This is a fork, with development continuing at the gitlab repository
#iRacingSDK.Net - Alternative
This library allows access to the raw data stream from the iRacing Motorsport Racing simulation ( It also provides an interface to control certain aspects of the game. It is based on the official C++ SDK.
It provides access to the game's data interface using conventional paradigms.
At this point in time, it is heavily focused on supporting the data stream provided by the game during a replay session. But it should also be useful for live non-replay mode.
There are other implementations of the iRacing SDK library - see the iRacing Developer's forum for references and downloads for those.
##Accessing game data
You can use the enumeration access of the iRacing class to access a stream of data samples, generated by the game. For example, to get a single sample you can use the following:
var iracing = new iRacingConnection();
var data = iracing.GetDataFeed().First();
This will return a single DataSample
Alternatively you can get a infinite sample set, or a set of samples until some condition is met.
foreach( var data in iracing
.TakeWhile( d => d.Telemetry.SessionState != SessionState.CoolDown ))
For more examples of accessing this data - checkout the Sample project within this repo.
##Access game data via Events
You can access the DataSample in an event handler. Add your event handler to the NewData event of the iRacing type.
public void Setup()
iracing.NewData += iRacing_NewData;
void iRacing_NewData(DataSample data)
var tractionControl = data.Telemetry.dcTractionControl;
NB: You can not access the GetDataFeed() enumerator inside an Event Handler - You can not use the two types of accessors to DataSamples - events or enumerators - but not both.
##Sending Messages to the game
You can use the Replay object to control various aspects of the game. For example, to change the camera to a specific car:
var data = iracing.GetDataFeed().First();
var camera = data.SessionData.CameraInfo.Groups.First(g => g.GroupName == "TV3");
var carIdx = 3;
var number = data.SessionData.DriverInfo.Drivers[carIdx].CarNumberRaw;
iRacing.Replay.CameraOnDriver((short)number, (short)camera.GroupNum, 0);
This type is the container for all data retrieved from iRacing. More details here
##Data Feed Filters
There are a set of extension methods to the IEnumerable<DataSample>
set to enhance and refine some of the game's data stream.
More details here