Releases: Helioviewer-Project/JHelioviewer-SWHV
Releases · Helioviewer-Project/JHelioviewer-SWHV
- Indicate diameter of circle annotation
- Indicate height above sphere of loop annotation top
- Indicate pixel coordinates of the decoded image under the mouse pointer
- Add ESAC as source server
- Add option to playback at high resolution
- Double-click to reset sliders to default
- Add toolbar button to reset camera axis
- Allow playback without image layers loaded (within selected time interval)
- Switch to Java 17
- Add multi-scale Gaussian normalization ( image enhancement
- Switch from NewtCanvasAWT to GLCanvas (full screen is lost)
- Switch to OpenGL 3.3
- Switch to Java 11
- Rework handling of threads throughout the program
- Use install4j for packaging installation
- Separate native libraries bundling per operating system
- Change video export to use FFmpeg and disk buffering
- Support pixel scale (HiDPI) in Windows 10 (#75,#76)
- Support pixel scale (HiDPI) in Linux
- Support fractional pixel scale
User interface
- Move plugins options to preferences
- Non-modal annotations (use shift+click), add loop annotation
- Simplify datetime selection and use NLP for input time parsing
- Support setting playback speed in time period per second
- Allow customization of grid type in latitudinal projection (#99)
- Allow several video export qualities of H.264 and H.265, as well as series of PNGs (#26,#44,#45)
- Add white background view option
- Allow setting a state file to load at start-up
- Play sequence of files as movie (#119)
- Incorporate SPICE and use it for input time parsing and position calculations for planets
- Use SPICE for the calculations of internal reference frames
- Draw spiral in heliosphere through the trajectory of the highlighted object
- Draw field-of-views of some SOLO, STEREO-A, SDO, and PROBA-2 remote sensing instruments with ability to "off-point"; draw borders of visible hemisphere, center meridian, and the great circle perpendicular on the central meridian
- Optionally distort displayed images according to solar differential rotation (Snodgrass, magnetic features)
- Read Helioviewer metadata from JPG and PNG files
- Load sequences of files as movie from the "jhv.load.image" SAMP message, example at
- Update AIA degradation correction
- Support IRIS SJI
- Support KCor dataset (#114)
- Support Solar Orbiter remote sensing datasets (EUI, PHI, Metis, SoloHI)
- Support Hi-C 1 and 2.1 datasets
- Support GOES SUVI datasets