Velocity: 15
- Complete the v2.0 feature set including SFTP transfer, database backup and stabalize the production environment in preparation for onboarding pilot users. Additionally, prepare for error content implementation in V3.
- #897 - Audit Config & Inspection for Production Environment
- #1754 - Configure nightly owasp scans to run on additional branches
- #1945 - As tech lead, I need all frontend app buttons in prod env to point to correct endpoints
- #1995 - As tech lead, I need clamav to detect test virus files
- #2015 - [Research Facilitation] Pilot Program (Moderated and Unmoderated Session Support)
- #2035 - Manage Your Account Redirects to Demo on Prod
- #953 - As TDP SO/TL, I need a basic security awareness training developed for IS users (AT-02)
- #1422 - As OFA tech lead, I need to update ATO docs for release v1.0
- N/A
- #1199 - [Dev-ready Design] Style guide for error types v3.0
- #1826 - [SPIKE] Explore automated devops tools for Cloud deployments including environment variables
- #1866 - As tech lead, I want an automated database backup lifecycle implemented
- #2038 - CSRF/CORS issues w/ staging
- None, will demo all features as part of the v2.0 demo.
- UX team gave a brief overview of the pilot program