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Coding Standards

Garret Tomlin edited this page May 13, 2023 · 5 revisions

Node.js Coding Standards and Guidelines

The following coding standards and guidelines are recommended for Node.js development in this project. Adhering to these guidelines will help maintain consistent and readable code across the codebase.

Table of Contents

Version of JavaScript

  • Use ECMAScript 6 (ES6) or later versions for writing JavaScript code.
  • Utilize arrow functions, destructuring, and other ES6 features to write concise and expressive code.

Naming Conventions

  • Use descriptive and meaningful names for variables, functions, classes, and modules.
  • Follow the camelCase naming convention for variables and functions.
  • Use the PascalCase naming convention for classes and modules.


  • Use consistent indentation (preferably 2 or 4 spaces) for improved readability.
  • Write clean and concise code by removing unnecessary whitespace and extra lines.
  • Follow a consistent coding style throughout the project.
  • Eslint will automatically format these changes

Error Handling

  • Handle errors appropriately using try-catch blocks or error callbacks.
  • Throw meaningful and descriptive error messages to aid in debugging.


  • Use comments to explain complex or non-obvious sections of code.
  • Write self-documenting code to reduce the need for excessive comments.
  • Comment on public APIs and document their usage when necessary.

Modules and Dependencies

  • Use import statements to include external modules and dependencies.
  • Clearly specify module dependencies in the project's package.json file.
  • Update and manage dependencies using a package manager like npm or yarn.

Testing with Prisma and Vite

  • Utilize Prisma for database testing and interaction.
  • Use Vite for fast and efficient development server and bundling.
  • Write comprehensive unit and integration tests to ensure code quality and reliability.

Flutter Coding Standards and Guidelines

The following coding standards and guidelines are recommended for Flutter development in this project, following the Uncle Bob design pattern (Clean Architecture). Adhering to these guidelines will help maintain a clean, modular, and scalable codebase.

Table of Contents

Project Structure

  • Organize your project using a modular structure, such as a domain-driven design.
  • Keep related files together within their respective modules or features.
  • Separate concerns and adhere to the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP).

Naming Conventions

  • Use descriptive and meaningful names for classes, variables, functions, and files.
  • Follow the camelCase naming convention for variables and functions.
  • Use the UpperCamelCase naming convention for classes and files.
  • Avoid abbreviations and acronyms unless they are widely known and accepted.

Code Organization

  • Follow the principles of Clean Architecture by separating your code into different layers (presentation, domain, and data).
  • Create clear abstractions between layers, allowing for easy testing and flexibility.
  • Apply SOLID principles (Single Responsibility, Open/Closed, Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregation, Dependency Inversion) to promote clean and maintainable code.
  • Strive for small, cohesive classes and functions that do one thing well.
  • Minimize code duplication and adhere to the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle.

State Management

  • Utilizing a state management solution Provider, "Riverpod", to manage and propagate state changes in CRA application.
  • Avoid excessive use of global state and prefer localized state management when possible.
  • Keep your state management logic separate from your UI components for better separation of concerns.

UI Design and Styling

  • Follow the Material Design guidelines for UI/UX consistency and familiarity.
  • Use Flutter's built-in widget library for common UI elements and layouts.
  • Utilize responsive design techniques to ensure your app adapts well to different screen sizes and orientations.
  • Separate your UI logic from business logic, keeping your UI code clean and readable.
  • Use themes, colors, and typography consistently throughout your app for a cohesive visual experience.
  • Follow the Figma Design


  • Write comprehensive unit tests and widget tests to ensure the correctness of your code.
  • Utilize testing frameworks like flutter_test and tools like mockito for effective testing.
  • Write integration tests to validate the interaction between different components and features.
  • Strive for high test coverage to minimize the chance of regressions and ensure code reliability.

Error Handling

  • Handle errors gracefully by using try-catch blocks or asynchronous error handling mechanisms.
  • Provide meaningful error messages and feedback to users when errors occur.
  • Avoid using generic catch-all error handlers; handle errors at the appropriate level of the application.


  • Document your code using inline comments to explain complex or non-obvious sections.
  • Write self-explanatory code and utilize meaningful variable and function names to reduce the need for excessive comments.
  • Document public APIs and include usage examples, parameter descriptions, and return value explanations.

Performance and Optimization

  • Optimize CrimeStop-Analytics performance by minimizing unnecessary re-renders and widget rebuilds.
  • Use Flutter's performance profiling tools to identify and resolve performance bottlenecks.
  • Avoid blocking the main UI thread with long-running operations; offload heavy computations to isolate or background processes.
  • Optimize resource usages, such as memory and network requests, to ensure efficient app performance.
  • Implement lazy loading and caching strategies for data retrieval and storage to improve loading times.

Python Coding Standards and Guidelines

Table of Contents

General Principles

  • Write clean, readable, and maintainable code by following the PEP 8 style guide.
  • Use meaningful variable and function names that reflect their purpose and functionality.
  • Write concise and modular functions, adhering to the single responsibility principle.
  • Document your code using clear and descriptive comments.
  • Follow the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle to avoid duplicating code.
  • Handle errors and exceptions gracefully, providing informative error messages.

Flask Application Structure

  • Organizing CrimeStop-Analytics using the this application structure:
    • Use a modular design with blueprints to separate concerns and promote code reusability.
    • Separate your application logic into logical components such as routes, views, models, and services.
    • Utilize a separate configuration file for storing environment-specific settings.
    • Use a dedicated folder for static assets like CSS, JavaScript, and images.


  • Implement proper authentication and authorization mechanisms to protect sensitive functionality and data.
  • Sanitize user input to prevent security vulnerabilities such as SQL injection or cross-site scripting (XSS).
  • Use secure session management and token-based authentication where applicable.


  • Write unit tests and integration tests to verify the functionality of your facial recognition application.
  • Use a testing framework pytest to automate test execution.
  • Mock external dependencies, such as database access or API calls, for isolated and reliable testing.
  • Aim for high code coverage to ensure robustness and catch potential issues.

Performance and Scalability

  • Optimize the performance of your application by following best practices:
    • Use caching mechanisms to minimize repetitive computations or data retrieval.
    • Optimize database queries and consider using indexes for frequently accessed data.
    • Use asynchronous processing or task queues for long-running or resource-intensive tasks.


  • Provide comprehensive documentation for your facial recognition application:
    • Include an overview of the application's purpose, features, and architecture.
    • Document installation instructions, including dependencies and environment setup.
    • Provide clear usage instructions and examples for running the application.
    • Document the API endpoints, request/response formats, and authentication requirements.
    • Include code documentation using docstrings to explain the purpose and usage of functions and classes.


Following these coding standards and guidelines will contribute to the maintainability, scalability, and overall quality of the CRA project. I will regularly review and refine these standards based on the CRA team's evolving needs and industry best practices.

Happy coding!