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Python distributed k-means clustering

Implementation of distributed k-means clustering in Python. It uses Single-Shot Decentralized LLoyd.

Clustering is parametrized using env MODEL_PARAM_n_clusters, but the final number of clusters is also influenced by the number of nodes - total number of output clusters is floor(n_clusters * n_nodes / 2).


It has two modes

  1. compute --mode intermediate
  2. compute --mode aggregate --job-ids 1 2 3

Intermediate mode calculates clusters on a single node, while aggregate mode is merging the clusters according to least merging error (e.g. smallest distance between centroids).

Build (for contributors)

Run: ./

Integration Test (for contributors)

Run: captain test

Publish (for contributors)

Run: ./

Unit tests (for contributors)

WARNING: unit tests can fail nondeterministically on AttributeError: can't set attribute because of some error in Titus port to Python 3

Create symlink from python-distributed-kmeans to mip_helper module from python-mip

ln -s ~/projects/python-base-docker-images/python-mip/mip_helper/mip_helper mip_helper

Run unit tests

find . -name \*.pyc -delete
(cd tests; docker-compose run test_suite -x --ff --capture=no)