Source code for my master's thesis (currently not publicly available) and the paper Reconstructing Bounding Volume Hierarchies from Memory Traces of Ray Tracers to be published during PG 2022.
example ray tracermem_trace
binary instrumentation toolmem_vis
trace analysis tool and gui
Clone recursively (git clone --recursive
) or initialize submodules after cloning (git submodule update --init
Download NVBit (version 1.5.4 or later) and copy the core
directory into this directory.
Optionally, install image format libraries for the output of the example ray tracer (pbm is always available):
Debian and Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install libpng-dev libjpeg-dev libopenexr-dev
Arch Linux: sudo pacman -S libpng libjpeg openexr
Fedora: sudo dnf install libpng-devel libjpeg-devel openexr-devel
Run CMake.
Example configuration file config.toml
input = 'bun_zipper.ply'
# output = 'output.png'
heuristic = 'sah'
size = [256, 256]
position = [-0.0160, 0.1079, 0.2]
# euler rotation angles in degrees
rotation = [10, 20, 30]
# alternatively, rotation matrix
matrix = [
1, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 1,
vertical_fov = 60
Command line options are:
./rt -config config.toml -width 128 -height 128 -input input.ply -output output.png -heuristic sah
./rt/rt -config ../workspace/data/config.toml -output test.png
TOOL_FILENAME=trace.bin TOOL_STORE_CONTENTS=1 LD_PRELOAD=./mem_trace/ ./rt/rt -config ../workspace/data/config.toml -output test.png