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Ambassador 0.50.0 is a major rearchitecture of Ambassador onto Envoy V2 using the ADS. It also introduces the KAT suite for dramatically-faster functional testing (see ambassador/tests/kat for more).

There are a number of breaking changes in Ambassador 0.50.0:

  • Configuration from a ConfigMap is no longer supported.

  • API version ambassador/v0 is officially deprecated as of Ambassador 0.50.0-rc1.

    • API version ambassador/v1 is the minimum recommended version for resources in Ambassador 0.50.0.

    • Some ambassador/v1 resources change semantics from their ambassador/v0 versions:

      • The Mapping resource no longer supports rate_limits as that functionality has been subsumed by labels.
      • The AuthService resource supports more extensive configuration options. An ambassador/v0 AuthService preserves the older, less flexible semantics: see below for more.
      • The RateLimitService permits configuring its domain in ambassador/v1.
  • The default value of use_remote_address is now True. See docs/reference/ for more information.

  • Circuit breakers and outlier detection are not supported. They will be reintroduced in a later Ambassador release.

  • Ambassador now requires a TLS Module to enable TLS termination, where previous versions would automatically enable termation if the ambassador-certs secret was present. A minimal Module for the same behavior is:

      kind: Module
      name: tls
          secret: ambassador-certs
  • There are many changes around the external authentication service:

    • The authentication Module is no longer supported; use AuthService instead (which you probably already were).

    • External authentication now uses the core Envoy envoy.ext_authz filter, rather than the custom Datawire auth filter.

      • ext_authz speaks the same protocol, and your existing external auth services should work, however:
      • ext_authz does not send all the request headers to the external auth service, and
      • ext_authz does authenticate OPTIONS requests!
    • We strongly recommend using API version ambassador/v1 for all AuthService resources, so that you can fully configure which headers are allowed from the client to the auth service, and from the auth service upstream. Using API version ambassador/v0, Ambassador will attempt to preserve old behavior as documented in docs/reference/services/, but you may very well find that you need to shift to API version ambassador/v1 to fully support your authentication system.

More information is available in `docs/reference/services/`.


  • TLS client certificate authentication must be configured using a new TLSContext resource to work correctly in 0.50.0-rc3. This will be corrected in 0.50.0-rc4, but note well that TLS client certificate authentication will require a configuration change in -rc3 if you are upgrading from pre-0.50.

Microsoft Azure

There is a known issue with recently-created Microsoft Azure clusters where Ambassador prior to 0.50.0-rc4 will stop receiving service updates after running for a short time. This is fixed in 0.50.0-rc4.


  • The Envoy dynamic value %CLIENT_IP% is no longer supported. Use %DOWNSTREAM_REMOTE_ADDRESS_WITHOUT_PORT% instead. (This is due to a change in Envoy 1.7.0.)


  • Websockets are again supported, with the important caveat that a websocket cannot have multiple upstream services.

    • This means that you cannot do canary deployments for websockets. We're actively working on fixing this.
    • Multiple websocket Mappings are still supported.
  • Running as a non-root user is now supported, to improve security and work on other Kubernetes runtimes (e.g. OpenShift). Running as non-root will become the default in a future Ambassador release; this will be a breaking change. We recommend proactively switching to non-root now:

    • Use a securityContext in your Ambassador Deployment to switch to a non-root user.
    • Set the service_port element in the ambassador Module to a port number greater than 1024. (Ambassador's defaults will change to 8080 for cleartext and 8443 for TLS.)
    • Make sure that incoming traffic to Ambassador routes to the service_port. The most likely required change is the targetPort in the Kubernetes Service resource for Ambassador.
    • If you are using redirect_cleartext_from, change the value of this field to match the value you set in service_port.
    • If you have modified Ambassador's behavior around TLS certificates using a custom Ambassador build, please contact Datawire for more information.

AMBASSADOR 0.34.2 and 0.34.3

  • Websockets are not supported in these releases. This bug is fixed in Ambassador 0.35.0.


  • use_remote_address is now supported, as described in the Envoy documentation. Ambassador's default is currently not to include use_remote_address, but this will soon change to a default value of true.


0.50.0-rc5 January 9, 2019

Ambassador 0.50.0-rc5 is a release candidate.

