These instructions assume familiarity with all the required components and covers only those steps that are specific to the Open Data Platform.
The best point to start is a fresh Debian or Ubuntu GNU/Linux install. Most other distribution should work as. A windows based system should be possible, too, but we have never seen it done.
- PostgreSQL 14 (Postgres docs)
- Java JDK 8 / 11 (OpenJDK JDK download or Oracle Java JDK download)
- Python 3.X (Python docs)
- Maven 3.6.x (Maven site)
- CKAN 2.9+ (CKAN installation), follow the (Apache mod_wsgi instructions)
- Liferay 7.4.3.X (GitHub Releases) bundled with an application container, e.g. Tomcat for an easy start
- Elasticsearch 7.17.x follow the (Elasticsearch installation guide)
- ActiveMQ (ActiveMQ Getting started)
- ckanext-searchindexhook (on GitHub or on Open CoDE)
Optional Requirements:
- Flyway 7.8.x (Flyway Download and installation, Flyway command-line tool download)
- TripleStore Apache Jena Fuseki (Apache Jena Fuseki documentation, Download Apache Jena Fuseki)
- SHACL validator (ITB SHACL validator documentation, SHACL validator download, Online SHACL validator)
If not already done, create database and user for Liferay:
sudo su postgres
psql -c "create user liferay with password 'liferay';"
createdb -O liferay liferay -E utf-8 -T template0
Assuming you have an installed and reachable CKAN 2.x installation.
Create an admin user (CKAN doc for that)
Note the admin API key, Liferay will be using this one to authenticate against CKAN (
Define the file with the licenses used by the German Open Data Portals. The file is available at ckanext-dcatde (on GitHub or on Open CoDE). This can be configured in the ckan configuration file production.ini, e.g.
directly to the remote url
licenses_group_url = # or licenses_group_url =
or to a local copy of the file
licenses_group_url = file:///usr/lib/dcat-metadata/dcat_licenses.json
Create some categories (CKAN calls them "groups"). The conform groups can be easily created by the CKAN command dcatde_themeadder in the CKAN extension ckanext-dcatde (on GitHub or on Open CoDE).
Create some datasets
Install ActiveMQ on the same host where the index services are running.
Install Flyway on the same host where the DB service is running.
Install the Debian-Packages for the microservices index-application2-service, index-queue-service and govdata-db-service, available in folder deb, e.g.:
sudo dpkg -i index-application2-service_*_all.deb sudo dpkg -i index-queue-service_*_all.deb sudo dpkg -i govdata-db-service_*_all.deb
Initial tasks before first start
sudo flyway -configFiles=/opt/app/govdata-db-service/config/ clean
Start Services
sudo supervisorctl add index-queue-service index-application2-service govdata-db-service sudo supervisorctl start index-queue-service index-application2-service govdata-db-service
Create the necessary search indexes in Elasticsearch. Copy the Elasticsearch index configuration files from index, e.g. to /etc/govdata/.
create ckan index in Elasticsearch
curl 'http://localhost:9200/{{ index_name_ckan }}' -f -X PUT -H 'Content-Type:application/json;charset=utf-8' --user "{{ elastic_user }}:{{ elastic_user_pw }} --data '@/etc/govdata/de_ckan_govdata_index.json' curl 'http://localhost:9200/{{ index_name_ckan }}/_mapping' -f -X POST -H 'Content-Type:application/json;charset=utf-8' --user "{{ elastic_user }}:{{ elastic_user_pw }} --data '@/etc/govdata/de_ckan_govdata_index_mapping.json'
create liferay index in Elasticsearch
curl 'http://localhost:9200/{{ index_name_liferay }}' -f -X PUT -H 'Content-Type:application/json;charset=utf-8' --user "{{ elastic_user }}:{{ elastic_user_pw }} --data '@/etc/govdata/de_liferay_govdata_index.json' curl 'http://localhost:9200/{{ index_name_liferay }}/_mapping' -f -X POST -H 'Content-Type:application/json;charset=utf-8' --user "{{ elastic_user }}:{{ elastic_user_pw }} --data '@/etc/govdata/de_liferay_govdata_index_mapping.json'
create searchhistory index in Elasticsearch
curl 'http://localhost:9200/{{ index_name_searchhistory }}' -f -X PUT -H 'Content-Type:application/json;charset=utf-8' --user "{{ elastic_user }}:{{ elastic_user_pw }} --data '@/etc/govdata/de_searchhistory_govdata_index.json' curl 'http://localhost:9200/{{ index_name_searchhistory }}/_mapping' -f -X POST -H 'Content-Type:application/json;charset=utf-8' --user "{{ elastic_user }}:{{ elastic_user_pw }} --data '@/etc/govdata/de_searchhistory_govdata_index_mapping.json'
