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Google OAuth2 with Phoenix Example Application

This is an example application based off the OAuth2 Example Application showing how one can use 3-legged OAuth for Google using the Phoenix framework and the OAuth2 library.

Alt text

Try the demo out at!

Run the Application

To start the application:

  1. Register a new application in the Google Developer Console
    • Click Create Credentials > OAuth client ID
    • Select "Web application" as the application type
    • Enter http://localhost:4000/auth/callback as an authorized redirect URI
    • Click Dashboard > ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES and enable "Google+ API"
  2. Set the GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URI environment variable to the callback URL
  3. Set the GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID and GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET environment variables
  4. Install Elixir dependencies with mix deps.get
  5. Install NodeJS dependencies with npm install
  6. Start the application with mix phoenix.server

Now you can visit http://localhost:4000 from your browser and click "Sign in with Google".

After authorizing the application, you should see the welcome message above.

Understanding the Code

The majority of the work is done in the Google OAuth model (web/oauth/google.ex) and the Auth Controller (web/controllers/auth_controller.ex).

Google OAuth Model (web/oauth/google.ex)

The Google OAuth model wraps OAuth2 and configures the client crendentials, redirect URI, and OAuth2 token and authorization URLs.

defmodule Google do
  use OAuth2.Strategy

  # Public API
  def client do[
      strategy: __MODULE__,
      client_id: System.get_env("GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID"),
      client_secret: System.get_env("GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET"),
      redirect_uri: System.get_env("GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URI"),
      site: "",
      authorize_url: "/o/oauth2/auth",
      token_url: "/o/oauth2/token"

  def authorize_url!(params \\ []) do
    OAuth2.Client.authorize_url!(client(), params)

  # you can pass options to the underlying http library via `opts` parameter
  def get_token!(params \\ [], headers \\ [], opts \\ []) do
    OAuth2.Client.get_token!(client(), params, headers, opts)

  # Strategy Callbacks
  def authorize_url(client, params) do
    OAuth2.Strategy.AuthCode.authorize_url(client, params)

  def get_token(client, params, headers) do
    |> put_param(:client_secret, client.client_secret)
    |> put_header("accept", "application/json")
    |> OAuth2.Strategy.AuthCode.get_token(params, headers)

Auth Controller (web/controllers/auth_controller.ex):

The Auth Controller handles redirecting the user to the authorize URL, exchanging an authorization code for an access token, and making a request to Google's API to retrieve a profile picture.

defmodule GoogleOAuth2Example.AuthController do
  use GoogleOAuth2Example.Web, :controller

  @doc """
  This action is reached via `/auth/callback` is the the callback URL that
  Google's OAuth2 provider will redirect the user back to with a `code` that will
  be used to request an access token. The access token will then be used to
  access protected resources on behalf of the user.
  def callback(conn, %{"code" => code}) do
    # Exchange an auth code for an access token
    client = Google.get_token!(code: code)

    # Request the user's data with the access token
    scope = ""
    %{body: user} = OAuth2.Client.get!(client, scope)
    current_user = %{
      name: user["name"],
      avatar: String.replace_suffix(user["picture"], "?sz=50", "?sz=400")

    # Store the user in the session under `:current_user` and redirect to /.
    # In most cases, we'd probably just store the user's ID that can be used
    # to fetch from the database. In this case, since this example app has no
    # database, I'm just storing the user map.
    # If you need to make additional resource requests, you may want to store
    # the access token as well.
    |> put_session(:current_user, current_user)
    |> put_session(:access_token, client.token.access_token)
    |> redirect(to: "/")

  @doc """
  This action is reached via `/auth` and redirects to the Google OAuth2 provider.
  def index(conn, _params) do
    redirect conn, external: Google.authorize_url!(
      scope: ""

  def delete(conn, _params) do
    |> put_flash(:info, "You have been logged out!")
    |> configure_session(drop: true)
    |> redirect(to: "/")