Changes since 0.50.0-rc3

  • Websocket connections will now be authenticated if an AuthService is configured #1026
  • Client certificate authentication should function whether configured from a TLSContext resource or from the the old-style TLS module (this is the full fix for [#993])
  • Ambassador can now switch listening ports without a restart (e.g. switching from cleartext to TLS) #1100
  • TLS origination certificates (including Istio mTLS) should now function #1071
  • The diagnostics service should function in all cases. #1096
  • The Ambassador image is significantly (~500MB) smaller than RC4.

0.50.0-rc4 January 9, 2019

Ambassador 0.50.0-rc4 is a release candidate, and fully supports running under Microsoft Azure.

Changes since 0.50.0-rc3

  • Ambassador fully supports running under Azure #1039
  • The proto attribute of a v1 AuthService is now optional, and defaults to http
  • Ambassador will warn about the use of v0 configuration resources.

0.50.0-rc3 January 3, 2019

Ambassador 0.50.0-rc3 is a release candidate, but see below for an important warning about Azure.

Microsoft Azure

There is a known issue with recently-created Microsoft Azure clusters where Ambassador will stop receiving service updates after running for a short time. This will be fixed in 0.50.0-GA.

Changes since 0.50.0-rc2

  • The Location and Set-Cookie headers should always be allowed from the auth service when using an ambassador/v0 config #1054
  • add_response_headers (parallel to add_request_headers) is now supported (thanks, @n1koo!)
  • host_redirect and shadow both now work correctly #1057, #1069
  • Kat is able to give better information when it cannot parse a YAML specification.

0.50.0-rc2 December 24, 2018

Ambassador 0.50.0-rc2 fixes some significant TLS bugs found in RC1.

Changes since 0.50.0-rc1:

  • TLS client certificate verification should function correctly (including requiring client certs).
  • TLS context handling (especially with multiple contexts and origination contexts) has been made more consistent and correct.
    • Ambassador is now much more careful about reporting errors in TLS configuration (especially around missing keys).
    • You can reference a secret in another namespace with secret: $secret_name.$namespace.
    • Ambassador will now save certificates loaded from Kubernetes to $AMBASSADOR_CONFIG_BASE_DIR/$namespace/secrets/$secret_name.
  • use_proxy_proto should be correctly supported #1050.
  • AuthService v1 will default its proto to http (thanks @flands!)
  • The JSON diagnostics service supports filtering: requesting /ambassador/v0/diag/?json=true&filter=errors, for example, will return only the errors element from the diagnostic output.

0.50.0-rc1 December 19, 2018

Ambassador 0.50.0-rc1 is a release candidate.

Changes since 0.50.0-ea7:

  • Websockets should work happily with external authentication #1026
  • A TracingService using a long cluster name works now #1025
  • TLS origination certificates are no longer offered to clients when Ambassador does TLS termination #983
  • Ambassador will listen on port 443 only if TLS termination contexts are present; a TLS origination context will not cause the switch
  • The diagnostics service is working, and correctly reporting errors, again. #1019
  • timeout_ms in a Mapping works correctly again #990
  • Ambassador sends additional anonymized usage data to help Datawire prioritize bug fixes, etc. See docs/ambassador/ for more information, including how to disable this function.

0.50.0-ea7 November 19, 2018

Ambassador 0.50.0-ea7 is an EARLY ACCESS release! IT IS NOT SUPPORTED FOR PRODUCTION USE.

Upcoming major changes:

  • API version ambassador/v0 will be officially deprecated in Ambassador 0.50.0. API version ambassador/v1 will the minimum recommended version for resources in Ambassador 0.50.0.

  • Some resources will change between ambassador/v0 and ambassador/v1.

    • For example, the Mapping resource will no longer support rate_limits as that functionality will be subsumed by labels.

Changes since 0.50.0-ea6:

  • Ambassador now supports labels for all Mappings.
  • Configuration of rate limits for a Mapping is now handled by providing labels in the domain configured for the RateLimitService (by default, this is "ambassador").
  • Ambassador, once again, supports statsd for statistics gathering.
  • The Envoy buffer filter is supported.
  • Ambassador can now use GRPC to call the external authentication service, and also include the message body in the auth call.
  • It's now possible to use environment variables to modify the configuration directory (thanks @n1koo!).
  • Setting environment variable AMBASSADOR_KUBEWATCH_NO_RETRY will cause the Ambassador pod to exit, and be rescheduled, if it loses its connection to the Kubernetes API server.
  • Many dependencies have been updated, most notably including switching to kube-client 8.0.0.

