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568 lines (510 loc) · 20.1 KB

File metadata and controls

568 lines (510 loc) · 20.1 KB



- 2017-08-03 - **Added new `rolling_averages` key. This contains averages over 10 minutes.**


Regions and platforms can be overridden with URL parameters.

Regions (V3)

In V3, all regions are automatically checked. Data is returned for any regions the user is in. The other regions return null. See V3 results below.


You can override the platform with ?platform=<pc|xbl|psn>. This defaults to pc.


The default output is standard JSON, but you can prettify it with ?format=json_pretty to have it in a more readable format. (The other option is installing a browser plugin, such as JSONView.

Field formatting

Field names inside the inner dict will correspond to all of the cards shown inside the PlayOverwatch pages corresponding to the users, with a slight formatting tweak:

  • All nonalphanumeric characters are removed
  • All spaces are replaced with underscores
  • The entire fields are lowercase


The levels returned by the API are not the final levels. To calculate the final level, use (prestige * 100) + level.

Time fields

Unless otherwise specified, time fields are always in hours.


GET /api/v3/u/:battletag/blob

Get a blob of information about user stats, achievements, and heroes.




    "_request": {
        "api_ver": 3,
        "route": "/api/v3/u/Dad-12262/blob"
    "kr": null,
    "eu": null,
    "us": {
        "stats": {},
        "heroes": {},
        "achievements": {}
    "any": null


See below for detailed response on stats, heroes, and achievements.

GET /api/v3/u/:battletag/stats

Get user stats, both competitive & quickplay



A stats key containing several subkeys:

  • competitive - displaying your competitive statistics
  • quickplay - displaying your quickplay statistics

Each of these will have several other keys:

  • overall_stats - These are useful overall stats including winrate, level, prestige, game count, competitive rank, losses, wins, games.
  • game_stats - These show total statistics over all games.
  • average_stats - These are calculated by Blizzard as the average statistics.