create showcases index in Elasticsearch
curl 'http://localhost:9200/{{ index_name_showcases }}' -f -X PUT -H 'Content-Type:application/json;charset=utf-8' --user "{{ elastic_user }}:{{ elastic_user_pw }} --data '@/etc/govdata/de_showcases_govdata_index.json' curl 'http://localhost:9200/{{ index_name_showcases }}/_mapping' -f -X POST -H 'Content-Type:application/json;charset=utf-8' --user "{{ elastic_user }}:{{ elastic_user_pw }} --data '@/etc/govdata/de_showcases_govdata_index_mapping.json'
Replace the variables with the real index names, e.g. the default index names:
{{ index_name_ckan }} = govdata-ckan-de
{{ index_name_liferay }} = govdata-liferay-de
{{ index_name_searchhistory }} = govdata-searchhistory-de
{{ index_name_showcases }} = govdata-showcases-de
{{ elastic_user }} = elastic
{{ elastic_user_pw }} = pass
Install the CKAN extension ckanext-searchindexhook (on GitHub or on Open CoDE) as described in the CKAN extension installation guide.
Stop your application server and edit
. We recommend using the file used for in packaging/src/main/resources/ and update the relevant parameters.
The relevant parameters were:
The following parameters could be relevant if some components are not installed on the same host:
For different index names in elasticsearch the following parameters are also relevant:
Relevant parameters when using a TripleStore Apache Jena Fuseki:
Relevant parameters when using a SHACL validator:
Clone the main project (from GitHub):
git clone govdata-portal
cd govdata-portal
or (from Open CoDE):
git clone govdata-portal
cd govdata-portal
Build the portlets with Maven:
mvn package
Put the WAR-Files in your deploy folder, e.g. /opt/app/portal-liferay/liferay-home/deploy. In the target folder you will find a debian package which put all necessary WAR-Files in the folder /opt/app/portal-liferay/liferay-home/deploy and copy the to /var/lib/tomcat9. Otherwise you can copy the WAR-files from the target folder of the several projects into the desired deploy folder, e.g.
cp $(find . -name "*.war") /opt/liferay/deploy
You are ready to create your data portal!
As a first step assign the Theme "Seitenbau GovData Theme" to all Public Pages.
Next, create a landing page and place the portlets categories-grid-portlet and boxes-portlet from the group odp-platform on the page.
Next create a page for the map search, e.g. "Kartensuche" with the friendly url "kartensuche" and place the portlet GovData Kartensuche on the page. For all portlets the parameter "Show borders" within the Look and Feel should be set to "No".
After this create a page for the extended search, e.g. "Erweiterte Suche" with the friendly url "erweitertesuche" and place the portlet GovData erweiterte Suche on the page.
Next create a Liferay page suchen and place the portlets GovData Suchfeld, GovData Suchergebnisse and GovData Metadata Detailseite from the group GovData. On this page it is possible to search, view the search result and view the details of the datasets. At least put the portlet GovData Suchergebnisse als Atomfeed at the end of the page. For all portlets the parameter "Show borders" within the Look and Feel should be set to "No".
Typically you would instantiate GovData Metadaten bearbeiten on a hidden page, so that it is seen only by user who are allowed to manipulate datasets. The user with the right to manipulate datasets should have assigned to the role "Datenbereitsteller" in Liferay. The role have to be created if not existent. For the added portlet the parameter "Show borders" within the Look and Feel should be set to "No".
Access control: You can use Liferay's roles and permission system for generic purposes like web content and page editing. The Open Data Platform portlets in contrast rely on CKAN's access control system. This is how it works: Users can register or be be registered in Liferay, the opendataregistry-client creates corresponding users in CKAN on the fly. So if you want users to be able to add and edit datasets you have to configure this using CKAN's user management by assigning a user to the desired organization with the role editor and to the desired groups with the role member.