0.50.0-ea6 November 19, 2018

Ambassador 0.50.0-ea6 is an EARLY ACCESS release! IT IS NOT SUPPORTED FOR PRODUCTION USE.

Changes since 0.50.0-ea5:

  • alpn_protocols is now supported in the TLS module and TLSContexts
  • Using TLSContexts to provide TLS termination contexts will correctly switch Ambassador to listening on port 443.
  • redirect_cleartext_from is now supported with SNI
  • Zipkin TracingService configuration now supports 128-bit trace IDs and shared span contexts (thanks, @alexgervais!)
  • Zipkin should correctly trace calls to external auth services (thanks, @alexgervais!)
  • AuthService configurations now allow separately configuring headers allowed from the client to the auth service, and from the auth service upstream
  • Ambassador won't endlessly append :annotation to K8s resources
  • The Ambassador CLI no longer requires certificate files to be present when dumping configurations
  • make mypy will run full type checks on Ambassador to help developers

0.50.0-ea5 November 6, 2018

Ambassador 0.50.0-ea5 is an EARLY ACCESS release! IT IS NOT SUPPORTED FOR PRODUCTION USE.

Changes since 0.50.0-ea4:

  • use_remote_address is now set to true by default. If you need the old behavior, you will need to manually set use_remote_address to false in the ambassador Module.
  • Ambassador 0.50.0-ea5 supports SNI! See the docs for more here.
  • Header matching is now supported again, including host and method headers.

0.50.0-ea4 October 31, 2018

Ambassador 0.50.0-ea4 is an EARLY ACCESS release! IT IS NOT SUPPORTED FOR PRODUCTION USE.

Changes since 0.50.0-ea3:

  • Ambassador 0.50.0-ea4 uses Envoy 1.8.0.
  • RateLimitService is now supported. You will need to restart Ambassador if you change the RateLimitService configuration. We expect to lift this restriction in a later release; for now, the diag service will warn you when a restart is required.
    • The RateLimitService also has a new timeout_ms attribute, which allows overriding the default request timeout of 20ms.
  • GRPC is provisionally supported, but still needs improvements in test coverage.
  • Ambassador will correctly include its EA number when checking for updates.

0.50.0-ea3 October 21, 2018

Ambassador 0.50.0-ea3 is an EARLY ACCESS release! IT IS NOT SUPPORTED FOR PRODUCTION USE.

Changes since 0.50.0-ea2:

  • TracingService is now supported. You will need to restart Ambassador if you change the TracingService configuration. We expect to lift this restriction in a later release; for now, the diag service will warn you when a restart is required.
  • Websockets are now supported, including mapping the same websocket prefix to multiple upstream services for canary releases or load balancing.
  • KAT supports full debug logs by individual Test or Query.

Ambassador 0.50.0 is not yet feature-complete. Read the Limitations and Breaking Changes sections in the 0.50.0-ea1 section below for more information.

0.50.0-ea2 October 16, 2018

Ambassador 0.50.0-ea2 is an EARLY ACCESS release! IT IS NOT SUPPORTED FOR PRODUCTION USE.

Changes since 0.50.0-ea1:

  • Attempting to enable TLS termination without supplying a valid cert secret will result in HTTP on port 80, rather than HTTP on port 443. No error will be displayed in the diagnostic service yet. This is a bug and will be fixed in -ea3.
  • CORS is now supported.
  • Logs are no longer full of accesses from the diagnostic service.
  • KAT supports isolating OptionTests.
  • The diagnostics service now shows the V2 config actually in use, not V1.
  • make will no longer rebuild the Python venv so aggressively.

Ambassador 0.50.0 is not yet feature-complete. Read the Limitations and Breaking Changes sections in the 0.50.0-ea1 section below for more information.

0.50.0-ea1 October 11, 2018

Ambassador 0.50.0-ea1 is an EARLY ACCESS release! IT IS NOT SUPPORTED FOR PRODUCTION USE.

Ambassador 0.50.0 is not yet feature-complete. Limitations:

  • RateLimitService and TracingService resources are not currently supported.
  • WebSockets are not currently supported.
  • CORS is not currently supported.
  • GRPC is not currently supported.
  • TLS termination is not
  • statsd integration has not been tested.
  • The logs are very cluttered.
  • Configuration directly from the filesystem isn’t supported.
  • The diagnostics service cannot correctly drill down by source file, though it can drill down by route or other resources.
  • Helm installation has not been tested.
  • AuthService does not currently have full support for configuring headers to be sent to the extauth service. At present it sends all the headers listed in allowed_headers plus:
    • Authorization
    • Cookie
    • Forwarded
    • From
    • Host
    • Proxy-Authenticate
    • Proxy-Authorization
    • Set-Cookie
    • User-Agent
    • X-Forwarded-For
    • X-Forwarded-Host
    • X-Forwarded
    • X-Gateway-Proto
    • WWW-Authenticate


  • Configuration from a ConfigMap is no longer supported.

