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File metadata and controls

185 lines (124 loc) · 4.74 KB


This repository contains my Bash, ZSH, and NeoVim settings.

Some of the features include:

  • Nicely colored prompt for both Bash and ZSH.
  • Automatic project aliases
  • Lots of cool aliases
  • Ruby on Rails specific aliases
  • RVM and rbenv support
  • Vim configuration
  • ... and much more!

There is absolutely NO guarantee for this project to work on your machine. Only use this if you know what you are doing.

Increase Key Repeat

I like to increase the key repeat beyond what Mac OS X provides in the Preferences. I do this with the following commands:

defaults write -g InitialKeyRepeat -int 10 # normal minimum is 15 (225 ms)
defaults write -g KeyRepeat -int 1 # normal minimum is 2 (30 ms)

It requires a restart / logout-login in order to work

In Ubuntu there is a Key Repeat item in the Accessibility menu. Move the speed slider to the left in order to increase the key repeat.

Ubuntu Remapping keys

I like to set the Caps Lock to Ctrl in Mac OS X. But in Ubuntu it's a little bit harder to achieve.

Go to Ubuntu Software and search for Gnome Tweak and install. Open the tool and go to Keyboard & Mouse > Keyboard > Additional Layout Options > Caps Lock behavior. Change this to Control.



All systems

Mac OS X


Ubuntu should pretty much be ready to go. Just make sure you have a decent Terminal app installed. I prefer one where I can have Split Panes. I recomment Tilix

If you start up Tilix and see a warning about VTE, you can find the solution here To use Zsh as the default terminal run the following command after installing Zsh

sudo usermod --shell $(which zsh) <your_username>


Here's what I install on a clean OSX:

brew install ack wget zsh readline gnugp

Ubuntu Apt-get

Here's what I install on a clean OSX:

sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install ack wget zsh
sudo apt install libreadline7 libreadline-dev


To install the dotfiles:

git clone ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles

This will create backups for anything you already have and add symlinks to these parts.


Add and change these lines to ~/.dotfiles/config/

export GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="Your Name"


See the chapter on personal configuration below for more information.



In the iTerm2 General settings, check Load preferences from a user-defined folder or URL. Fill in the text field to point to /Users/your_name/.dotfiles/iterm2. You might need to restart iTerm2 after that.


Many plugins need python support in order to work.

brew install python3
pip3 install neovim --upgrade

To make sure that NeoVim uses the correct version of Python, the following line is added to vimrc

let g:python3_host_prog = '/usr/local/bin/python3'
brew install neovim
# For Ubuntu, check which one is available
sudo apt search neovim
sudo apt install neovim

Vim Plugins

Vim Plugins will automatically install themselves when you start Vim for the first time.

Delete (or move) your ~/.vim directory to let it install.

Personal Configuration

You can put configuration options that are personal, like custom paths, and other environment variables in one of these files:

  • config/ (will be loaded in both Bash and ZSH)
  • config/personal.zsh (ZSH specific configuration)
  • config/personal.bash (Bash specific configuration)

Project aliases

This scripts adds aliases for your project directories, but you'll have to tell it where your projects can be found. There are however differences in ZSH and Bash syntax. Use the personal configuration files as mentioned above to set them.

For ZSH:


For Bash:


Add as many directories as you like.


I'm using DejaVuSansMono as font. You can download it here.

My DejaVuSansMono, including the powerline patch is included for convenience.


Thanks everybody who puts their dotfiles online. I copied a lot from practically every repository.

Feel free to use this or fork this. Additions are very welcome!