All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Fix a bug in 1.0.8 by downgrading the Stateless package.
- Use ValueTasks instead of Tasks for improved performance.
- Get NuGet to play nice about dependencies.
- Replaces 1.0.5, which was an invalid package update.
- Removed MoreLINQ dependency by making a copy of the function I needed and keep dependencies lower. License retained in the source file - to abide by Apache2 License.
- Removed MoreLINQ dependency by making a copy of the function I needed and keep dependencies lower. License retained in the source file - to abide by Apache2 License.
- Removed Serilog dependency in favor of Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions, which allows one to inject the preferred logger.
- Ensure that the Project Dependency on TelnetNegotiationCore.Functional is added as a DLL.
- Add MSDP support.
- Added a helper function to convert strings to safe byte arrays.
- Altered EOR functionality.
- Add callback function for MSSP.
- Target .NET 8.0.
- Change Methods to be properly async.
- Modernized TestClient example to use Pipes.
- Modernized TestServer example to use Pipes and Kestrel.
Initial version.
- Initial support for RFC855 (TELOPT)
- Initial support for RFC858 (GOAHEAD)
- Initial support for RFC1091 (TTERM)
- Initial support for MTTS
- Initial support for RFC885 (EOR)
- Initial support for RFC1073 (NAWS)
- Initial support for RFC2066 (CHARSET)
- Initial support for MSSP
- Initial support for GMCP