  • The authentication Module is no longer supported; use AuthService instead (which you probably already were).

  • External authentication now uses the core Envoy envoy.ext_authz filter, rather than the custom Datawire auth filter.

    • ext_authz speaks the same protocol, and your existing external auth services should work, however:
    • ext_authz does not send all the request headers to the external auth service (see above in Limitations).
  • Circuit breakers and outlier detection are not supported. They will be reintroduced in a later Ambassador release.

  • Ambassador now requires a TLS Module to enable TLS termination, where previous versions would automatically enable termation if the ambassador-certs secret was present. A minimal Module for the same behavior is:

      kind: Module
      name: tls
          secret: ambassador-certs

0.40.2 November 26, 2018

Minor changes:

  • Feature: Support using environment variables to modify the configuration directory (thanks @n1koo!)
  • Feature: In Helmfile, support volumeMounts (thanks @kyschouv!)
  • Bugfix: In Helmfile, correctly quote .Values.namespace.single (thanks @bobby!)
  • Bugfix: In Helmfile, correctly support Nodeport in HTTP and HTTPS (thanks @n1koo!)

0.40.1 October 29, 2018

Minor changes:

  • Feature: Support running Ambassador as a Daemonset via Helm (thanks @DipeshMitthalal!)
  • Feature: Switch to Envoy commit 5f795fe2 to fix a crash if attempting to add headers after using an AuthService (#647, #680)

0.40.0 September 25, 2018

Minor changes:

  • Feature: Allow users to override the STATSD_HOST value (#810). Thanks to @rsyvarth.
  • Feature: Support LightStep distributed tracing (#796). Thanks to @alexgervais.
  • Feature: Add service label in Helm chart (#778). Thanks to @sarce.
  • Feature: Add support for load balancer IP in Helm chart (#765). Thanks to @larsha.
  • Feature: Support prometheus mapping configurations (#746). Thanks to @bcatcho.
  • Feature: Add support for loadBalancerSourceRanges to Helm chart (#764). Thanks to @mtbdeano.
  • Feature: Support for namespaces and Ambassador ID in Helm chart (#588, #643). Thanks to @MichielDeMey and @jstol.
  • Bugfix: Add AMBASSADOR_VERIFY_SSL_FALSE flag (#782, #807). Thanks to @sonrier.
  • Bugfix: Fix Ambassador single namespace in Helm chart (#827). Thanks to @sarce.
  • Bugfix: Fix Helm templates and default values (#826).
  • Bugfix: Add stats-sink back to Helm chart (#763).
  • Bugfix: Allow setting timeout_ms to 0 for gRPC streaming services (#545). Thanks to @lovers36.
  • Bugfix: Update Flask to 0.12.3.

0.39.0 August 30, 2018

Major Changes:

  • BugFix: The statsd container has been removed by default in order to avoid DoSing Kubernetes DNS. The functionality can be re-enabled by setting the STATSD_ENABLED environment variable to true in the Ambassador deployment YAML (#568).
  • Docs: Added detailed Ambassador + Istio Integration Documentation on monitoring and distributed tracing. - @feitnomore

Minor Changes:

  • Docs: Added instructions for running Ambassador with Docker Compose. - @bcatcho
  • BugFix: Fix Ambassador to more aggressively reconnect to Kubernetes (#554). - @nmatsui
  • Feature: Diagnostic view displays AuthService, RateLimitService, and TracingService (#730). - @alexgervais
  • Feature: Enable Ambassador to tag tracing spans with request headers via tag_headers. - @alexgervais

0.38.0 August 08, 2018

Major changes:

  • Feature: Default CORS configuration can now be set - @KowalczykBartek
  • BugFix: Ambassador does not crash with empty YAML config anymore - @rohan47

Minor changes:

  • DevEx: master is now latest, stable tracks the latest released version
  • DevEx: release-prep target added to Makefile to facilitate releasing process
  • DevEx: all tests now run in parallel, consuming lesser time
  • BugFix: Ambassador SIGCHLD messages are less scary looking now

0.37.0 July 31, 2018:

Major changes:

  • Feature: Added support for request tracing (by Alex Gervais)

0.36.0 July 26, 2018:

Major changes:

  • Fix: HEAD requests no longer cause segfaults
  • Feature: TLS can now be configured with arbitrary secret names, instead of predefined secrets
  • Change: The Envoy dynamic header value %CLIENT_IP% is no longer supported. Use %DOWNSTREAM_REMOTE_ADDRESS_WITHOUT_PORT% instead. (This is due to a change in Envoy 1.7.0.)

