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PresentMon Capture Application

The PresentMon Capture Application is both an trace capture and realtime performance overlay for games and other graphics-intensive applications. It uses the PresentMon Service to collect performance data, a custom Direct3D 11 renderer to display a realtime performance overlay, and a CEF-based UI to configure overlay and trace capture functionality.



To run the PresentMon Capture Application, run PresentMon.exe.

Only severe errors are logged by default in Release configuration. To log all errors in release:


Logs and cache files are written to %AppData%\PresentMon2Capture by default. You can change this to the working directory of the application (convenient when launching Debug build from IDE):


Enable experimental support for tearing presents (required for Variable Refresh Rate):


In Debug configuration, the application will halt with a modal error dialog whenever a resource is requested from a non-local (network) URL. This flag disables that behavior:


Metric and CSV Column Definitions

Metric CSV Column Description Compatible Query Types
Application Application Name of the executable of the process being targeted DS
ProcessID ID of the process being targeted
Swap Chain Address SwapChainAddress Address of the swap chain used to present, useful as a unique identifier F
GPU Vendor Vendor name of the GPU DS
GPU Name Device name of the GPU DS
CPU Vendor Vendor name of the CPU DS
CPU Name Device name of the CPU DS
CPU Start Time CPUStartTime Time elapsed since the start of ETW event tracing F
Frame Time FrameTime The total amount of time in between frames on the CPU DF
CPU Busy CPUBusy How long the CPU was generating the frame in milliseconds DF
CPU Wait CPUWait How long the CPU spent waiting before it could start generating the frame in milliseconds DF
Displayed FPS Rate of frame change measurable at display D
Presented FPS Rate of application calls to a Present() function D
GPU Time GPUTime Total amount of time between when GPU started frame and when it finished in milliseconds. The GPU may not have been fully busy during this time DF
GPU Busy GPUBusy How long the GPU spent working on this frame DF
GPU Wait GPUWait How long the GPU spent waiting while working on this frame DF
Dropped Frames Indicates if the frame was not displayed DF
Displayed Time DisplayedTime How long this frame was displayed on screen DF
Sync Interval SyncInterval The application's requested interval between presents measured in vertical sync/vblank events DF
Present Flags PresentFlags Flags used to configure the present operation DF
Present Mode PresentMode Method used to present the frame DF
Present Runtime PresentRuntime The graphics runtime used for the present operation (DXGI, D3D9, etc.) DF
Allows Tearing AllowsTearing Indicates if the frame allows tearing DF
Frame Type FrameType Whether the frame was rendered by the application or interpolated by a driver/SDK. DF
GPU Latency GPULatency How long it took until GPU work for this frame started DF
Display Latency DisplayLatency Time between frame submission and scan out to display DF
Click To Photon Latency ClickToPhotonLatency Time between input and display DF
GPU Sustained Power Limit Sustained power limit of the GPU DS
GPU Power GPUPower Power consumed by the graphics adapter DF
GPU Voltage GPUVoltage Voltage consumed by the graphics adapter DF
GPU Frequency GPUFrequency Clock speed of the GPU cores DF
GPU Temperature GPUTemperature Temperature of the GPU DF
GPU Fan Speed GPUFanSpeed Rate at which a GPU cooler fan is rotating DF
GPU Utilization GPUUtilization Amount of GPU processing capacity being used DF
3D/Compute Utilization 3D/ComputeUtilization Amount of 3D/Compute processing capacity being used DF
Media Utilization MediaUtilization Amount of media processing capacity being used DF
GPU Power Limited GPUPowerLimited GPU frequency is being limited because GPU is exceeding maximum power limits DF
GPU Temperature Limited GPUTemperatureLimited GPU frequency is being limited because GPU is exceeding maximum temperature limits DF
GPU Current Limited GPUCurrentLimited GPU frequency is being limited because GPU is exceeding maximum current limits DF
GPU Voltage Limited GPUVoltageLimited GPU frequency is being limited because GPU is exceeding maximum voltage limits DF
GPU Utilization Limited GPUUtilizationLimited GPU frequency is being limited due to low GPU utilization DF
GPU Memory Power GPUMemoryPower Power consumed by the GPU memory DF
GPU Memory Voltage GPUMemoryVoltage Voltage consumed by the GPU memory DF
GPU Memory Frequency GPUMemoryFrequency Clock speed of the GPU memory DF
GPU Memory Effective Frequency GPUMemoryEffectiveFrequency Effective data transfer rate GPU memory can sustain DF
GPU Memory Temperature GPUMemoryTemperature Temperature of the GPU memory DF
GPU Memory Size GPUMemorySize Size of the GPU memory DS
GPU Memory Size Used GPUMemorySizeUsed Amount of used GPU memory DF
GPU Memory Utilization Percent of GPU memory used D
GPU Memory Max Bandwidth GPUMemoryMaxBandwidth Maximum total GPU memory bandwidth DS
GPU Memory Write Bandwidth GPUMemoryWriteBandwidth Maximum GPU memory bandwidth for writing DF
GPU Memory Read Bandwidth GPUMemoryReadBandwidth Maximum GPU memory bandwidth for reading DF
GPU Memory Power Limited GPUMemoryPowerLimited Memory frequency is being limited because the memory modules are exceeding the maximum power limits DF
GPU Memory Temperature Limited GPUMemoryTemperatureLimited Memory frequency is being limited because the memory modules are exceeding the maximum temperature limits DF
GPU Memory Current Limited GPUMemoryCurrentLimited Memory frequency is being limited because the memory modules are exceeding the maximum current limits DF
GPU Memory Voltage Limited GPUMemoryVoltageLimited Memory frequency is being limited because the memory modules are exceeding the maximum voltage limits DF
GPU Memory Utilization Limited GPUMemoryUtilizationLimited Memory frequency is being limited due to low memory traffic DF
CPU Utilization CPUUtilization Amount of CPU processing capacity being used DF
CPU Power Limit Power limit of the CPU DS
CPU Power CPUPower Power consumed by the CPU DF
CPU Temperature CPUTemperature Temperature of the CPU DF
CPU Frequency CPUFrequency Clock speed of the CPU DF
CPU Core Utility Amount of CPU processing utility being used per core D
*Query Type Codes: D = Dynamic Query, F = Frame Event Query, S = Static Query

