Releases: Griesbacher/nagflux
Prometheus support
- Deadlock when InfluxDB is not running
- Pass connection args when checking for database
- Missing logfile fix
- use of vendor-folder
- Prometheus api
- When using go1.5 the envvar GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT should be set to 1
Minor Changes
- ignore selfsigned ssl certs
- livestatus detection improved
- wait for influxdb on start
- pause fileparsing when influxdb is not reachable
- skip non digit perfdata(U are ignored)
Livestatus fixes
livestatus ServiceNotifications with just 9 entries
nagflux fileimport exception when column name is too short
own nagios livestatus query to fix performance issues with logs
Mod-Gearman fix
v0.2.1.1 'update changelog'
Mod-Gearman support
- Added Mod-Gearman support
- The Nagflux import Format has changed due to compatibility to different databases.
Added Elasticsearch and new Layout
The layout of the data in the InfluxDB will change in this version. Therefore if you want to migrate your old data use the converter, which will dump your data and can afterwards imported again with the new format. Also it's necessary to update histou which will get also a new release.
Elasticsearch is also Supported.
Because of the integration of Elasticsearch the import-format has also changed to a more conmen one. But the main target is still InfluxDB so the format is primary orientated on this one.
Update: added some fixes
Added Elasticsearch
and added Elasticsearch2 support
New InfluxDB Layout
The layout of the data in the InfluxDB will change in this version. Therefore if you want to migrate your old data use the converter, which will dump your data and can afterwards imported again with the new format. Also it's necessary to update histou which will get also a new release.
Elasticsearch is also planed but due to time issues not ready, but it will be the next thing to tackle.
Because of the integration of Elasticsearch the import-format has also changed to a more conmen one. But the main target is still InfluxDB so the format is primary orientated on this one.
basic release
v0.1.0 added doc