The sprint 3 summary was delivered as a pull request note.
PR to merge the user stories that were completed in Sprint 3.
- Add Github Badges
- As a new user, I can enter my first and last name
- Add integration tests for custom OIDC logic
- As a user who is not yet logged in, I see a landing page based on the design
- As a Tadpole, I want clarity on AC, DoD, and story points so I know I'm doing the right work
- Compile a list of states to learn from and interview for Round 3 (September 2020)
- Define manual testing practices
- Document Retro feedback 9/1
- Finalize user research goals for STT research
- Get a tour of OFA resource mailbox to determine whether access is needed
- Synthesize feedback from research sessions with OFA (August 2020)