A compiler for Robert Heckendorn's C- (cminus) language.
If you are currently in the class: DO NOT USE THIS CODE IN YOUR PROJECT. MIT License does not enable its use in a school assignment. Plagiarizing will get you suspended or expelled, I've seen it happen before. You're welcome to read it and fill gaps in understanding in Flex/Bison, such as function calls and syntax, not the algorithms and logical structure of the program.
It is recommended you run this on a distribution of Linux.
./c- <inputfile> [flags]
tm <objectfile>.tm
-d Enable yydebug for flex/bison debugging
-t Testing flag, for general debugging
-p Print the syntax tree generated by bison
-P Print the annotated syntax tree (annotated with types, etc)
-o [ <filename> | - ] Generate TM instructions.
(Default: "fred.tm". <filename>: outputs to the filename. '-': stdout)
Bison 3.0 or higher (Hard requirement, can confirm 2.5 freaks out)
Flex 2.5.39 or higher (I think flex 2.5.37 will work as well)
gcc 4.9 or higher (Hard requirement, C++11)
Make 4.0 (Most any version will work fine)
git clone <repo>
cd <repo>/src
make tm # Makes the Tiny Machine emulator
make # Makes CCC
./c- 6tests/scope35.c- -P -o scope35.tm
tm scope35.c-
Code and documentation copyright 2015-2018 Christopher Goes.
All code and documentation released under the MIT License.