10/14/2020 - 10/27/2020
- Finalize the frontend architecture and have clear sense of path forward
- Finalize minimum set of features we need to receive ATO#1 for OFA MVP
- Complete STT scheduling and start interviews for Round 3
- Discussed options for frontend architecture
- Documented a11y QASP review checklist
- Documented Docker layer caching
- Created a comprehensive list of epics and user stories for OFA MVP
- Completed scheduling and started user interviews
- Onboarded Aaron Beavers as a frontend developer and said good bye to Selena Juneau-Vogel, Christine Bath, Ryan Ahearn
- As an OFA Admin, I need a list of MVP roles in the database to assign to new users
- As a user, I cannot submit my profile information unless my inputs are valid
- As a new user, I can select an applicable STT or OFA category from the combo box
- [Spike] As a user, I need to be timed out from my session (Research session timeout)
- As a user, I want to know I am logging into a demo site - This was delivered in Sprint 4 but closed out this sprint.
- As an STT user, I want to be invited to participate in research (round 3)
- Draft interview protocol for Round 3 of research with STTs
- [Spike] As a STT user, I would like to clearly understand where to go to reset my password
- Continue to build test user login and account management features
- Complete STT interviews and start research synthesis
- Have discussions to figure out a path forward on access management options - Login.gov or ACF AMS for OFA MVP and beyond
- Draft and deliver artifacts for Technical Review Board (TRB)
- Complete Wiki migration to docs
- As a user, I can fill out and submit a form to create my profile
- As an STT user, I want to participate in research (round 3)
- As an authenticated user who has been notified of an inactive session, I want to end or extend the session
- (Internal) Define the scope and timeline for MVP
- As a tadpole, I want to understand how my work supports the roadmap
- As an admin, I want to see dev-ready mockups of removing users from the TDP system
- (Internal) Migrate items from wiki to Code<> doc
- #229 - Combo Box Feature - Carl/Spencer
- #230 - Validating profile input - Spencer
- #282 - Session timeout - Carl
- #285 - Docket layer caching - Carl
- #316 - Accessbility QASP Review checklist - Alex S
- #318 - User experience for reseting password - Miles