02/28/2024 - 03/12/2024
Velocity (Dev): 16
Velocity (UX): 2
- Finish Cat 4 validations
- Validation Enhancements and Fixes
- Elasticsearch Improvement
- Kibana Group Permissions
- N/A
- Error Categories GitHub Documentation
- Friendly name fixes (#2801)
- Knowledge Center Content (#2847, #2846)
- Submission History
- Error reports / data file structure
- #2646 - Populate data file summary case aggregates differently per section
- #2853 - Database Backup Bug
- #2746 As an STT, I need to know if there are issues with the DOBs reported in my data files
- #2729 As a developer, I want to move migration commands in the pipeline to CircleCI
- #2835 - DOB validator updates
- #2681 TANF Section 1 Validation cleanup
- #2799 Generate error mismatching field rpt_month_year w/ header
- #2793 update dateYearIsLargerThan() validator logic for rpt_month_year
- #1441 As tech lead I need new permissions group for OFA data analysts
- #2509 As a data analyst I need to know when my data has been processed with or w/o errors
- #2842 Complete cat4 validation implementation
- #2757 Generate preparser errors when multirecord rows are the wrong length
- #2807 Update validation logic for CALENDAR_Quarter field
- #2801 Friendly Name Cleanup
- #2846 Submission History Knowledge Center Explainer
- #2847 Error Report Knowledge Center Explainer
- #2768 Fix production OWASP scan reporting
- #2592 Deploy celery as a separate cloud.gov app
- #2845 GitHub Error Categories guide
- #2814 Aggregate cloud.gov ES instances
- #2673 Cat 1 errors audit fixes
- #2536 [spike] Cat 4 validation
- #2870 As tech lead I need elastic re-indexing to be automated
- #2754 As tech lead I need sections 3,4 rejected if T6, T7, M7 records can't be parsed
- #2871 As tech lead I need file transfer bug resolved