2023-02-13 ChatGPT writing Python programs
Let's jump on the ChatGPT hype train and test whether we can use it as a tool for writing Python programs. Ian Stewart will not only recount his experiences so far, but also perform a live demo (attendees are welcome to provide their Python query to ChatGPT and then we will review the Python code that is produced).
2023-03-13 Gradio and Textual user interfaces
Over the years, we have explored how we can build user interfaces using tkinter, GTK, PyQt, kivy and Jupyter Notebooks. However, there are other, not so well known ways that have appeal. This time, Peter Reutemann will demo how you can use gradio (which is aimed at machine learning models; browser-based) and textual (user interfaces for the console) to quickly build some simple interfaces.
2023-04-12 Aspects of Python
Stuck with your Python project and you would like to get a fresh perspective? Got a little project that you would like to demo for a few minutes? Then come along to this "social gathering" and catch up with other Pythonistas like Ian Stewart. Due to the University being closed on the Easter Monday and Tuesday, the meeting will be held on Wednesday 12 April.
2023-05-08 Datasette
Whilst there are plenty of Python libraries around for exploring data, like Pandas, there is a lot to learn before exploration, visualization and publication of results are sorted. Especially for non-data scientists.
Enter Datasette, which according to their website: helps people take data of any shape, analyze and explore it, and publish it as an interactive website and accompanying API and is aimed at data journalists, museum curators, archivists, local governments, scientists, researchers and anyone else who has data that they wish to share with the world.
Peter Reutemann will take the tool for a spin and see what you can do with it.
2023-07-10 pygubu-designer
tkinter is the standard Python interface to the Tk GUI toolkit and the de-facto standard for Python user interfaces. However, developing interfaces by hand is slow and error-prone. Peter Reutemann will demo the pygubu designer, which makes creating tkinter interfaces not only faster, but also easier to create good looking ones.
2023-08-14 Census 2023
David Clarke was involved in the development of the system underpinning the recent census. He will provide a high-level view of how the responses are turned into useable data. Due to the sensitive nature of the project, there will be no actual census data or source code from the system available or viewable at any point. However, there are still plenty of options for discussing the tools and techniques used for deriving the output data from the input responses.
2023-09-11 Developing a Python Beginner Course
Daniel Tait is a Spatial Analyst who creates technical courses as a hobby. He is currently creating a course for beginners to learn Python. This presentation offers a behind-the-scenes look at the course creation process, highlighting the challenges faced, decisions made, and teaching techniques employed to ensure the optimal learning experience.