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Tooltips.js V2

This is the second iteration of the js library used by Hardstuck to render GW2 Item-, Skill-, Trait- and Boon-Icons, as well as their Tooltips as detailed as in game (or even better).

Some special features include:

  • Proper skill splitting between game-modes
  • Proper value calculations for skills and traits taking into account
    • character level
    • character stats
    • trait interactions
    • currently active weapon-set and equipment
    • boon / buff interactions (including food and utility buffs)
  • Using multiple context sets on the same page with separate values for each of the above
  • Cycleable skill-chains
  • Optional
    • precise skill timings
    • numeric calculation details for skill facts

To achieve all of the functionality we use our own proprietary API as opposed to the official GW2 API.

Normal usage

  1. Define <gw2object objId='{id}' type='{skill|trait|effect|...}' /> in your html.

    Tags can take the following attributes for customization:

    • objid='{id}': Mandatory, usually numeric id of the object. Closely related to type.
    • type='{item|skill|trait|pvp/amulet|profession|specialization}': Type of id to look up, usually corresponding to the api endpoint with the same name. The following options are available:
      • item: objid refers to an item id.
      • skill: objid refers to a skill or buff id. This is used as a default if no value is provided.
      • trait: objid refers to a trait id.
      • pvp/amulet: objid refers to a pvp stat id.
      • profession: objid refers to the string id of the profession (e.g. Revenant).
      • specialization: objid refers the a specialization id.
      • effect: obsolete objid is a string containing the name of an effect. This only exists for backwards compatibility and available hard coded values can be found in Inflators.ts.
    • stats='{id}': Id of the stat set that is selected on the item. Only processed if the type is item.
    • count='{amount}': Stack size. Only processed if type is item.
    • skin='{id}': The skin to use instead of the default one. Only processed if type is item.
    • with-traits='{id1[,id2[,...]]}': List of traits to apply specifically to this skill. Only processed if type is skill or trait.
    • weapon-set='{index}': Specify the weapon set to use for calculations. Defaults to set #0 if not specified.
    • class='{...}': Several options are available here:
      • auto-transform: Automatically replace this skill with a traited version if the trait in question is active.
      • gw2objectembed: Embed this object into text. This will result in the object being inflated into an icon and its name, aswell as its stack size in the shape of '[n x ]icon name'. Can have further specifications:
        • icononly: Render the object inline, but only render the icon itself.
        • big: Render a slightly larger icon.

    You may also override the display text for inline embeds by generating the gw2object element with text content before it gets inflated by the library.

  2. Optionally define one or more context(s) in a global-scoped object 'GW2TooltipsContext'

    /* may be: PartialContext[] | PartialContext | undefined */
    var GW2TooltipsContext = {
    	gameMode           : 'Pve' | 'Pvp' | 'Wvw' = 'Pve',
    	targetArmor        : 2597,
    	character: {
    		level            : 80,
    		isPlayer         : true,
    		sex              : 'Male' | 'Female' = 'Male',
    		profession?      : 'Guardian' | 'Warrior' | 'Engineer' | 'Ranger' | 'Thief' | 'Elementalist' | 'Mesmer' | 'Necromancer' | 'Revenant' = undefined,
    		traits           : number[] = [],
    		stats: {
    			power          : 1000,
    			toughness      : 1000,
    			vitality       : 1000,
    			precision      : 1000,
    			ferocity       : 1000,
    			conditionDamage: 0,
    			expertise      : 0,
    			concentration  : 0,
    			healing        : 0,
    			agonyResistance: 0
    		statSources: {
    			power            : StatSource[] = [], // StatSource : {
    			toughness        : StatSource[] = [], // 	amount : number
    			vitality         : StatSource[] = [], // 	type   : 'Flat' | 'Percent'
    			precision        : StatSource[] = [], // 	source : string
    			ferocity         : StatSource[] = [], // }
    			conditionDmg     : StatSource[] = [],
    			expertise        : StatSource[] = [],
    			concentration    : StatSource[] = [],
    			healing          : StatSource[] = [],
    			agonyResistance  : StatSource[] = [],
    			damage           : StatSource[] = [],
    			lifeForce        : StatSource[] = [],
    			health           : StatSource[] = [],
    			healEffectiveness: StatSource[] = [],
    			stun             : StatSource[] = [],
    		upgradeCounts : { [item_id : number] : number } = {},

    These may be defined partially, the defaults should be sensible. If you want to have typings for this context structure you can use src/@types/Context.d.ts. Im most all scenarios you only need to specify character.profession and gamemode.

