diff --git a/monitoring/snippets/README.md b/monitoring/snippets/README.md
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[//]: # "This README.md file is auto-generated, all changes to this file will be lost."
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+[//]: # "To regenerate it, use `python -m synthtool`."
-# Stackdriver Monitoring: Node.js Samples
+# [Stackdriver Monitoring: Node.js Samples](https://github.com/googleapis/nodejs-monitoring)
[![Open in Cloud Shell][shell_img]][shell_link]
-[Stackdriver Monitoring](https://cloud.google.com/monitoring/docs) collects metrics, events, and metadata from Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services (AWS), hosted uptime probes, application instrumentation, and a variety of common application components including Cassandra, Nginx, Apache Web Server, Elasticsearch and many others.
+[Stackdriver Monitoring](https://cloud.google.com/monitoring/docs) collects metrics, events, and metadata from
+Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services (AWS), hosted uptime probes, application instrumentation,
+and a variety of common application components including Cassandra, Nginx, Apache Web Server, Elasticsearch and many others.
## Table of Contents
* [Before you begin](#before-you-begin)
* [Samples](#samples)
- * [Alert Policies](#alert-policies)
+ * [Alerts](#alerts)
* [Metrics](#metrics)
- * [Uptime Config](#uptime-config)
+ * [Quickstart](#quickstart)
+ * [Uptime](#uptime)
## Before you begin
-Before running the samples, make sure you've followed the steps in the
-[Before you begin section](../README.md#before-you-begin) of the client
-library's README.
+Before running the samples, make sure you've followed the steps outlined in
+[Using the client library](https://github.com/googleapis/nodejs-monitoring#using-the-client-library).
## Samples
-### Alert Policies
-View the [source code][alerts_0_code].
+### Alerts
+View the [source code](https://github.com/googleapis/nodejs-monitoring/blob/master/samples/alerts.js).
[![Open in Cloud Shell][shell_img]](https://console.cloud.google.com/cloudshell/open?git_repo=https://github.com/googleapis/nodejs-monitoring&page=editor&open_in_editor=samples/alerts.js,samples/README.md)
-__Usage:__ `node alerts.js --help`
- alerts.js backup Save alert policies to a ./policies_backup.json file.
- alerts.js restore Restore alert policies from a ./policies_backup.json file.
- alerts.js replace Replace the notification channels of the specified alert policy.
- alerts.js disable [filter] Disables policies that match the given filter.
- alerts.js enable [filter] Enables policies that match the given filter.
- alerts.js list Lists alert policies in the specified project.
- --version Show version number [boolean]
- --alertPolicyName [string]
- --help Show help [boolean]
- node alerts.js backup my-project-id Backup policies.
- node alerts.js restore my-project-id Restore policies.
- node alerts.js replace Replace the notification channels of the specified alert
- projects/my-project-id/alertPolicies/12345 channel-1 policy.
- channel-2 channel-3
- node alerts.js disable my-project-id "(NOT Disables policies that match the given filter.
- display_name.empty OR NOT description.empty) AND
- user_labels='active'"
- node alerts.js disable my-project-id "description:'cloud'" Disables policies that match the given filter.
- node alerts.js disable my-project-id Disables policies that match the given filter.
- "display_name=monitoring.regex.full_match('Temp \d{4}')"
- node alerts.js enable my-project-id "(NOT display_name.empty Enables policies that match the given filter.
- OR NOT description.empty) AND user_labels='active'"
- node alerts.js enable my-project-id "description:'cloud'" Enables policies that match the given filter.
- node alerts.js enable my-project-id Enables policies that match the given filter.
- "display_name=monitoring.regex.full_match('Temp \d{4}')"
-For more information, see https://cloud.google.com/monitoring/docs/
-[alerts_0_docs]: https://cloud.google.com/monitoring/docs
-[alerts_0_code]: alerts.js
+`node alerts.js`
### Metrics
-View the [source code][metrics_1_code].
+View the [source code](https://github.com/googleapis/nodejs-monitoring/blob/master/samples/metrics.js).
