Planty is a plan health monitoring app. It allows you to monitor your plants' health and control their environment.
It consists of a multiplatform client app and a sensor broker.
There are multiple ways to run the client app for multiple platforms. See more in client documentation.
Only Android is supported at the moment due to time limitations.
- Download Planty APK from here.
- Install the APK on your Android device.
Planty client is not yet available on the web.
Planty client is not yet available on the desktop.
See How to use Planty App for more information.
With the app, you can:
- Add/remove sensors
- Assign sensors to plants
- Set sensor parameters
- Control environment with actuators
- Get real-time feedback from sensors
Feel free to open an issue for any bugs or feature requests. See more in
The client is using Kotlin Coding Conventions.
The sensor broker is using PEP8 conventions.
If you want to contribute, please follow the conventions.