Target of project is to provide additional documentation for developers of CorelDraw extensions macros and addons.
Concepts that need to be described in more details:
Structure of drawui.xml file.
Available properties of drawui elements and their possible values.
Built in datasources and their properties and methods.
CQL Query Language
CQL objects associated with document objects and their properties
Cookbook for extending interface of CorelDraw
Structure of config.xml files + building and adding binary resources to extension DLL's (strings / icons / cursors)
Simple php script to build list
$data = file_get_contents('drawui.xml');
$matches = [];
preg_match_all('/DataSource=([a-zA-Z0-9]+){1,1};Path=([A-Za-z0-9]+)(?:\)|;)/', $data, $matches);
$dses = $matches[1];
$props = $matches[2];
$result = [];
foreach ($dses as $key => $ds) {
if (!isset($result[$ds])) {
$result[$ds] = [];
if (!in_array($props[$key], $result[$ds])) {
$result[$ds][] = $props[$key];
foreach ($result as $ds => $methods) {
foreach ($methods as $method) {
echo "$ds => $method \r\n";