Run docker compose up -d
here to create several containers containing a postgres database, and the other components of the app. The app will be hosted at http://localhost:8000.
This configuration is meant to model the infrastructure of the production server, with separate projects running in a single PHP container, and a separate database. Requests are routed between the different projects as per the ./infrastructure/conf/nginx-conf-local/default
For convenience, this dev environment also hosts an Adminer instance at http://localhost:8080 to directly access the database, and a phpinfo file at http://localhost:8000/phpinfo.php.
To log into the app database with Adminer, use the following credentials:
- system: PostgreSQL
- server: postgres
- username: postgres
- password: password1234
- database: gctalent
The environment variables in /api/.env.example
are already configured to connect to the database from inside a docker compose network. If you want to run migrations or data seeders, you will need to run them inside the container.
docker compose exec -w /home/site/wwwroot/api webserver sh -c "php artisan migrate"
docker compose exec -w /home/site/wwwroot/api webserver sh -c "php artisan db:seed"