[![Open in Cloud Shell][shell_img]](https://console.cloud.google.com/cloudshell/open?git_repo=https://github.com/googleapis/nodejs-monitoring&page=editor&open_in_editor=samples/metrics.js,samples/README.md)
-__Usage:__ `node metrics.js --help`
- metrics.js create [projectId] Creates an example 'custom.googleapis.com/stores/daily_sales'
- custom metric descriptor.
- metrics.js list [projectId] Lists metric descriptors.
- metrics.js get [projectId] Get a metric descriptor.
- metrics.js delete [projectId] Deletes a custom metric descriptor.
- metrics.js write [projectId] Writes example time series data to
- 'custom.googleapis.com/stores/daily_sales'.
- metrics.js read [projectId] Reads time series data that matches the given filter.
- metrics.js read-fields [projectId] Reads headers of time series data that matches
- 'compute.googleapis.com/instance/cpu/utilization'.
- metrics.js read-aggregate [projectId] Aggregates time series data that matches
- 'compute.googleapis.com/instance/cpu/utilization'.
- metrics.js read-reduce [projectId] Reduces time series data that matches
- 'compute.googleapis.com/instance/cpu/utilization'.
- metrics.js list-resources [projectId] Lists monitored resource descriptors.
- metrics.js get-resource [projectId] Get a monitored resource descriptor.
- --version Show version number [boolean]
- --projectId, -p [string] [default: "nodejs-docs-samples"]
- --help Show help [boolean]
- node metrics.js create
- node metrics.js list
- node metrics.js get logging.googleapis.com/log_entry_count
- node metrics.js delete custom.googleapis.com/stores/daily_sales
- node metrics.js list-resources
- node metrics.js get-resource cloudsql_database
- node metrics.js write
- node metrics.js read 'metric.type="compute.googleapis.com/instance/cpu/utilization"'
- node metrics.js read-fields
- node metrics.js read-aggregate
- node metrics.js read-reduce
-For more information, see https://cloud.google.com/monitoring/docs
-[metrics_1_docs]: https://cloud.google.com/monitoring/docs
-[metrics_1_code]: metrics.js
-### Uptime Config
-View the [source code][uptime_2_code].
+`node metrics.js`
+### Quickstart
+View the [source code](https://github.com/googleapis/nodejs-monitoring/blob/master/samples/quickstart.js).
+[![Open in Cloud Shell][shell_img]](https://console.cloud.google.com/cloudshell/open?git_repo=https://github.com/googleapis/nodejs-monitoring&page=editor&open_in_editor=samples/quickstart.js,samples/README.md)
+`node quickstart.js`
+### Uptime
+View the [source code](https://github.com/googleapis/nodejs-monitoring/blob/master/samples/uptime.js).
[![Open in Cloud Shell][shell_img]](https://console.cloud.google.com/cloudshell/open?git_repo=https://github.com/googleapis/nodejs-monitoring&page=editor&open_in_editor=samples/uptime.js,samples/README.md)
-__Usage:__ `node uptime.js --help`
+`node uptime.js`
- uptime.js create [projectId] Creates an uptime check config.
- uptime.js list [projectId] Lists uptime check configs.
- uptime.js list-ips Lists uptime check config IPs.
- uptime.js get [projectId] Gets an uptime check config.
- uptime.js delete [projectId] Deletes an uptime check config.
- --version Show version number [boolean]
- --projectId, -p [string] [default: "nodejs-docs-samples"]
- --help Show help [boolean]
- node uptime.js create mydomain.com Create an uptime check.
- node uptime.js list List all uptime check configs.
- node uptime.js list "resource.type = gce_instance AND List all uptime check configs for a specific GCE
- resource.label.instance_id = mongodb" instance.
- node uptime.js list-ips
- node uptime.js get My-Uptime-Check
- node uptime.js delete My-Uptime-Check
-For more information, see https://cloud.google.com/monitoring/uptime-checks/
-[uptime_2_docs]: https://cloud.google.com/monitoring/docs
-[uptime_2_code]: uptime.js
[shell_img]: https://gstatic.com/cloudssh/images/open-btn.png
[shell_link]: https://console.cloud.google.com/cloudshell/open?git_repo=https://github.com/googleapis/nodejs-monitoring&page=editor&open_in_editor=samples/README.md
+[product-docs]: https://cloud.google.com/monitoring/docs
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