The Echo application is one of the HELICS apps available with the library Its purpose is to provide a easy way to generate an echo response to a message Mainly for testing and demos
allowed options:
command line only:
-? [ --help ] produce help message
-v [ --version ] display a version string
--config-file arg specify a configuration file to use
--local specify otherwise unspecified endpoints and
publications as local( i.e.the keys will be prepended
with the echo name
--stop arg the time to stop the app
-b [ --broker ] arg address of the broker to connect
-n [ --name ] arg name of the player federate
--corename arg the name of the core to create or find
-c [ --core ] arg type of the core to connect to
--offset arg the offset of the time steps
--period arg the period of the federate
--timedelta arg the time delta of the federate
-i [ --coreinit ] arg the core initialization string
--separator arg separator character for local federates
--inputdelay arg the input delay on incoming communication of the
--outputdelay arg the output delay for outgoing communication of the
-f [ --flags ] arg named flag for the federate
--delay arg the delay with which the echo app will echo message
also permissible are all arguments allowed for federates and any specific broker specified:
the echo executable also takes an untagged argument of a file name for example
helics_app echo echo_file.txt --stop 5
The Echo app supports JSON files some examples can be found in
the main property of the echo app is the delay time which messages are echoed.