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Firewall Change Requests

Aaron D Borden edited this page Apr 9, 2019 · 9 revisions

Refer to our firewall rules request form for an overview.

  1. Go to
  2. Go to Order Something
  3. Select Firewall Change Request (FCR)

Firewall Change Request (FCR) Form

The FCR has approval workflows built in, which include a supervisor as well as ISSO contact that will need to approve the ticket.

Understanding Firewall Tiers

As for APP --> APP and WEB --> APP, that's terminology used to represent the tiers. Usually (there are rare exceptions) that there are 3 tiers, which are WEB, APP, and DB. They flow of access is usually (again there are rare exceptions) from WEB --> APP --> DB as well as laterally from WEB --> WEB, APP--> APP, and DB --> DB. So, essentially, WEB can make a connection to WEB or APP, APP can make a connection to APP or DB, and DB can only make a connection to DB. WEB typically doesn't talk directly to DB (has to go to APP first) and traffic can't flow backward (i.e. APP cannot make a connection to WEB nor can DB make a connection to APP or WEB).


tcp/8983 is not part of the WEB -> APP rules, the FCR would look like:

SERVICE: tcp/8983
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