0.35.3 July 18, 2018: READ THE WARNING ABOVE


Major changes:

  • Ambassador is now based on Envoy v1.7.0
  • Support for X-FORWARDED-PROTO based redirection, generally used with Layer 7 load balancers
  • Support for port based redirection using redirect_cleartext_from, generally used with Layer 4 load balancers
  • Specifying HTTP and HTTPS target ports in Helm chart

Other changes:

  • End-to-end tests can now be run with make e2e command
  • Helm release automation has been fixed
  • Mutliple end-to-end tests are now executed in parallel, taking lesser time
  • Huge revamp to documentation around unit tests
  • Documentation changes

0.35.2 July 5, 2018: READ THE WARNING ABOVE


  • 0.35.2 is almost entirely about updates to Datawire testing infrastructure.
  • The only user-visible change is that Ambassador will do a better job of showing which Kubernetes objects define Ambassador configuration objects when using AMBASSADOR_ID to run multiple Ambassadors in the same cluster.

0.35.1 June 25, 2018: READ THE WARNING ABOVE


  • Properly support supplying additional TLS configuration (such as redirect_cleartext_from) when using certificates from a Kubernetes Secret
  • Update Helm chart to allow customizing annotations on the deployed ambassador Kubernetes Service (thanks @psychopenguin!)

0.35.0 June 25, 2018: READ THE WARNING ABOVE


  • 0.35.0 re-supports websockets, but see the BREAKING NEWS for an important caveat.
  • 0.35.0 supports running as non-root. See the BREAKING NEWS above for more information.
  • Make sure regex matches properly handle backslashes, and properly display in the diagnostics service (thanks @alexgervais!).
  • Prevent kubewatch from falling into an endless spinloop (thanks @mechpen!).
  • Support YAML array syntax for CORS array elements.

0.34.3 June 13, 2018: READ THE WARNING ABOVE


  • 0.34.3 cannot support websockets: see the WARNING above.
  • Fix a possible crash if no annotations are found at all (#519).
  • Improve logging around service watching and such.

0.34.2 June 11, 2018: READ THE WARNING ABOVE


  • 0.34.2 cannot support websockets: see the WARNING above.
  • Ambassador is now based on Envoy 1.6.0!
  • Ambassador external auth services can now modify existing headers in place, as well as adding new headers.
  • Re-support the ambassador-cacert secret for configuring TLS client-certificate authentication. Note well that a couple of things have changed in setting this up: you'll use the key tls.crt, not fullchain.pem. See for more.

0.34.1 June 4, 2018


  • Unbuffer log output for better diagnostics.
  • Switch to gunicorn instead of Werkzeug for the diag service.
  • Use the YAML we release as the basis for end-to-end testing.

0.34.0 May 16, 2018


  • When originating TLS, use the host_rewrite value to set outgoing SNI. If no host_rewrite is set, do not use SNI.
  • Allow disabling external access to the diagnostics service (with thanks to @alexgervais and @dougwilson).

0.33.1 May 16, 2018


  • Fix YAML error on statsd pod.

0.33.0 May 14, 2018


  • Fix support for host_redirect in a Mapping. See the Mapping documentation for more details: the definition of the host_redirect attribute has changed.

0.32.2 May 2, 2018

(Note that 0.32.1 was an internal release.)


  • Fix a bad bootstrap CSS inclusion that would cause the diagnostic service to render incorrectly.

0.32.0 April 27, 2018


  • Traffic shadowing is supported using the shadow attribute in a Mapping
  • Multiple Ambassadors can now run more happily in a single cluster
  • The diagnostic service will now show you what AuthService configuration is active
  • The tls keyword now works for AuthService just like it does for Mapping (thanks @dvavili!)