Comma-separated value (CSV) file output

CSV file names

The PresentMon capture application creates two CSV files per capture. The first records the raw frame data of the capture and is named using the following pattern: "pmcap-[executablename]-YYMMDD-HHMMSS.csv". The second CSV file generated is a stats summary file for the capture. It includes the duration of the capture, the total number of frames captured, plus the average, minimum, maximum, 99th, 95th and 90th FPS percentiles. The stats file is named using the following pattern: "pmcap-[executablename]-YYMMDD-HHMMSS-stats.csv". All files are stored in the user's appdata local directory in the "Intel\PresentMon\Capture" folder.




Windows has a concept of Z-bands. These add a hierarchical layer to the idea of Z-order, such that all windows in a higher Z-band will always appear on top of windows in any lower Z-bands. By default, user application windows are created in the lowest Z-band (ZBID_DESKTOP), and certain OS elements such as the Start Menu or Xbox Game Bar exist on higher Z-bands.

There exists an undocumented WinAPI function called CreateWindowInBand that allows an application to create a window in a Z-band above the default one. When this function is called, the OS will perform a check to make sure the application has the required privileges. We give the app these privileges by setting uiAccess=true in the app manifest.


Our motivation to use CreateWindowInBand is to ensure that the performance monitoring overlay appears above the target game application, even when running in fullscreen exclusive mode.



uiAccess is an option that is set in an executable's manifest. It enables bypassing UI restrictions and is meant mainly for accessibility applications such as IMEs that need to appear above the active application.

This ability to bypass UI restrictions means that certain precaution are taken with respect to uiAccess applications:

  • The application must be cryptographically signed to protect against tampering
  • The application must be run from a trusted location (such as "Program Files")


  • There seems to be problems with spawning a uiAccess process from another (non-admin) process.
  • There might be problems when a normal (non-admin) process tries to Send/PostMessage to a uiAccess process

uiAccess Application Special Abilities / Vulnerabilities

  • Set the foreground window.
  • Drive any application window by using the SendInput function.
  • Use read input for all integrity levels by using low-level hooks, raw input, - GetKeyState, GetAsyncKeyState, and GetKeyboardInput.
  • Set journal hooks.
  • Use AttachThreadInput to attach a thread to a higher integrity input queue.


We have noted that an application can remain on top (even above fullscreen exclusive games) when uiAccess is set to true, even when CreateWindowInBand is not used. This also seems to be reported elsewhere:

Related Info

MSDN:Integrity Levels


The PresentMon Capture Application uses the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) to implement the the control UI. The CEF is a C++ framework that streamlines development of custom applications with Chromium. With some minimal bootstrapping and configuring code, the framework will spin up and connect Chromium components, binding them to windows, inputs, sockets, etc. on the platform of choice.

Behavior of the framework can be customized by inheriting from base class interfaces and injecting them into the framework, thus hooking various callback functions to implement your desired behavior. In particular, custom objects can be implemented in C++ and then injected into the global (window) namespace in V8 to create an interop between JS and C++ code.

A major challenge when dealing with CEF is the multi-process nature of Chromium. One must be aware at all time on which process and which thread each piece of code is running on. Thread task queues and IPC message queues are used to make sure that operations are executed on the appropriate thread and process. V8 contexts must also be captured and managed when interacting with V8 state.