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Linnworks Node.js SDK

The Linnworks Node.js SDK is here to make connecting with the Linnworks platform super easy for Node.js developers.

⚙️ Installiation

yarn add @geedium/linnworks

You can use your preferred package manager yarn is just an example.

🚀 Quick Start

import { Linnworks } from '@geedium/linnworks';

const client = Linnworks({
    applicationId: "<your_application_id>",
    applicationSecret: "<your_application_secret>",
    installiationToken: "<your_installation_token>",
    version: "v1",

await client.auth.authorizeByApplication();

const topProducts = await client.dashboards.getPerformanceTableData({
    period: 1,


🪢 Integrations

Integration Implemented
Channel integration Channel
Shipping integration <Root>

This package only includes types and utilities for the integrations.
You must deploy your own application server and host it with your chosen service.
You can obtain your application id, secret, and token from the Linnworks Developer Portal.


You can import the integration and access all its exported types.

import { Linnworks, Channel } from '@geedium/linnworks';

const var: Channel.ExpectedType = Channel.ExpectedType.STRING;


API Implemented
Authenticate API ✔ Auth auth
Dashboards API ✔ Dashboards dashboards
Email API ✔ Email email
Generic Listings API ✔ GenericListings genericListings
Import and Export API ✔ ImportExport importExport
Listings API
Locations API
Macros API
Open Orders API
Orders API
Picking API
Post Sale (Cancellations) API
Postal Services API
Print Service API
Processed Orders API
Purchase Orders API
Returns and Refunds API
Rules Engine API
Settings API
ShipStation API
Stock API
Warehouse Transfer (Legacy) API
Warehouse Transfer API ✗ FbaShipment
✗ FbaShipmentBox
✗ FbaShipmentBoxItem
✗ FbaShipmentFeed
✗ FbaShipmentItem
✗ FbaShipmentItemBatch
✗ FbaShipmentPallet
✗ FbaShipmentTransport
✗ FbaShipmentTransportDetail
✗ FbaShippingLocation
✗ FbaShippingPlan
✗ FbaStockItemBatch
✗ FbaTransferCards
✗ Import
✗ StockItem
✗ WarehouseTransfer
Shipping service API ✗ ShippingService shippingService
Inventory API


API Implemented
Warehouse Transfer