0.31.0 April 12, 2018


  • Rate limiting is now supported (thanks, @alexgervais!) See the docs for more detail here.
  • The statsd container has been quieted down yet more (thanks again, @alexgervais!).

0.30.2 March 26, 2018


  • drop the JavaScript statsd for a simple socat-based forwarder
  • ship an Ambassador Helm chart (thanks @stefanprodan!)
    • Interested in testing Helm? See below!
  • disable Istio automatic sidecar injection (thanks @majelbstoat!)
  • clean up some doc issues (thanks @lavoiedn and @endrec!)

To test Helm, make sure you have helm installed and that you have tiller properly set up for your RBAC configuration. Then:

helm repo add datawire

helm upgrade --install --wait my-release datawire/ambassador

You can also use adminService.type=LoadBalancer.

0.30.1 March 26, 2018


  • The tls module is now able to override TLS settings probed from the ambassador-certs secret

0.30.0 March 23, 2018


  • Support regex matching for prefix (thanks @radu-c!)
  • Fix docs around AuthService usage

0.29.0 March 15, 2018


  • Default restart timings have been increased. This will cause Ambassador to respond to service changes less quickly; by default, you'll see changes appear within 15 seconds.
  • Liveness and readiness checks are now enabled after 30 seconds, rather than 3 seconds, if you use our published YAML.
  • The statsd container is now based on mhart/alpine-node:9 rather than :7.
  • envoy_override has been reenabled in Mappings.

0.28.1 March 5, 2018 (and 0.28.0 on March 2, 2018)

(Note that 0.28.1 is identical to 0.28.0, and 0.27.0 was an internal release. These are related to the way CI generates tags, which we'll be revamping soon.)


  • Support tuning Envoy restart parameters
  • Support host_regex, method_regex, and regex_headers to allow regular expression matches in Mappings
  • Support use_proxy_proto and use_remote_address in the ambassador module
  • Fine-tune the way we sort a Mapping based on its constraints
  • Support manually setting the precedence of a Mapping, so that there's an escape hatch when the automagic sorting gets it wrong
  • Expose alpn_protocols in the tls module (thanks @technicianted!)
  • Make logs a lot quieter
  • Reorganize and update documentation
  • Make sure that ambassador dump --k8s will work correctly
  • Remove a dependency on a ConfigMap for upgrade checks

0.26.0 February 13, 2018


  • The authentication module is deprecated in favor of the AuthService resource type.
  • Support redirecting cleartext connections on port 80 to HTTPS on port 443
  • Streamline end-to-end tests and, hopefully, allow them to work well without Kubernaut
  • Clean up some documentation (thanks @lavoiedn!)

0.25.0 February 6, 2018

(Note that 0.24.0 was an internal release.)


  • CORS support (thanks @alexgervais!)
  • Updated docs for
    • GKE
    • Ambassador + Istio
    • Ordering of Mappings
    • Prometheus with Ambassador
  • Support multiple external authentication service instances, so that canarying extauth services is possible
  • Correctly support timeout_ms in a Mapping
  • Various build tweaks and end-to-end test speedups

0.23.0 January 17, 2017


  • Clean up build docs (thanks @alexgervais!)
  • Support add_request_headers for, uh, adding requests headers (thanks @alexgervais!)
  • Make end-to-end tests and Travis build process a bit more robust
  • Pin to Kubernaut 0.1.39
  • Document the use of the develop branch
  • Don't default to imagePullAlways
  • Switch to Alpine base with a stripped Envoy image

0.22.0 January 17, 2017


  • Switched to using rather than DockerHub. If you are not using Datawire's published Kubernetes manifests, you will have to update your manifests!
  • Switched to building over Alpine rather than Ubuntu. (We're still using an unstripped Envoy; that'll change soon.)
  • Switched to a proper production configuration for the statsd pod, so that it hopefully chews up less memory.
  • Make sure that Ambassador won't generate cluster names that are too long for Envoy.
  • Fix a bug where Ambassador could crash if there were too many egregious errors in its configuration.

0.21.1 January 11, 2017


  • Ambassador will no longer generate cluster names that exceed Envoy's 60-character limit.

0.21.0 January 3, 2017


  • If AMBASSADOR_SINGLE_NAMESPACE is present in the environment, Ambassador will only look for services in its own namespace.
  • Ambassador Mapping objects now correctly support host_redirect, path_redirect, host_rewrite, auto_host_rewrite, case_sensitive, use_websocket, timeout_ms, and priority.