    "_request": {
        "api_ver": 3,
        "route": "/api/v3/u/Dad-12262/stats"
    "kr": null,
    "eu": null,
    "us": {
        "stats": {
            "competitive": {
                "overall_stats": {
                    "win_rate": 52,
                    "level": 20,
                    "prestige": 1,
                    "avatar": "",
                    "wins": 9,
                    "games": 17,
                    "comprank": 2395,
                    "losses": 8,
                    "endorsement_level": 2,
                    "endorsement_shotcaller": 0,
                    "endorsement_sportsmanship": 0,
                    "endorsement_teammate": 0,
                    "rank_image": "",
                    "tier": null
                "game_stats": {
                    "objective_kills": 121.0,
                    "games_won": 9.0,
                    "kpd": 1.92,
                    "objective_kills_most_in_game": 26.0,
                    "time_spent_on_fire_most_in_game": 0.075,
                    "healing_done": 15798.0,
                    "defensive_assists": 20.0,
                    "offensive_assists": 4.0,
                    "final_blows_most_in_game": 22.0,
                    "objective_time": 0.37027777777777776,
                    "melee_final_blows": 3.0,
                    "medals": 37.0,
                    "cards": 4.0,
                    "multikill_best": 4.0,
                    "overwatch.guid.0x086000000000042e": 8.0,
                    "multikills": 4.0,
                    "defensive_assists_most_in_game": 11.0,
                    "offensive_assists_most_in_game": 2.0,
                    "melee_final_blow_most_in_game": 1.0,
                    "damage_done": 201576.0,
                    "medals_silver": 12.0,
                    "medals_gold": 12.0,
                    "healing_done_most_in_game": 2597.0,
                    "environmental_kills": 5.0,
                    "medals_bronze": 13.0,
                    "solo_kills": 29.0,
                    "time_spent_on_fire": 0.33999999999999997,
                    "eliminations_most_in_game": 44.0,
                    "final_blows": 152.0,
                    "time_played": 3.0,
                    "environmental_deaths": 6.0,
                    "solo_kills_most_in_game": 22.0,
                    "damage_done_most_in_game": 22230.0,
                    "games_played": 17.0,
                    "eliminations": 315.0,
                    "objective_time_most_in_game": 0.060000000000000005,
                    "deaths": 164.0
                "competitive": true,
                "average_stats": {
                    "healing_done_avg": 929.0,
                    "eliminations_avg": 18.52,
                    "melee_final_blows_avg": 0.17,
                    "final_blows_avg": 8.94,
                    "defensive_assists_avg": 1.0,
                    "damage_done_avg": 11857.0,
                    "deaths_avg": 9.64,
                    "objective_time_avg": 0.021666666666666667,
                    "offensive_assists_avg": 0.0,
                    "solo_kills_avg": 1.7,
                    "time_spent_on_fire_avg": 0.02,
                    "objective_kills_avg": 7.11
            "quickplay": {
                "overall_stats": {
                    "win_rate": 0,
                    "level": 20,
                    "prestige": 1,
                    "avatar": "",
                    "wins": 373,
                    "games": null,
                    "comprank": 2395,
                    "losses": null,
                    "endorsement_level": 2,
                    "endorsement_shotcaller": 0,
                    "endorsement_sportsmanship": 0,
                    "endorsement_teammate": 0,
                    "rank_image": "",
                    "tier": null
                "game_stats": {
                    "objective_kills": 3127.0,
                    "games_won": 373.0,
                    "objective_kills_most_in_game": 24.0,
                    "melee_final_blows_most_in_game": 3.0,
                    "time_spent_on_fire_most_in_game": 0.1825,
                    "healing_done": 635470.0,
                    "offensive_assists": 202.0,
                    "final_blows_most_in_game": 23.0,
                    "objective_time": 7.751944444444445,
                    "melee_final_blows": 99.0,
                    "medals": 1866.0,
                    "cards": 220.0,
                    "multikill_best": 4.0,
                    "defensive_assists": 586.0,
                    "recon_assists": 17.0,
                    "multikills": 65.0,
                    "defensive_assists_most_in_game": 15.0,
                    "offensive_assists_most_in_game": 12.0,
                    "damage_done": 3509708.0,
                    "teleporter_pads_destroyed": 28.0,
                    "medals_silver": 649.0,
                    "medals_gold": 604.0,
                    "healing_done_most_in_game": 12482.0,
                    "environmental_kills": 86.0,
                    "medals_bronze": 613.0,
                    "solo_kills": 1632.0,
                    "time_spent_on_fire": 10.516944444444444,
                    "eliminations_most_in_game": 39.0,
                    "final_blows": 4660.0,
                    "time_played": 94.0,
                    "environmental_deaths": 139.0,
                    "solo_kills_most_in_game": 23.0,
                    "damage_done_most_in_game": 15485.0,
                    "kpd": 1.74,
                    "eliminations": 8743.0,
                    "objective_time_most_in_game": 0.06472222222222222,
                    "deaths": 5028.0
                "competitive": false,
                "average_stats": {
                    "healing_done_avg": 879.0,
                    "eliminations_avg": 12.09,
                    "melee_final_blows_avg": 0.13,
                    "final_blows_avg": 6.44,
                    "defensive_assists_avg": 1.0,
                    "damage_done_avg": 4854.0,
                    "deaths_avg": 6.95,
                    "objective_time_avg": 0.010555555555555556,
                    "offensive_assists_avg": 0.0,
                    "solo_kills_avg": 2.25,
                    "time_spent_on_fire_avg": 0.014444444444444446,
                    "objective_kills_avg": 4.32
        "heroes": {
            "stats": {
                "quickplay": { },
                "competitive": { }
            "playtime": {
                "quickplay": { },
                "competitive": { }
        "achievements": { }
    "any": null


GET /api/v3/u/:battletag/achievements

Get user achievements status.



This is a mapping of category -> hash which is another mapping of achievement -> unlocked (True/False).