  3. Optionally define config structures. This works much the same way as the context structures:

    	var GW2TooltipsConfig = {
    		autoInitialize                  : true,
    		//    These only run inside calls to `hookDocument`. If you don't call that function for everything,
    		// v- you need to explicitly call the related functions if you want the associated effects.
    		autoCollectRuneCounts           : false,
    		autoCollectStatSources          : false,
    		autoCollectSelectedTraits       : false,
    		autoInferEquipmentUpgrades      : false,
    		autoRecomputeCharacterAttributes: false,
    		autoInferWeaponSetAssociation   : false,
    		// ^---------------------------
    		// This option 'fixes' stat ids for things like armor or amulets, as different pieces of equipment use different stat ids for the same stats.
    		// There are for example multiple ids for 'berserkers' that are used for different equipment pieces.
    		// If this option is turned on the script will automatically detect incorrect stat ids and replace them with the correct ones before any calculations are done.
    		adjustIncorrectStatIds          : true,
    		// This option enables updating the href on the anchor tags within gw2objects on cycling, so the link always points to the currently selected sub-tooltip.
    		adjustWikiLinks                 : true,
    		legacyCompatibility             : true,
    		// Toggelable at runtime (key-binds) if `globalKeyBinds` was enabled when initializing.
    		showPreciseAbilityTimings       : false, // CTRL + ALT + t
    		showFactComputationDetail       : false, // CTRL + ALT + d
    		globalKeyBinds                  : true,
    		// Debug option to show warnings in case the api does not respond with all requested items.
    		validateApiResponses            : true,
    		// User hook to run after data download is complete. Not awaited.
    		afterDownload                   : undefined,
    		// Discouraged / Debug options
    		apiImpl                         : undefined,
    		workerPath                      : undefined,

    These can also just be partially defined. The library assumes that you don't change these during its lifetime (except the ones that can be changed using keybinds) so do it at your discretion and expect things to break. Typings can again be found in src/@types/Context.d.ts. The api implementation spec for apiImpl is defined in src/API.ts. The workerPath option can be used to load a Web Worker script. The provided one is however unstable (missing cache flushing as of now) and is therefore not used by default. Using the default worker is highly discouraged.

  4. Include the script and style

    	<script type="text/javascript" script="path/to/tooltips.js" defer></script>
    	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="path/to/your/tooltips.css" />

    By including the script it wil automatically hook the whole document of the current page (as long as the auto initialize config option is set to true). Use the defer keyword when loading the script to run it after the page has finished laoding, or put the script tag at the end of your html body. You may also call GW2TooltipsV2.hookDocument(targetNode) to specifically only process a target root node and its descendants.

Manual Usage

If you need a simple example on how to manually invoke the library, have a look at examples/palette_visualizer.htm. The page shows how to interact with the api to fetch information, and how to use that information manually as well as how to inflate objects and hook the tooltips into them.


Currently there are two hard-coded keybinds available:

  • ctrl + alt + D: toggle showFactComputationDetail
  • ctrl + alt + T: toggle showPreciseAbilityTimings
  • ctrl + alt + W: cycle all contexts currently selected weapon set

Compiling form TypeScript

  1. Download Node.js, make sure npm is in your path after you installed it.
  2. Clone this repository (git clone --depth 0 or download it via the github web ui.
  3. The tsconfig.json and rollup.config.mjs in the project root define all parameters. You only need to run npm run build in that directory.
  4. The out/ directory now holds your compiled tooltips.min.js file, a map file and the unstable worker.
  5. As a bare minimum you need tooltips.min.js and tooltips.css for this to work properly.


Copyright 2024 Hardstuck Ltd.
This notice applies to all files in this repository or otherwise belonging to the project.

Licensed under AGPL 3.0, contact us ( if you need differing licensing.


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