👋 Hi there! I'm Gokulraj.
💻 I am passionate about software development and data science. Currently, I'm a student working on various projects to enhance my skills and contribute to the tech community.
📚 I have experience with Python, JavaScript, and web development frameworks like Reactjs,Django and Flask. I enjoy building applications that solve real-world problems and exploring the latest technologies in the field.
🚀 Check out my latest project: Real-Time Stock Market Price Dashboard, a tool for tracking live stock prices with a user-friendly interface.
📈 I’m currently learning more about machine learning and artificial intelligence, aiming to integrate these technologies into my projects.
🌟 Fun fact: I love combining my technical skills with creative hobbies like digital art and music production.
🔗 Connect with me on LinkedIn: Gokulraj's LinkedIn
Feel free to explore my repositories and reach out if you have any questions or collaboration ideas!