    "_request": {
        "api_ver": 3,
        "route": "/api/v3/u/Dad-12262/achievements"
    "kr": null,
    "eu": null,
    "us": {
        "stats": { },
        "heroes": {
            "stats": {
                "quickplay": { },
                "competitive": { }
            "playtime": {
                "quickplay": { },
                "competitive": { }
        "achievements": {
            "defense": {
                "ice_blocked": true,
                "triple_threat": false,
                "simple_geometry": false,
                "the_dragon_is_sated": false,
                "did_that_sting": true,
                "mine_like_a_steel_trap": true,
                "charge": false,
                "cold_snap": false,
                "raid_wipe": true,
                "armor_up": true,
                "roadkill": true,
                "smooth_as_silk": true
            "offense": {
                "whoa_there": true,
                "die_die_die_die": false,
                "its_high_noon": false,
                "their_own_worst_enemy": false,
                "clearing_the_area": true,
                "target_rich_environment": true,
                "death_from_above": false,
                "total_recall": true,
                "rocket_man": false,
                "slice_and_dice": false,
                "special_delivery": false,
                "waste_not_want_not": false
            "support": {
                "rapid_discord": false,
                "enabler": false,
                "huge_rez": true,
                "supersonic": true,
                "naptime": false,
                "huge_success": false,
                "the_iris_embraces_you": false,
                "the_car_wash": true,
                "the_floor_is_lava": false,
                "group_health_plan": true
            "general": {
                "decorated": true,
                "blackjack": true,
                "centenary": true,
                "undying": true,
                "level_10": true,
                "the_path_is_closed": true,
                "level_50": true,
                "level_25": true,
                "decked_out": false,
                "survival_expert": false,
                "the_friend_zone": true
            "tank": {
                "i_am_your_shield": true,
                "mine_sweeper": false,
                "storm_earth_and_fire": false,
                "giving_you_the_hook": true,
                "power_overwhelming": true,
                "anger_management": false,
                "hog_wild": true,
                "the_power_of_attraction": true,
                "shot_down": false,
                "game_over": false
            "maps": {
                "world_traveler": true,
                "lockdown": true,
                "cant_touch_this": true,
                "shutout": true,
                "escort_duty": true,
                "double_cap": true
    "any": null


GET /api/v3/u/:battletag/heroes

Get user hero stats



The heroes key will contain two subkeys, inside the respective quickplay and competitive subkeys:

  • stats, which signifies specific hero stats.
- Each hero that the user has played will have a key with the hero specific fields from the PlayOverwatch website
inside a hash mapping here.
  • playtime, which signifies specific hero playtime.
- Each hero will have a key and the play time in hours inside a hash mapping here.