0.20.1 December 22, 2017


  • If Ambassador finds an empty YAML document, it will now ignore it rather than raising an exception.
  • Includes the namespace of a service from an annotation in the name of its generated YAML file.
  • Always process inputs in the same order from run to run.

0.20.0 December 18, 2017


  • Switch to Envoy 1.5 under the hood.
  • Refocus the diagnostic service to better reflect what's actually visible when you're working at Ambassador's level.
  • Allow the diagnostic service to display, and change, the Envoy log level.

0.19.2 December 12, 2017


  • Arrange for logs from the subsystem that watches for Kubernetes service changes (kubewatch) to have timestamps and such.
  • Only do new-version checks every four hours.

0.19.1 December 4, 2017


  • Allow the diag service to look good (well, OK, not too horrible anyway) when Ambassador is running with TLS termination.
  • Show clusters on the overview page again.
  • The diag service now shows you the "health" of a cluster by computing it from the number of requests to a given service that didn't involve a 5xx status code, rather than just forwarding Envoy's stat, since we don't configure Envoy's stat in a meaningful way yet.
  • Make sure that the tests correctly reported failures (sigh).
  • Allow updating out-of-date diagnostic reports without requiring multiple test runs.

0.19.0 November 30, 2017


  • Ambassador can now use HTTPS upstream services: just use a service that starts with https:// to enable it.
    • By default, Ambassador will not offer a certificate when using HTTPS to connect to a service, but it is possible to configure certificates. Please contact us on Slack if you need to do this.
  • HTTP access logs appear in the normal Kubernetes logs for Ambassador.
  • It’s now possible to tell ambassador config to read Kubernetes manifests from the filesystem and build a configuration from the annotations in them (use the --k8s switch).
  • Documentation on using Ambassador with Istio now reflects Ambassador 0.19.0 and Istio 0.2.12.

0.18.2 November 28, 2017


  • The diagnostics service will now tell you when updates are available.

0.18.0 November 20, 2017


  • The Host header is no longer overwritten when Ambassador talks to an external auth service. It will now retain whatever value the client passes there.


  • Checks for updates weren’t working, and they have been restored. At present you’ll only see them in the Kubernetes logs if you’re using annotations to configure Ambassador — they’ll start showing up in the diagnostics service in the next release or so.

0.17.0 November 14, 2017


  • Allow Mappings to require matches on HTTP headers and Host
  • Update tests, docs, and diagnostic service for header matching


  • Published YAML resource files will no longer overwrite annotations on the Ambassador service when creating the Ambassador deployment

0.16.0 November 10, 2017


  • Support configuring Ambassador via annotations on Kubernetes services
  • No need for volume mounts! Ambassador can read configuration and TLS-certificate information directly from Kubernetes to simplify your Kubernetes YAML
  • Expose more configuration elements for Envoy routes: host_redirect, path_redirect, host_rewrite, auto_host_rewrite, case_sensitive, use_websocket, timeout_ms, and priority get transparently copied


  • Reenable support for gRPC

0.15.0 October 16, 2017


  • Allow docker run to start Ambassador with a simple default configuration for testing
  • Support host_rewrite in mappings to force the HTTP Host header value for services that need it
  • Support envoy_override in mappings for odd situations
  • Allow asking the diagnostic service for JSON output rather than HTML

0.14.2 October 12, 2017


  • Allow the diagnostic service to show configuration errors.

0.14.0 October 5, 2017


  • Have a diagnostic service!
  • Support cert_required in TLS config

0.13.0 September 25, 2017


  • Support using IP addresses for services.
  • Check for collisions, so that trying to e.g. map the same prefix twice will report an error.
  • Enable liveness and readiness probes, and have Kubernetes perform them by default.
  • Document the presence of the template-override escape hatch.

0.12.1 September 22, 2017


  • Notify (in the logs) if a new version of Ambassador is available.

0.12.0 September 21, 2017


  • Support for non-default Kubernetes namespaces.
  • Infrastructure for checking if a new version of Ambassador is available.

0.11.2 September 20, 2017


  • Better schema verification.

0.11.1 September 18, 2017


  • Do schema verification of input YAML files.

0.11.0 September 18, 2017


  • Declarative Ambassador! Configuration is now via YAML files rather than REST calls
  • The ambassador-store service is no longer needed.

0.10.14 September 15, 2017


  • Update demo-qotm.yaml with the correct image tag.

