All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- PIPELINE-756: Adds cloudbuild and tests. Drops pipe-tool dependencies. Drops bash scripting, uses python instead Drops Travis dependency. Uses new base image.
- GlobalFishingWatch/gfw-eng-tasks#20: Adds fix to store only one TLE, instead of all the server returns, by norad_id by day.
- GlobalFishingWatch/GFW-Tasks#1181: Adds replace flag for tables in BigQuery. support for norad_id's when on some days the server SpaceTrack API doesn't give us data. Limits this feature for a maximum of 7 days. support for python3.7 and pipe-tools:v3.1.0.
- GlobalFishingWatch/GFW-Tasks#1181: Changes the CLOUD_SDK_VERSION to 268.0.0 The pipe-tools version to v3.1.0 The python version to 3.7 The way of calling the flexible_operator. Updates the TLE schema wuth DECAYED field
- GlobalFishingWatch/GFW-Tasks#991
- Updates the code to support airflow-gfw library and also supports the pipe-tools v2.0.0
- GlobalFishingWatch/GFW-Tasks#929 Create distance to satellite lookup table