    "_request": {
        "api_ver": 3,
        "route": "/api/v3/u/Dad-12262/heroes"
    "kr": null,
    "eu": null,
    "us": {
        "stats": { },
        "heroes": {
            "stats": {
                "quickplay": {
                    "junkrat": {
                        "general_stats": {
                            "objective_kills": 273.0,
                            "overwatch.guid.0x0860000000000031": 2161.0,
                            "objective_kills_most_in_game": 15.0,
                            "medals_gold": 53.0,
                            "eliminations_most_in_life": 11.0,
                            "final_blows_most_in_game": 20.0,
                            "melee_final_blow": 1.0,
                            "overwatch.guid.0x08600000000001bb": "60%",
                            "cards": 9.0,
                            "multikill_best": 4.0,
                            "overwatch.guid.0x086000000000033d": 59.0,
                            "eliminations_per_life": 1.8,
                            "multikills": 4.0,
                            "kill_streak_best": 11.0,
                            "eliminations_most_in_game": 29.0,
                            "damage_done": 425330.0,
                            "teleporter_pads_destroyed": 3.0,
                            "medals_silver": 54.0,
                            "damage_done_most_in_life": 7125.0,
                            "objective_time": "18:56",
                            "environmental_kills": 2.0,
                            "weapon_accuracy": "23%",
                            "medals_bronze": 45.0,
                            "solo_kills": 225.0,
                            "time_spent_on_fire": "31:21",
                            "medals": 152.0,
                            "final_blows": 536.0,
                            "time_played": "7 hours",
                            "environmental_deaths": 10.0,
                            "solo_kills_most_in_game": 11.0,
                            "overwatch.guid.0x0860000000000030": 9172.0,
                            "damage_done_most_in_game": 11795.0,
                            "games_won": 28.0,
                            "eliminations": 827.0,
                            "objective_time_most_in_game": "01:00",
                            "deaths": 459.0
                        "hero_stats": {
                            "rip-tire_kills_most_in_game": 9.0,
                            "rip-tire_kills": 129.0,
                            "enemies_trapped": 356.0,
                            "enemies_trapped_most_in_game": 12.0,
                            "enemies_trapped_a_minute": 6.08,
                            "melee_final_blow_most_in_game": 1.0
                "competitive": {
                    "junkrat": {
                        "general_stats": {
                            "objective_kills": 13.0,
                            "overwatch.guid.0x0860000000000031": 98.0,
                            "objective_kills_most_in_game": 5.0,
                            "medals_gold": 1.0,
                            "overwatch.guid.0x0860000000000430": 1.0,
                            "eliminations_most_in_life": 5.0,
                            "win_percentage": "69%",
                            "final_blows_most_in_game": 8.0,
                            "objective_time": "00:32",
                            "overwatch.guid.0x08600000000001bb": "80%",
                            "eliminations_per_life": 1.2,
                            "kill_streak_best": 5.0,
                            "eliminations_most_in_game": 10.0,
                            "damage_done": 21895.0,
                            "medals_silver": 2.0,
                            "damage_done_most_in_life": 2414.0,
                            "weapon_accuracy": "27%",
                            "medals_bronze": 1.0,
                            "solo_kills": 5.0,
                            "time_spent_on_fire": "00:10",
                            "medals": 3.0,
                            "final_blows": 16.0,
                            "time_played": "16 minutes",
                            "solo_kills_most_in_game": 2.0,
                            "overwatch.guid.0x0860000000000030": 359.0,
                            "damage_done_most_in_game": 5317.0,
                            "games_played": 2.0,
                            "games_won": 1.0,
                            "eliminations": 24.0,
                            "objective_time_most_in_game": "00:09",
                            "deaths": 20.0
                        "hero_stats": {
                            "enemies_trapped_a_minute": 8.71,
                            "enemies_trapped": 15.0,
                            "enemies_trapped_most_in_game": 4.0
            "playtime": {
                "quickplay": {
                    "junkrat": 7.0,
                    "soldier76": 3.0,
                    "hanzo": 0.8333333333333334,
                    "bastion": 0.3333333333333333,
                    "torbjorn": 6.0,
                    "winston": 6.0,
                    "dva": 0.5166666666666667,
                    "ana": 0,
                    "reinhardt": 16.0,
                    "lucio": 3.0,
                    "pharah": 8.0,
                    "zenyatta": 1.0,
                    "reaper": 0.2833333333333333,
                    "zarya": 7.0,
                    "mercy": 7.0,
                    "symmetra": 4.0,
                    "mccree": 3.0,
                    "widowmaker": 3.0,
                    "mei": 1.0,
                    "tracer": 2.0,
                    "roadhog": 8.0,
                    "genji": 0.26666666666666666
                "competitive": {
                    "junkrat": 0.26666666666666666,
                    "soldier76": 0.03333333333333333,
                    "hanzo": 0,
                    "bastion": 0.01,
                    "torbjorn": 0,
                    "winston": 0.03333333333333333,
                    "dva": 0.0005555555555555556,
                    "ana": 0,
                    "reinhardt": 0.6833333333333333,
                    "lucio": 0.11666666666666667,
                    "pharah": 0.7833333333333333,
                    "mccree": 0,
                    "reaper": 0,
                    "zarya": 0.48333333333333334,
                    "mercy": 0.05,
                    "symmetra": 0,
                    "zenyatta": 0.05,
                    "widowmaker": 0,
                    "mei": 0.016666666666666666,
                    "tracer": 0.05,
                    "roadhog": 0.45,
                    "genji": 0
        "achievements": { }
    "any": null