0.10.13 September 5, 2017


  • Properly support proxying all methods to an external authentication service, with headers intact, rather than moving request headers into the body of an HTTP POST.

0.10.12 August 2, 2017


  • Make TLS work with standard K8s TLS secrets, and completely ditch push-cert and push-cacert.


  • Move Ambassador out from behind Envoy, so that you can use Ambassador to fix things if you completely botch your Envoy config.
  • Let Ambassador keep running if Envoy totally chokes and dies, but make sure the pod dies if Ambassador loses access to its storage.

0.10.10 August 1, 2017


  • Fix broken doc paths and simplify building as a developer. 0.10.8, 0.10.9, and 0.10.10 were all stops along the way to getting this done; hopefully we'll be able to reduce version churn from here on out.

0.10.7 July 25, 2017


  • More CI-build tweaks.

0.10.6 July 25, 2017


  • Fix automagic master build tagging

0.10.5 July 25, 2017


  • Many changes to the build process and versioning. In particular, CI no longer has to commit files.

0.10.1 July 3, 2017


  • Changelog

0.10.0 June 30, 2017


  • Ambassador supports GRPC services (and other HTTP/2-only services) using the GRPC module


  • Minor typo in Ambassador's Dockerfile that break some versions of Docker

0.9.1 June 28, 2017


  • Made development a little easier by automating dev version numbers so that modified Docker images update in Kubernetes
  • Updated

0.9.0 June 23, 2017


  • Ambassador supports HTTP Basic Auth
  • Ambassador now has the concept of modules to enable and configure optional features such as auth
  • Ambassador now has the concept of consumers to represent end-users of mapped services
  • Ambassador supports auth via an external auth server

Basic auth is covered in Getting Started. Learn about modules and consumers and see an example of external auth in About Mappings, Modules, and Consumers.


  • State management (via Ambassador store) has been refactored
  • Switched to Ambassador-Envoy for the base Docker image

0.8.12 June 07, 2017


  • Mappings can now be updated

0.8.11 May 24, 2017



  • Bug in mapping change detection
  • Release machinery issues

0.8.6 May 05, 2017


  • Ambassador releases are now performed by Travis CI

0.8.2 May 04, 2017


  • Documentation updates

0.8.0 May 02, 2017



  • Ambassador's admin interface is now on local port 8888 while mappings are available on port 80/443 depending on whether TLS is enabled
  • Multiple instances of Ambassador talking to the same Ambassador Store pod will pick up each other's changes automatically

0.7.0 May 01, 2017


  • Ambassador can rewrite the request URL path prefix before forwarding the request to your service (covered in Getting Started)
  • Ambassador supports additional stats aggregators: Datadog, Grafana


  • Services are now known as mappings
  • Minikube is supported again

0.6.0 April 28, 2017


  • The Ambassador SDS has been removed; Ambassador routes to service names

0.5.2 April 26, 2017


  • Ambassador includes a local statsd so that full stats from Envoy can be collected and pushed to a stats aggregator (Prometheus is supported)


  • It's easier to develop Ambassador thanks to improved build documentation and Makefile fixes

0.5.0 April 13, 2017


  • Ambassador supports inbound TLS
  • YAML for a demo user service is now included


  • The geturl script supports Minikube and handles AWS better
  • Documentation and code cleanup

0.4.0 April 07, 2017


  • Ambassador now reconfigures Envoy automatically once changes have settled for five seconds
  • Envoy stats and Ambassador stats are separate
  • Mappings no longer require specifying the port as it is not needed


  • SDS does the right thing with unnamed ports

0.3.1 April 06, 2017


  • Envoy stats accessible through Ambassador
  • Basic interpretation of cluster stats


  • Split up into multiple files
  • Switch to a debug build of Envoy

0.1.9 April 03, 2017


  • Ambassador configuration on /ambassador-config/ prefix rather than exposed on port 8001
  • Updated to current Envoy and pinned the Envoy version
  • Use Bumpversion for version management
  • Conditionalized Docker push


  • Ambassador keeps running with an empty services list (part 2)

0.1.5 March 31, 2017


  • Ambassador SDS correctly handles ports

0.1.4 March 31, 2017


  • Ambassador keeps running with an empty services list
  • Easier to run with Telepresence

0.1.3 March 31, 2017


  • Initial Ambassador
  • Ambassador service discovery service
  • Documentation

Based on Keep a Changelog. Ambassador follows Semantic Versioning.