// {.one_byte = 0x11, .two_bytes = 0x2222, .four_bytes = 0x44444444} in memory:
//   11 22 22 44 44 44 44
#pragma pack(push, 1) // Align all members to a 1-byte boundary
struct packed {
    uint8_t one_byte;
    uint16_t two_bytes;
    uint32_t four_bytes;
#pragma pack(pop) // Go back to the default packing behavior

Pointer size

EoS binaries are compiled for ARM9 and ARM7, which are 32-bit processor families. This means that all pointers types are 4 bytes wide (and little-endian).

Enum size

Enums are always 4-byte integers. If you want to embed a smaller-sized enum within a struct, you should either wrap it in an auxiliary struct or make it a bitfield, depending on the situation. An auxiliary struct is preferred when the desired width is an exact number of bytes, whereas an enum bitfield is the only option for fields less than 8 bits wide.

All headers have access to the convenience macros ENUM_8_BIT and ENUM_16_BIT (defined in pmdsky.h). These define 1-byte and 2-byte auxiliary structs from an enum automatically when wrapped in packing pragmas (the pragmas are required because the C standard does not allow preprocessor directives such as #pragma within macros). For example:

// This is 4 bytes wide, even though it only goes up to a value of 2.
enum four_byte_enum {
    LABEL_0 = 0,
    LABEL_1 = 1,
    LABEL_2 = 2,

// This defines a 1-byte `struct four_byte_enum_8` struct
// with a single `val` field of type `enum four_byte_enum`
#pragma pack(push, 1)
#pragma pack(pop)

// This defines a 2-byte `struct four_byte_enum_16` struct
// with a single `val` field of type `enum four_byte_enum`
#pragma pack(push, 2)
#pragma pack(pop)

// This whole struct is 4 bytes wide.
struct two_byte_struct {
    struct four_byte_enum_16 two_byte_field;
    struct four_byte_enum_8 array_of_bytes[2];

Note: Technically enum size is a detail that depends on the C compiler implementation, but in practice, most standard compilers targeting standard platforms represent enums as 4 bytes by default, including Ghidra's C parser. Both gcc and clang support the -fshort-enums option, but Ghidra's C parser doesn't, so auxiliary structs and bitfields are a sane and portable way to represent smaller-sized enums in struct fields.


In addition to the concepts discussed in the previous section, there are a few more conventions to follow when contributing to the C headers.

Provide explicit struct sizes with ASSERT_SIZE when possible

If you add new structs, add an ASSERT_SIZE statement after the struct definition. This gives readers an explicit size for structs, and also guards against mistakes by making sure structs are sized as intended (both when they're added and if there are any changes down the line). Size assertions will be checked automatically (via GitHub Actions) when you create or edit a pull request.

All headers have access to the ASSERT_SIZE macro (it's defined in pmdsky.h). Here's an example size assertion:

ASSERT_SIZE(struct some_20_byte_struct, 20);

Add comments for types and fields

For the benefit of readers using the C headers as a reference, add comments for known structs, enums, and struct fields. For fields in large structs, include the hex offset, since it's useful to have when viewing RAM directly and isn't always easy to tell just from the struct definition.

Use meaningful types

It benefits everyone to use types with a clear meaning for struct fields and function parameters:

  • For integer values, prefer the standard fixed-width integer types (1-byte signed int8_t, 1-byte unsigned uint8_t, etc.). The typical 4-byte int type is an exception if you don't want to type out int32_t. If you aren't sure about signedness, just pick one; it's not that important in most cases.
  • Prefer the 1-byte bool type for binary flags if possible.
  • If you don't know the type of a struct field or function parameter, use the Ghidra-style undefined (alias for undefined1), undefined2, and undefined4 types.

All headers have access to the above standard types (they're defined in pmdsky.h).

Follow style conventions

Some formatting conventions are enforced by the formatter. You'll be able to see if your changes are properly formatted when you create or edit a pull request on GitHub, and you'll even be able to download corrected files if there are any formatting issues. This is all automated using GitHub Actions so you don't need to install anything on your end, but if you would prefer to do things yourself, you can also set up a local dev environment.

View GitHub Actions jobs in your pull request

Naming conventions are as follows:

  • Function and data names should exactly match their corresponding symbol entries, which are PascalCase and SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE, respectively.
  • Enum labels (the actual values, not the enum name itself):
    • All labels within an enum should share a common prefix. For example, enum item_id labels are all prefixed by ITEM_.
    • Numeric values for labels should be explicit. For example, use the explicit ITEM_ORAN_BERRY = 70 rather than the implicit ITEM_ORAN_BERRY. This makes it easier for readers to use enum definitions as references.
  • Use snake_case for everything else, including the names of structs, struct fields, enums, unions, and function parameters.

Local development environment

This is not required to contribute. However, you might find that setting this up (either partially or fully) makes editing the C headers easier. The development environment uses standard Unix C tooling (Windows environments such as MinGW should also work), and you can pick and choose which to install to give you access to different commands:

  • GNU Make will allow you to run make commands. If you have the other tools but not make, you can just copy commands from the Makefile and run them yourself.
  • Either clang or gcc will allow you to run compiler checks (syntax and size assertions) via make or make headers.
  • clang-format (often comes included when you install clang) will allow you to run the formatter via make format (it also requires the find and xargs Unix utilities). With clang-format version 10+ you can also run the formatter in check mode via make format-check.
  • Python 3 (invokable with the python3 command) with PyYAML installed (pip3 install pyyaml) will allow you to run synchronization checks between functions and data symbols defined in the C headers and those defined in the corresponding symbol files, via make symbol-check.


The pmdsky-debug C headers are dual-licensed under GNU GPLv3 or MIT. If you are using the C headers in your own project, you may choose to use them under either license.