Go to git and create a fork of the main repository
Copy your fork's url
Clone fork locally, wherever you want
Go to main repository and copy url
run 'git remote add upstream [paste url]'
run 'git remote -v' and check your urls are correct
follow [Site Setup] instructions to get the website running with node
'git fetch upstream'
'git merge upstream/master'
you may have merge conflicts - resolve them as git instructs
'git add .'
'git commit -m "add whatever commit message is relevent you your additions here"'
'git push origin master'
go the the github repository online
create new pull request
select your fork
create pull request
type in the chat that you have created a pull request so someone else can check it for conficts and then merge it into the main branch
Install dependencies with npm install.
How to authenticate google api stuff:
Login to the group gmail account and find the service account created for the gmail account in the api dashboard.
Make a new key for the service account, click save as json and store it in a new folder 'tokens' as 'private-key.json'.
Add the service account email to any calendars you want to use. (go to settings for the individual calendar)
How to authenticate paypal stuff:
Inside the tokens folder, make a file called paypalId.json with the following structure:
{ "clientId":"clientId_on_discord" }
And when testing the paypal transaction you can use the sandbox account login on discord
How to authenticate email: Add the file emailCredentials.json to tokens with structure: { "username":"ourgroupemail", "password":"ourgrouppassword" }
Using the form:
Enter a start and end time in the format specified, as well as a name for the event: If the time slot is valid, the paypal button will pop up. Pay using the sandbox account (it will transfer £0.01 of fake money) The page should refresh and the event should be visible with your name.
generate ssh keypair
get someone to add your public key to the mongo server
Bind the dig ocean server locally
ssh -L 4321:localhost:27017 root@ -f -N
if it stops working (hangs on npm start), restart the ssh -L (ps aux | grep 4321, kill the pids, run ^ again)
If it's really broken check that mongod is running on 206.18.... , if not mongod --fork --logpath ~/log/mongodb.log
For bash users: run ./start-tunnel to automatically connect to the database.
- Go to images and upload images for the facility
- Go to facility and add the facility, make sure automated checkbox is ticked
- If there are any special options, go to facility options and add them.
- Go to facility prices and add entries, either with options or without. Make sure all posibilities are covered (e.g there is a 1hr price for every option at least)
- Go back to facility entry and scroll to the bottom, see if all the prices and options are shown. If not,you've messed up up
If the facility pricing structure is too complicated to automate
- Go to facility and add the facility, make sure the automated checkbox is not ticked.